Video: Liberal woman melts down over confederate flag, falsely claims assault


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Video: Liberal Woman Melts Down Over Confederate Flag, Falsely Claims Assault

A Portland, Oregon, woman recorded herself confronting employees of a liquidation store because there were Confederate flag rugs for sale.

At the beginning of the video, the woman, identified as Heather Franklin, can be heard asking, “You don’t care about having hate flags on your wall?”

A man in a blue shirt then asked, “How is that a hate symbol? You should read your history.”

Franklin replied by saying, “It’s a symbol of slavery, it’s like having a Swastika on your wall.”

When she walked by a man in a red shirt, now identified as an employee of the store, he flipped her off and said, “Bye bitch.”

He then asked, “Are you a Hillary or Bernie supporter? Which one did you vote for that lost? Is that why you’re in a bad mood?”

She responded by saying, “No, I’m in a bad mood because there’s a hate symbol on the wall.”

Eventually the woman left the store after being asked to do so multiple times, but she lingered around in the parking lot and continued to film, venting her frustration to the camera.

The two men who also filmed the argument with Franklin followed her to the parking lot as she began to scream, “Let me leave!” and “Don’t come any closer!”

The woman kept saying she was trying to leave, but couldn’t because the men were “approaching” her, but the video clearly shows the men stood at a safe distance.

When a woman in the parking lot approached one of the men who was filming, Franklin quickly became erratic, breathing heavy, shaking and crying.

The woman who was attempting to help the situation then walked toward Franklin saying, “You’re ok”, but Franklin refused to be calmed, replying, “No I’m not, he just attacked me in the store.”

Franklin’s own video documentation proves she was never physically assaulted or attacked and that she started the confrontation in the first place.

The Portland media came to Franklin’s defense with headlines like, “Woman Intimidated After She Asks About Confederate Flag Rug At Portland Store” and even promoted a protest set to take place at the store

The CEO of the store, Andrew Toolson, cowered down to the liberal media of Portland by removing the rugs from the store and placing the two employees on indefinite leave.........................CONTINUED

This snowflake whining big baby lying ass hole gets bent out of shape over a Confederate rug/flag\
. Even the Mexican isn't bent about it.
Then she accuses one guy of following and coming up behind her which he did no such thing.
This is sooo your lunatic Liberal man hones to gawd.
All on video and the idiot lies away ...........................they all lie, cheat, exaggerate, back stab, and want constant attention .......


Confederate Flag not symbol of racism

In recent years the Confederate Flag has been maligned as a symbol of racism.

Confederate: (The World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary) (1)-" a country, person, etc. joined with another for mutual support or joint action." The original 13 colonies were a confederation.

The United States was originally a confederation of states, with each running their own state government. The 10th Amendment to our Constitution provided the federal government only with certain specific rights. Everything not specifically delegated to the federal government was supposed to be left to the state governments.

In their quest for expansion of federal power, President Lincoln and his supporters ignored the 10th Amendment to our Constitution and started the War of Northern Aggression. (so called "Civil War.)

The war of 1861-1865 was not a civil war. It was fought between two nations. When the Constitution was ratified the states retained the right to secede. When the rights of the Southern States were abrogated, they exercised that privilege. After withdrawing from the Union, they formed their own government, the Confederate States of America, a separate government. The state of Massachusetts had threatened to exercise this right only a few years previously, over the Louisiana Territory. The war was fought for constitutional rights.

This war was not fought over the issue of slavery. The North did not at first fight to free the slaves. "I have no purpose, directly, or indirectly, to interfere with slavery in the states where it exists," said Lincoln early in the conflict. The Union Congress overwhelmingly endorsed this position in July 1861, some three months after the war began in April. Within a year however, desperately trying to regain waning public support for the war, both Lincoln and the Congress decided to make emancipation of slaves in Confederate States a Union war policy.

It is interesting the U.S. Gen. Grant didn't free his own slaves until after the war was over. Gen. Lee himself didn't believe in slavey and had already freed his slaves. Another interesting fact is that only 6 percent of Southerners owned slaves, and among this 6 percent were 13,000 free blacks who owned slaves themselves.

The truth is that the vast majority of white people were very poor and had to work just as hard as the slaves to survive, and out of necessity, so did their sharecroppers.

The victor in a war always gets to write the history. Consequently, much of our history is hogwash.

Many relevant facts are either omitted or distorted for political purposed, much the same as the propaganda put out by our major networks and "news" papers.

Impeach present federal judges and restore constitutional government.

All of the above is what the Confederate flag means to me. Long may it wave.

Maurice Higginbotham,
Elkhart, TX
Confederate Flag not symbol of racism
It's obvious that this Lying Lunatic is short her meds. Just what do they think they are going to get by going ballistic over nothing? Perhaps they have a padded cell for her and she can eat the playdoh while she colors.

The Panti Waste Toolson should be ashamed. Just My Own Humble Opinion.
It's obvious that this Lying Lunatic is short her meds. Just what do they think they are going to get by going ballistic over nothing? Perhaps they have a padded cell for her and she can eat the playdoh while she colors.

The Panti Waste Toolson should be ashamed. Just My Own Humble Opinion.

She def. went over board.
In Oregon she can fuck the hell off.

She never had a grandma or knew people that hid from Sherman. Unless she migrated there.

Sherman is the reason why the South is pissed, and pissed we are, believe that.

From Virginia down. He never made it 'round heanh, but I've heard horror stories from GA black people.

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In Oregon she can fuck the hell off.

She never had a grandma or knew people that hid from Sherman. Unless she migrated there.

Sherman is the reason why the South is pissed, and pissed we are, believe that.

From Virginia down.

They made sure to block the comments on that video too. LMFAO. It has a shit load of thumbs down too. hahaa.
If she doesn't like what the store has for sale, where is it written that she had to have anything to do with the place? If you don't like what is for sale, leave! You are free to do just that at any time!

God bless you always!!!


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