Video of putins´s soldier beheading Ukrainian prisoner of war sparks fury in Kyiv as Zelensky vows to bring war criminals to justice

This woman and the others like her and those who deny the brutality that certain Putin's Russians have done and continue to do are a bunch or nasty enablers.

I recall her calling for the slaughter of the Ukrainian people in several youtube videos. I avoid watching anything that has that ugly bitch and the others like her in it now. May their hatred fall back on their own heads, amen.

we always must remember who we deal with ....WITH THE DOG-PIGS 🇷🇺 !
This woman and the others like her and those who deny the brutality that certain Putin's Russians have done and continue to do are a bunch or nasty enablers.

I recall her calling for the slaughter of the Ukrainian people in several youtube videos. I avoid watching anything that has that ugly bitch and the others like her in it now. May their hatred fall back on their own heads, amen.
So are you saying that the Russian telegram channel that uploaded the original videos are merely propaganda? Say is that Russian propaganda or USA propaganda; perhaps Ukrainians cutting off the heads of their peeps something like ISIS did in Syria and other areas around the globe???

This woman and the others like her and those who deny the brutality that certain Putin's Russians have done and continue to do are a bunch or nasty enablers.

I recall her calling for the slaughter of the Ukrainian people in several youtube videos. I avoid watching anything that has that ugly bitch and the others like her in it now. May their hatred fall back on their own heads, amen.
from other, evil side :

we always must remember who we deal with ....

Great idea. Lets DO remind everyone who we're dealing with.

Zelenskyy is a satanic, cross-dressing, queer (truth be known). Sending American tax dollars to defend this PUKE is a slap in America's face.
cross-dressing, queer (truth be known)
YOU ARE a LYING , CHEAP IVAN´S WHORE, HE IS NOT "QUEER" , he was an actor long time ago, and this was his act. + With your sick, 3- world mentality you belong to Moscow horde or Iran not to our Free men , developed world , MOVE TO OMSK YOU IVAN´S BITCH

Who's "they?" The video is freely downloadable online. It first appeared on russian telegram channels and spread out from there.
I joined several Russian Telegram channels and they don´t have such videos. Anyway, you guys didn´t care when the Obama rebels slaughtered and abducted men, women and children in Syria. You didn´t care at all. I wonder what´s new about this alleged one.
YOU ARE a LYING , CHEAP IVAN´S WHORE, HE IS NOT "QUEER" , he was an actor long time ago, and this was his act. + With your sick, 3- world mentality you belong to Moscow horde or Iran not to our Free men , developed world , MOVE TO OMSK YOU IVAN´S BITCH

Triggered much? Now go collect your paycheck from fag-boy. You're doing a great job covering for him.
Patton was discussing the Jewish Bolsheviks who took control of Russia and massacred or starved millions of ethnic Russians. Bolshevik Russia was Marxist/Leninist Russia at its very worst.

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