Video: “F*cking Cities Will Burn’ If Trump Gets Reelected” – O’Keefe Releases Teaser Of First 2020..

.....Bombshell With Hints Of Crazy Bernie!

Remember when James O’Keefe of Project Veritas dropped a bombshell with an undercover video of CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting the Trump-Russia story is bullsh*t but they continue to push the false narrative for “ratings.”

That was something that we knew but the mainstream media would have never admit.

Well, O’Keefe is back with more.

Today he tweeted: Watch this very closely for clues as to what is about to drop.

Watch until the very end…

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


May the instigators be arrested and jailed for their intention to "burn cities"

Radicals, Criminals, DemonRATS, The whole lot of them!

That would be just great. Finally a good excuse and justification to shoot the son of a bitches. I hope they start soon.
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Last edited:
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.
Funny how these scumbags NEVER listen to the voices of the left that is caught on tape, telling America what they really the Surrender Monkey gave away $150 BILLION to his BROTHER MUSLIMS....Wonder how much his KICKBACK WAS....A MANSION IN MASS.???

Why do you always have to lie to get your points across? Partisanship has made you stupid.

I gotta disagree. I think he started out stupid. After all he came here and named himself after the act of vomiting.
And your name brings up a bug eating cartoon vermin.......stress on cartoon creature!

"We have met the enemy, and he/she/it is Pogo..." :21:

Yep. Liars say that every day.

Then they'll come back the next day and try it again expecting different results. :cuckoo:
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Because he reports accurate accounts. Unlike you trolls.
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.

Hidden cameras do not lie!
Yeah they do, especially if you manipulate them.

The 33-year-old who tried to trick the Washington Post with a fake sexual harassment story has a long history of sting operations backfiring

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.

Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

You don't "pay" your smear subject for that. You get charged with a crime by the state.

State authorities are not to be confused with federal authorities, like the ones that slapped him with three years of probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine for burglarizing Mary Landrieu's office. Had the thug gotten away with that and then used whatever he claimed to have found to smear her, Landrieu (personally) would have had grounds for a CIVIL suit that would have been separate from the federal burglary charges.

As I said at the outset here, this is the kind of lowlife the OP holds in such regard that he's deifying the thug with capital-letter pronouns. Says a lot about the OP's standards.
Last edited:
Sorry pal he's got you dead to rights.
No one has yet accused O'Keefe of selective editing successfully. Oh sure once the recording is played back they claim some is missing. Typical.


Exactly. He’s never been found guilty of that or even charged with it, I don’t believe. Just by the media and the left.

O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

You don't "pay" your smear subject for that. You get charged with a crime by the state.
Was he charged with a crime claiming he edited the tape?
O'Keefe Pays $100,000 to ACORN Employee He Smeared

Your partisan hack dollars at work.

>> It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

As soon as O’Keefe and his partner-in-crime left the ACORN location, Mr. Vera called the police to report the entire incident. It turns out that Vera had been playing along with O’Keefe in an effort to ensnare O'Keefe and Giles whom Vera believed were in the act of breaking the law by proposing to engage in the importing of young women to become prostitutes.

Oops. <<​
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

You don't "pay" your smear subject for that. You get charged with a crime by the state.
Was he charged with a crime claiming he edited the tape?

EDITING is not a crime. Recording someone without their knowledge is.
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

You don't "pay" your smear subject for that. You get charged with a crime by the state.
Was he charged with a crime claiming he edited the tape?

EDITING is not a crime. Recording someone without their knowledge is.
Defamation through editing is...
Why would anyone take this lying felon seriously.? O’Keefe has been proven to be a fraud over and over again.

But then again, O’Keefe fans are the same people who support the biggest fraud and liar ever elected president.
So do you deny Bernies organizer said what he said?

Spin boy, spin...
He was charged with recording him, not ith editing the tape. Keep up.

On March 5, 2013, James O’Keefe reached a settlement in the last of several lawsuits filed against him in the wake of his exposé of ACORN. ACORN employee, Juan Carlos Vera brought a lawsuit against O’Keefe for secretly recording a conversation between the two of them as a part of O’Keefe’s independent journalistic investigation of the organization. As a result of the settlement, O’Keefe paid Vera $100,000 and was released from all liability stemming from the recording and its dissemination.
Vera v. O’Keefe | The Center for Individual Rights

Nape. He edited the tape dishonestly --- what does he do that isn't done that way --- and portrayed the employee as complicit. That employee could see, as anyone could, that this klown in ridiculous getup was probably insane, and played along to get information out of him which he then took to the authorities. He paid that fine because he was liable. You don't "buy" your way out of liability; that ain't how it works.

Or are you suggesting O'Keefe paid the man $100,000 for his collection of Spider Man comics?
Uh, no. He paid him for secretly recording him.

You don't "pay" your smear subject for that. You get charged with a crime by the state.
Was he charged with a crime claiming he edited the tape?

EDITING is not a crime. Recording someone without their knowledge is.

Wrong again, liar. The video was recorded in Iowa.

– If the person listening or recording is a sender or recipient of the communication, or is openly present and participating in the conversation, the communication can be recorded without the consent of the other parties. Individuals cannot legally record conversations while not present.

State-by-State Recording Laws

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