video-Howard Dean: Of Course Health Care Law Is Redistribution of Wealth

And words have definitions taht we are all supposed to accept.

Why do you wish to redefine words to make your arguement?

In economics terms "redistribution of wealth" is the transfer of income, accumulated wealth or property from some individuals to give to other individuals. That is not my opinion. That is a fact. That is what it means. Live with it. It ain't taxes - moron.

Dean never said that phrase
And words have definitions taht we are all supposed to accept.

Why do you wish to redefine words to make your arguement?

You've given a definition of the word redistribution. Do you really not know that there is a difference between the word redistribution and the phrase "redistribution of wealth?"


Go watach the tape and tell me where he says redistribution of wealth?

It took about 20 seconds for him to say it's redistribution. If it wasn't wealth he was talking about, what the hell do you think it was ?

If you wanna play that stupidity card then i guess Clinton didn't really have sexual relations with Lewinsky and OJ Simpson was innocent ? ....... :cuckoo:
And words have definitions taht we are all supposed to accept.

Why do you wish to redefine words to make your arguement?

In economics terms "redistribution of wealth" is the transfer of income, accumulated wealth or property from some individuals to give to other individuals. That is not my opinion. That is a fact. That is what it means. Live with it. It ain't taxes - moron.

Dean never said that phrase

Obama did. And that is far more important than whether or not Dean said it. Obama can go fuck himself - he is not getting mine.
Where did TM go? What's the matter truthmatters, can't handle the truth?

The average tax refund this year is UP several hundred dollars, thanks in large part to tax cuts and credits over the last year.

You know, the year that Obama supposedly raised everyone's taxes?
The average tax refund this year is UP several hundred dollars, thanks in large part to tax cuts and credits over the last year.

You know, the year that Obama supposedly raised everyone's taxes?


I'd love to see the proof of this.

This is the FIRST year since I've been out of college that I've had to pay at the end of the year. And do you know why? Because of Obama's FAKE tax cut. You know, the one where he decreased the withholding from everyone's paycheck, only to "forget" to actually change the tax tables, so that every penny of that "tax cut" has to be paid back at the end of the year.

Oh, and since when does a refund check at the end of the year mean you're actually paying less taxes anyway. All it usually means is that you've paid more in than your tax table allows the government to take out of your paycheck.

But, please provide that link and also the link that shows those tax cuts and breaks that Obama has bestowed upon us. Thank in advance.

they are gonna get some "obama money" :lol::lol::lol:

I'm just waiting to quit my "jobs" so I can go on the Obama welfare program and all those young healthy liberals get to PAY for it..:woohoo:

If you quit your job for no credible reason, you likely won't qualify for "welfare" and you most definitely won't even collect unemployment. Knock yourself out trying.

Oh don't worry, I'm sure there is some way to game the system. I'm not going to be a Obama slave and will enjoy having all you Obamabots pay for it.:lol:
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That was not the claim I made.

I said they were all examples of redistribution of wealth.

They are and insulting me will not change these facts as some have done.

So your definition of redistribution is that money is taken from a certain group and used to fund benefits / programs / services that are available to everyone, correct?

Redistribution - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Main Entry: re·dis·trib·ute
Pronunciation: \ˌrē-də-ˈstri-ˌbyüt also -byət\
Function: transitive verb
Date: 1611
1 : to alter the distribution of : reallocate
2 : to spread to other areas

— re·dis·tri·bu·tion \(ˌ)rē-ˌdis-trə-ˈbyü-shən\ noun

— re·dis·tri·bu·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective

— re·dis·trib·u·tive \ˌrē-də-ˈstri-byü-tiv, -byə-\ adjective

That is only the definition of redistribution.

That is not the definition of the concept of "redistribution of wealth"

here is more what I meant...let me re-quote myself below without using the quote function.

Resdistribution of wealth by the government, for example Welfare or Social Security, is egalitarianism put into practice at the point of a gun. This blatant theft is often obscured by the fact that it is voted into place. They claim that the majority of people believe some individuals are deserving of "charity", and people should give some money to them. They say that they don't mind that government is using their money to help the needy.

This is an obfuscation, though. If people felt they should be charitable, they could donate on their own. Government is an agency of force. If something can be done voluntary, it wouldn't need to be done by the government. The redistributionists don't just want to give their money, they want to give other people's money away. Specifically, they want to take money from those that have earned it, and given to those that haven't.

Redistribution of wealth is an attack on the successful, and a subsidy to the unsuccessful. Egalitarians aims to achieve equality by bringing down the good to their level. Redistribution of wealth is one method of achieving their goal.

As you can see from my descriptions the police, military, libraries, public roads, and public parks do not fit into redistribution of wealth based on how the revenues are made to support each one and also based on the activities required to receive said revenues.

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