VIDEO: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
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There was this gigantic economic crash back in 2008. Maybe some of you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Before that, when we had full employment, we had the same number of illegal immigrants we have now

All those jobs that were lost in the crash? It isn't the fault of the Mexicans. Sorry!
I don't mean to minimize the practice of bringing in immigrants who do not have H-1B visas and using them to replace American workers. That is an evil practice and should be stopped.

But this is not the leading cause of unemployment.
Once again I find myself saying...unemployment is not the worst problem. underemployment is.
There are many, many low wage/part-time jobs to be had. What is missing is full-time/good wage/benefits jobs.
Out of the nations top 10 employers - The top 3, and 6 out of the 10 are companies whose labor force is entirely low-wage/part time.
This has never happened before.
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.
Once again I find myself saying...unemployment is not the worst problem. underemployment is.
There are many, many low wage/part-time jobs to be had. What is missing is full-time/good wage/benefits jobs.
Out of the nations top 10 employers - The top 3, and 6 out of the 10 are companies whose labor force is entirely low-wage/part time.
This has never happened before.
Change it or adapt
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yo, it is happening across America, Pedro the Mexican is learning how to do the job by Danny the American who is getting kicked to the curb for cheap labor, SAD, but true! Thank You Obama, and so-called Democrats!

And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.
Don't you mean your MessiahRushie who has for an advertiser on his program a company who offers "outsourced" workers like an "expert software programmer for $8 per hour?"
Yo, it is happening across America, Pedro the Mexican is learning how to do the job by Danny the American who is getting kicked to the curb for cheap labor, SAD, but true! Thank You Obama, and so-called Democrats!
Except the employment companies offering these cheap outsourced laborers are advertising on GOP hate radio!!!
I don't see liberal or conservative ideology being the problem here.

It's the greedheadism that is undermining this nation.

Nixon opened up China so our millionaires could exploit their cheap labor.
Carter presided over the abandonment of America by our manufacturing industry.
Reagan greatly heated up the war on the American Blue Collar Worker.
Clinton nailed down the coffin lid on the American dream.
Bush successfully made military service a growth industry.
Obama will finish us off as a sustainable economic power with his TPP.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But the real culprit is us, the voter, for basing our vote on the TV ads and voting our emotions against our best interests.

Congress is not your friend. Unless you've got a pot of money.
I don't see liberal or conservative ideology being the problem here.

It's the greedheadism that is undermining this nation.

Nixon opened up China so our millionaires could exploit their cheap labor.
Carter presided over the abandonment of America by our manufacturing industry.
Reagan greatly heated up the war on the American Blue Collar Worker.
Clinton nailed down the coffin lid on the American dream.
Bush successfully made military service a growth industry.
Obama will finish us off as a sustainable economic power with his TPP.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But the real culprit is us, the voter, for basing our vote on the TV ads and voting our emotions against our best interests.

Congress is not your friend. Unless you've got a pot of money.

Americans are so party centric they are absolutely blind to reality.
You are exactly right here.
The Democrat/Obama supporters for the past several years have been bragging about how much better the economy is, and unemployment has dropped - and oh - look how great the markets are. Go Obama!!
But one simple fact that puts all of this in the dung pile is this - since 2009, the top 7% wage earners have bathed in a record 33% earnings increase. The remaining 93% of working Americans have suffered, on average, a 5% decrease in earnings.
The growth of the past 6 years has ALL been only for the wealthiest Americans PERIOD.
The war on the middle class began in the 70's. By the 80's it was trotting right along, by the 90's and 2000's it was full steam ahead....hidden by Americans using debt as income.
The 2010's..the war is winding down. The wealthy are now exceedingly wealthy. The middle class is a mere shadow if it's former self.
But we just keep voting in the same people over and over because we are nothing more than simple sheep.
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.

No,letting millions of immigrants into our country caused the problem.
You can blame both sides for that.
Some people need to wake up and realize that the American worker is being fucked by design.
The government is looking for a populous that is happy living in a shithole apartment and working for peanuts. What better way to get em than importing them?
I don't see liberal or conservative ideology being the problem here.

It's the greedheadism that is undermining this nation.

Nixon opened up China so our millionaires could exploit their cheap labor.
Carter presided over the abandonment of America by our manufacturing industry.
Reagan greatly heated up the war on the American Blue Collar Worker.
Clinton nailed down the coffin lid on the American dream.
Bush successfully made military service a growth industry.
Obama will finish us off as a sustainable economic power with his TPP.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But the real culprit is us, the voter, for basing our vote on the TV ads and voting our emotions against our best interests.

