Video from 1995 - Obama thinks all whites are racists


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Video of Obama in 1995 talking about how he doesn't distinguish between good and bad whites because they are all racists. Anyone saying he is paranoid is the equivalent of calling him the 'n' word. He mentioned how he had been schooled by Frank Davis, a member of the communist party. Obama was influenced by radicals his entire life and it shows in the way he has attempted to transform this country.
From the link:

"In his book “Dreams From My Father,” the future president tried to conceal the identity of that mentor, referring to him only as “Frank.”

Later, when the audiobook version of “Dreams” was released, as Obama prepared for a run for the White House, all references to “Frank” were removed entirely.

But he didn’t count on the Internet, where things are rarely buried forever."


"In it, Obama described how his worldview as a teenager held that "any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning," inasmuch as they were all racist.

This makes more sense, given Obama’s nakedly racial reactions to everything from the Cambridge Police ("acted stupidly") to Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

He also equates calling someone who held this worldview "paranoid" equivalent to calling him the n-word.

Frank Marshall Davis, of course, was a former member of the Communist Party USA, so radical he earned a 600-page dossier of his activities from the FBI as well as a place on the bureau’s "security index," essentially meaning he could have been arrested at any time."

And don't bother attacking the source. Just watch the 2nd video on the page. I'm sure the media was aware of this video and Hillary no doubt had uncovered it, but it wasn't made public.
No surprises for anyone who actually read his ghost-written missives before his election(s). But, then, he didn't win for his personal philosophies. He won because he was "black" them. And, he promised free shit for any minority, unemployed, useless, POS, who voted him into office.
The warnings on Obama were sent out loud and clear and they STILL elected him

A lot of us knew what to expect from him and he has set back race relations in this country to even past Selma. and It was all INTENTIONAL

He's not only the worst President I have live under starting with Carter..... but a nasty, horrible, EVIL human being on top of it all

We will be paying for the damage his brought on us for years to come
Video of Obama in 1995 talking about how he doesn't distinguish between good and bad whites because they are all racists. Anyone saying he is paranoid is the equivalent of calling him the 'n' word. He mentioned how he had been schooled by Frank Davis, a member of the communist party. Obama was influenced by radicals his entire life and it shows in the way he has attempted to transform this country.

No surprise there... .
Do we really need any evidence beyond the past six years to understand the racism and anti-Americanism that defines shithead?

No, but liberals could use a dose of reality. Not that they'll believe it even when they see Obama actually saying it. Usually, they post insults or ignore such things.
It is natural that Obama thinks all whites are racist, projection. A person who doesn't trust can't be trusted. A person who thinks everyone is a racist is in fact a racist.

Obama would like us all to think he was down with the struggle but reality is far from him living the black experience. His life in fact was storybook man.

How does a person, who admits to poor grades, get into Columbia and Harvard? Just doesn't make sense. Did he do it inspite of being black or because he is black? Thus helping to form his racist thoughts?
Guys he won. It's over. Sorry.
It is natural that Obama thinks all whites are racist, projection. A person who doesn't trust can't be trusted. A person who thinks everyone is a racist is in fact a racist.

Obama would like us all to think he was down with the struggle but reality is far from him living the black experience. His life in fact was storybook man.

How does a person, who admits to poor grades, get into Columbia and Harvard? Just doesn't make sense. Did he do it inspite of being black or because he is black? Thus helping to form his racist thoughts?

I don't think Obama would have won had the media been more interested in vetting him instead of praising him and handling him with kid gloves.

A liberal finally chimes in here and it's the usual bullshit with snarky comments and not one comment on the actual video. It's like poster finds it funny that Obama fooled us and won.

Might be that Obama is the poster child for affirmative action. You'd think his privileged life would give him a different perspective of the country that afforded him such opportunity. Instead he seeks to bite the hand that fed him.

Still can't figure out how a poor kid managed to attend the most expensive schools and do extensive travelling abroad. Most college students I knew from middle class and lower class backgrounds scraped by. Frank Davis or someone else might have funded Obama's life. Someone must have because nothing makes sense. With his records sealed, the truth will stay hidden.
It is natural that Obama thinks all whites are racist, projection. A person who doesn't trust can't be trusted. A person who thinks everyone is a racist is in fact a racist.

Obama would like us all to think he was down with the struggle but reality is far from him living the black experience. His life in fact was storybook man.

How does a person, who admits to poor grades, get into Columbia and Harvard? Just doesn't make sense. Did he do it inspite of being black or because he is black? Thus helping to form his racist thoughts?

I don't think Obama would have won had the media been more interested in vetting him instead of praising him and handling him with kid gloves.

A liberal finally chimes in here and it's the usual bullshit with snarky comments and not one comment on the actual video. It's like poster finds it funny that Obama fooled us and won.

Might be that Obama is the poster child for affirmative action. You'd think his privileged life would give him a different perspective of the country that afforded him such opportunity. Instead he seeks to bite the hand that fed him.

Still can't figure out how a poor kid managed to attend the most expensive schools and do extensive travelling abroad. Most college students I knew from middle class and lower class backgrounds scraped by. Frank Davis or someone else might have funded Obama's life. Someone must have because nothing makes sense. With his records sealed, the truth will stay hidden.

Truth is, Michelle Obama's life is more in line with the black experience and even though she rose from poverty to attend prestigious schools she never was proud of this country until Obama was elected. I can just image what effect that attitude had on B. Obama.
Funny that not one lib had anything to say about the video showing what a racist Obama is. He has a poor opinion of ALL whites, yet the libs just chime in with the usual crap about him winning. And, no, I won't get over some racist radical winning because the media covered for his sorry ass. He still has another year to damage this country and he seems determined. Cutting congress out of the picture and ignoring the constitution is disgusting, yet the left thinks it's okay for him to act like a damn dictator. Seriously, libs, is it really okay with you to hear Obama say that he sees no difference in good or bad whites because they are all racist? Hell of an assumption and yet not a peep or complaint from the useful idiots.
Funny that not one lib had anything to say about the video showing what a racist Obama is. He has a poor opinion of ALL whites, yet the libs just chime in with the usual crap about him winning. And, no, I won't get over some racist radical winning because the media covered for his sorry ass. He still has another year to damage this country and he seems determined. Cutting congress out of the picture and ignoring the constitution is disgusting, yet the left thinks it's okay for him to act like a damn dictator. Seriously, libs, is it really okay with you to hear Obama say that he sees no difference in good or bad whites because they are all racist? Hell of an assumption and yet not a peep or complaint from the useful idiots.

Winning, by any means, is all that is important to the liberal left.
And to think, Hillary will be elected because she's a) Liberal and b) Female. And all her foibles, faults, transgressions will be conveniently dismissed by the Liberal media and Democrats nationwide.

If she runs, she wins.

We R Fucked.
With no condom....
Funny that not one lib had anything to say about the video showing what a racist Obama is. He has a poor opinion of ALL whites, yet the libs just chime in with the usual crap about him winning. And, no, I won't get over some racist radical winning because the media covered for his sorry ass. He still has another year to damage this country and he seems determined. Cutting congress out of the picture and ignoring the constitution is disgusting, yet the left thinks it's okay for him to act like a damn dictator. Seriously, libs, is it really okay with you to hear Obama say that he sees no difference in good or bad whites because they are all racist? Hell of an assumption and yet not a peep or complaint from the useful idiots.
Treat a race of people like shit and there will be backlash...

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