Video of Johnny Reb flag being removed.

You nazi hypocrites should insist on the removal from government grounds any vestige of MLK because his serial infidelity demonstrated a sexist mysoginist tendency. Disregard any nobility and only focus on his sexism. Just like you lefty nazis do with other selective artifacts and symbols.

But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You nazi hypocrites should insist on the removal from government grounds any vestige of MLK because his serial infidelity demonstrated a sexist mysoginist tendency. Disregard any nobility and only focus on his sexism. Just like you lefty nazis do with other selective artifacts and symbols.

But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.

the Kennedy's were notorious for chasing whores. its was Hoovers edge to keep from getting fired. he found dirt under the nails of every prez he worked for. and that's why he lasted so long

I wouldn't call the women chased by the Kennedys "whores," They were groupies...normal girls infatuated with famous men and power.
It was wrong for married men to carry on in such a fashion and Hoover took advantage of that. Even as he kept his own deviant sexuality under wraps.
But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!

the story goes Hoover had a mic planted under MLK's bed so he got all the grunts and groans
Was hoover in an adjoining room entertaining his male lover while wearing high heels and pink panties?

sure. he and the Kennedy's were having a high ole time
er... The Kennedy's were not gay. Ol' bull dog face'ed Hoover was!
You nazi hypocrites should insist on the removal from government grounds any vestige of MLK because his serial infidelity demonstrated a sexist mysoginist tendency. Disregard any nobility and only focus on his sexism. Just like you lefty nazis do with other selective artifacts and symbols.

But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.

the Kennedy's were notorious for chasing whores. its was Hoovers edge to keep from getting fired. he found dirt under the nails of every prez he worked for. and that's why he lasted so long
I was talking about MLK.
You nazi hypocrites should insist on the removal from government grounds any vestige of MLK because his serial infidelity demonstrated a sexist mysoginist tendency. Disregard any nobility and only focus on his sexism. Just like you lefty nazis do with other selective artifacts and symbols.

But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, you do know that to go take it half-way down? (Actually, the correct way is to run it all the way up...then half down) Think about it.....maybe you'll get it.

It wasnt' on a pulley system.

Think about it...maybe you'll get it.
Did you bother to watch the video? It most certainly was.

Did you notice there was no way to halt it halfway down?

There is no mechanism in place for that to happen.

You seem to be the only one left in the country that seems to believe you can make the impossible happen merely because you wish it.

Did you bother to read the rules about lowering it?

Or have you lived your whole life with the attitude, "I want it, and I want it NOW!!!"
Seriously? Did you see the guy operating the crank to get it down? What do you think happens if he stops cranking when it's halfway? :lol:

Seriously, do you understand the law governing the raising and lowering of that flag?

It's been explained to you at least a dozen times, and you still want to argue about it.

At least a dozen times? :lol: At least I know about how to raise and lower a flag and actually watched the video.
It wasnt' on a pulley system.

Think about it...maybe you'll get it.
Did you bother to watch the video? It most certainly was.

Did you notice there was no way to halt it halfway down?

There is no mechanism in place for that to happen.

You seem to be the only one left in the country that seems to believe you can make the impossible happen merely because you wish it.

Did you bother to read the rules about lowering it?

Or have you lived your whole life with the attitude, "I want it, and I want it NOW!!!"
Seriously? Did you see the guy operating the crank to get it down? What do you think happens if he stops cranking when it's halfway? :lol:

Seriously, do you understand the law governing the raising and lowering of that flag?

It's been explained to you at least a dozen times, and you still want to argue about it.

At least a dozen times? :lol: At least I know about how to raise and lower a flag and actually watched the video.

yes, between this thread and others, at least a dozen.

and if you had paid attention, you would have known that the governor had NO control over it being raised or lowered
But MLK was a conservative Republican, not a democrat! He was also an American who never took up arms against his countrymen. His "vestiges" are not associated with insurrection, the KKK, hate, and murder. The Rebel Flag is associated with all of those things.

If you can't see the difference, you are denser than the turd of a constipated elephant!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
But he was a sexist. All vestiges of MLK must be removed if we are to apply selective recognition of history the way you nazicrats do.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.
You should ask yourself with the utmost candor why you are such an idiot.
No, MLK was NOT a sexist, he was allegedly an adulterer, not a sexist. Your education level is showing and it isn't favorable. There may be some plenary argument for saying MLK was a misogamist rather than a misogynist based on the allegations of infidelity; but, you are the only one trying to make a federal case out of it! It'll take more than that...keep trying!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.
You should ask yourself with the utmost candor why you are such an idiot.
Troll. LaTroll (your ghetto name).
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!
You can't handle the logic. Another left troll.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!
You can't handle the logic. Another left troll.
Yeah, anyone who smacks you upside the head with truth is a troll. I get it!
He used women for pleasure. That's a sexist. Keep making bogus excuses for duplicity.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!

Also a flag of Heritage, and Rebellion.

and had flown as such many times.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!

Also a flag of Heritage, and Rebellion.

and had flown as such many times. the Confederacy LOST THE FRIGGIN' WAR! IT's OVER!
The CSA battle flag or any other rebel artifact does NOT need to be publicly displayed on national monuments or state capitol buildings!
The "heritage" of slavery and of "hate" and rebellion has no value to the Union of diverse peoples!
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.

You couldn't hold my jock strap! No, I won't go for it! George, Thomas and Martin are all considered great Americans by most people. They are honored as such.

The Rebel flag is that of a defeated enemy whose descendants are
still waiting for the south to "rise again." Hmmm! And then what? heh heh heh!

Also a flag of Heritage, and Rebellion.

and had flown as such many times.
Go visit it in the museum and celebrate the heritage of losers and traitors. No one cares.
Using women for pleasure is sexist? Well, I guess all of us straight guys are guilty of that and that includes a LOT of conservative white guys . BTW , have you considered that the women MLK was allegedly involved with were using HIM for pleasure! It wasn't RAPE ya know!
You're rationalizing.
Well, thank you! You are NOT rationalizing or being logical. All vestiges of MLK shouldn't be removed because he had affairs with women any more than vestiges of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson should be removed for doing the same thing! Don't forget Eisenhower!
Go for it. Problem is you fanatical lefty fascists will have already removed vestiges of those others due to claims of racism. I'm just holding you lefty hypocrites accountable for your lack of consistency.
You should ask yourself with the utmost candor why you are such an idiot.
Troll. LaTroll (your ghetto name).
I guess you couldnt be truthful even with your own self despite my plea for you to do so.

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