Video from the Battle fo Bunkerville (Navada Ranch Patriots Restoring Rule of Law)

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
This video is perhaps the best of them all, but it's not a youtube link.

[ame=]Ranch Riot!! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9's. - YouTube[/ame]

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so now....overgrazing and not paying the fees are the rule of law?

i never expected a conservative to support squatters.....i wonder how you will feel when someone decides they have rented your land long enough to own it?

and another thing...if i were putin i would be laughing my ass off.....obama cant deal with a domestic stand off but putin should be scared to move into the ukraine?
I don't care if he broke the law or not. Anyone who can stand up to the government and win, has my respect.
I don't care if he broke the law or not. Anyone who can stand up to the government and win, has my respect.

The way Progressives would have it, is that any who possesses a firearm is breaking the law, a dream they accomplished in the UK and Australia.
I don't care if he broke the law or not. Anyone who can stand up to the government and win, has my respect.

The way Progressives would have it, is that any who possesses a firearm is breaking the law, a dream they accomplished in the UK and Australia.

No. He broke the law. But the government paid dearly for it's heavy handed tactics. It wasn't about guns (although liberals may have made it out to be had it escalated any further), nor was it about cattle. He was being roughhoused by a very large and powerful government. I don't stand for what the government did, even if he did break the law. Besides, they violated his 8th Amendment rights by even having trained snipers on his property. All over cows. Pretty simple.
so now....overgrazing and not paying the fees are the rule of law?

i never expected a conservative to support squatters.....i wonder how you will feel when someone decides they have rented your land long enough to own it?

and another thing...if i were putin i would be laughing my ass off.....obama cant deal with a domestic stand off but putin should be scared to move into the ukraine?

It's funny, I would think those on the left would be supportive to be honest. I don't see this any different from the Occupy Protests. The farmer disagrees with the government and is peacefully protesting by allowing his cattle to continue to graze on public land.

The Occupy Movement protested on public/ federal lands. They were granted rights to stay through court rulings, granted camping permits when such had never been granted before. They were coddled and held up as people to emulate by many on the left.

All told their "peaceful protests" cost taxpayers tens of millions, much due to damage to public lands. They left horrible messes in many places, fecal matter and other bodily fluids, they destroyed a park in Portland among others. They broke into Oakland City Hall, there was a ton of damage in many states.

Heck the protestors ended up suing for lost belongings ( books in one case) when they were told to leave and they won, in one case they won 45 thousand. Some are still suing and some are still protesting, years later. They were in the news in Denver a few days ago.
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The government avoided a confrontation that would have ended up with a lot of dead people. That is what you fruitloops are looking for. Now, as the days wear on, and these fruitloops realize they have to earn a living, they may find some impediments. For the rest of the sane population of this nation does not find itself amused by their antics.
The government avoided a confrontation that would have ended up with a lot of dead people. That is what you fruitloops are looking for.

Funny, I always thought it was the invaders who comes in full military gear and armored cars to destroy and seize property that START the confrontation LOOKING for a fight.
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