Congress is not your friend. Unless you've got a pot of money.

It doesnt matter who you vote for since both sides have been doing it since Reagan.
I don't mean to minimize the practice of bringing in immigrants who do not have H-1B visas and using them to replace American workers. That is an evil practice and should be stopped.

But this is not the leading cause of unemployment.

The discussion in the video was related to Americans being replaced with lower skilled, lower wage H-1B holders.
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.

No,letting millions of immigrants into our country caused the problem.
You can blame both sides for that.
Some people need to wake up and realize that the American worker is being fucked by design.
The government is looking for a populous that is happy living in a shithole apartment and working for peanuts. What better way to get em than importing them?
Damn youre ignorant. Everybody is an immigrant except the natives. The new immigrants were brought in for the same purposes the old immigrants were brought in for. Cheap labor. Thats the backbone of capitalism. It must hurt for you to be such a fucking idiot. :laugh:
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.

No,letting millions of immigrants into our country caused the problem.
You can blame both sides for that.
Some people need to wake up and realize that the American worker is being fucked by design.
The government is looking for a populous that is happy living in a shithole apartment and working for peanuts. What better way to get em than importing them?
Damn youre ignorant. Everybody is an immigrant except the natives. The new immigrants were brought in for the same purposes the old immigrants were brought in for. Cheap labor. Thats the backbone of capitalism. It must hurt for you to be such a fucking idiot. :laugh:

I cant believe you're smart enough to breath....
Because you just said pretty much the same thing I did. Of course you cant seem to figure out why dems want em here as well...but thats no surprise.
Leave it to an idiot like you not to notice that both sides are fucking the American people. Anyone with half a brain should be I guess that leaves you out.
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.

No,letting millions of immigrants into our country caused the problem.
You can blame both sides for that.
Some people need to wake up and realize that the American worker is being fucked by design.
The government is looking for a populous that is happy living in a shithole apartment and working for peanuts. What better way to get em than importing them?
Damn youre ignorant. Everybody is an immigrant except the natives. The new immigrants were brought in for the same purposes the old immigrants were brought in for. Cheap labor. Thats the backbone of capitalism. It must hurt for you to be such a fucking idiot. :laugh:

I cant believe you're smart enough to breath....
Because you just said pretty much the same thing I did. Of course you cant seem to figure out why dems want em here as well...but thats no surprise.
Leave it to an idiot like you not to notice that both sides are fucking the American people. Anyone with half a brain should be I guess that leaves you out.
Where did you get the idea I didnt know both sides were part of it? I know I didnt say that. I just said you dumb ass conservatives actually want to vote for tax cuts for the capitalists that are driving the whole thing.
And yes, liberals, this is not about Bush, Sara Palin or Ted Cruz it is all about what your party and Obama is doing to the working poor of this country. Sad really, really sad. I can't wait for the first liberal to post how lazy are the American poor.

An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.

“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Read more: Laid-off American worker makes impassioned case against low-cost foreign workers - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
The dynamics are changing. You must be a conservative and therefore unable to adapt so you whine. Capitalism brought this on. Wake up and smell the roses. This is no longer the industrial age. Its the information age.

No,letting millions of immigrants into our country caused the problem.
You can blame both sides for that.
Some people need to wake up and realize that the American worker is being fucked by design.
The government is looking for a populous that is happy living in a shithole apartment and working for peanuts. What better way to get em than importing them?
Damn youre ignorant. Everybody is an immigrant except the natives. The new immigrants were brought in for the same purposes the old immigrants were brought in for. Cheap labor. Thats the backbone of capitalism. It must hurt for you to be such a fucking idiot. :laugh:

I cant believe you're smart enough to breath....
Because you just said pretty much the same thing I did. Of course you cant seem to figure out why dems want em here as well...but thats no surprise.
Leave it to an idiot like you not to notice that both sides are fucking the American people. Anyone with half a brain should be I guess that leaves you out.
Where did you get the idea I didnt know both sides were part of it? I know I didnt say that. I just said you dumb ass conservatives actually want to vote for tax cuts for the capitalists that are driving the whole thing.

The very fact that both sides are doing this should concern you.
Your tech job can easily be filled by some dude from New Dehli at half the cost.
Me personally? It wont effect me one way or another except to bring my expenditures down since I'm retired.
I only care because I hate to see my country's future sold down the river for a bunch of corporate assholes that own both parties.
Not sure what you're fighting for...

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