Video: Old man yells at cloud...this needs a retch aleart...damn


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
my gawd, what is wrong with you people in Nevada?
links and a disgusting video of this buffoon at site


posted at 4:01 pm on March 13, 2014 by Allahpundit

In which the Grandpa Simpson of the Senate utters the word “radical” 21 times in less than seven minutes.

It has, alas, come to this:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Thursday accused Republicans of holding up crucial assistance to Ukraine in order to protect the Koch brothers.

Reid tied the billionaire brothers who have bankrolled conservative causes to GOP demands that language delaying the Internal Revenue Service’s regulation of non-profit political advocacy groups be added to the Ukraine package…

“It’s hard for me to comprehend how with a clear conscience they could say, ‘Ukrainians, we probably can’t help you because we’re trying to protect the Koch brothers,’” he said on Thursday. “And not only that, they’re saying to the American people that protecting the Koch brothers is more important than helping our country.”

What’s the strategy here? And don’t tell me “he’s trying to rev up the Democratic base.” They did the same thing in 2010, hyperventilating over secret “foreign money” and the Chamber of Commerce (ironically, now a Democratic ally on amnesty), and they got roundly destroyed at the polls for their trouble.

No one cares enough about this to make their vote turn on it; if you’re a liberal who hates the Kochs with a blinding passion, you’ve got a thousand other issues that’ll get you down to the voting booth with or without Reid’s Koch binge.

Granted, demagoging the Kochs might squeeze an extra nickel from lefty donors, but surely not so much that it’s worth the Senate majority leader droning on repeatedly about this for weeks on end.

If this is part of a party-driven strategy to hit liberals in their wallets, why on earth would you farm it out to Harry Reid instead of to Elizabeth Warren, whom the left loves and whose leadership on this subject would inevitably be amplified by breathless media treating it as a sign that she might run in 2016?

all of it here
Video: Old man yells at cloud « Hot Air
Did Republicans actually put something about the IRS investigating right-wing "non-profit, non-political" political advocacy groups in a bill dealing with foreign aid to Ukraine?

What does the IRS investigating a political advocacy group have to do with foreign aid to Ukraine?
Ukraine is a done deal. obama is just trying to get the right spin. Harry Reid is looking at not being majority leader any more. He's trying to protect his own sinking ass
Ukraine is a done deal. obama is just trying to get the right spin. Harry Reid is looking at not being majority leader any more. He's trying to protect his own sinking ass
When Russia took of Georgia and added it to the Soviet Union during the George w. bush days did bush try to spin it so he came out smelling like a rose? He must have otherwise you wingnuts would have condemned bush? Right? Am I right?
Do you wingnuts ever look back at how stupid you are. You will condemn Obama's handling of the Ukraine while completely ignoring bush's handling of Georgia and then say you are not hypocrites. AMAZING how you are able to fool yourselves.
Ukraine is a done deal. obama is just trying to get the right spin. Harry Reid is looking at not being majority leader any more. He's trying to protect his own sinking ass
When Russia took of Georgia and added it to the Soviet Union during the George w. bush days did bush try to spin it so he came out smelling like a rose? He must have otherwise you wingnuts would have condemned bush? Right? Am I right?
Do you wingnuts ever look back at how stupid you are. You will condemn Obama's handling of the Ukraine while completely ignoring bush's handling of Georgia and then say you are not hypocrites. AMAZING how you are able to fool yourselves.

I was just thinking the same thoughts about you.
BUSH is not in office, Ron. Hasn't been for years.
OBAMA shouldn't be in office - for years.
Your talking points are definitely not thinking points.
Ukraine is a done deal. obama is just trying to get the right spin. Harry Reid is looking at not being majority leader any more. He's trying to protect his own sinking ass
When Russia took of Georgia and added it to the Soviet Union during the George w. bush days did bush try to spin it so he came out smelling like a rose? He must have otherwise you wingnuts would have condemned bush? Right? Am I right?
Do you wingnuts ever look back at how stupid you are. You will condemn Obama's handling of the Ukraine while completely ignoring bush's handling of Georgia and then say you are not hypocrites. AMAZING how you are able to fool yourselves.

I was just thinking the same thoughts about you.
BUSH is not in office, Ron. Hasn't been for years.
OBAMA shouldn't be in office - for years.
Your talking points are definitely not thinking points.

If the rightwing doesn't like Dubya being mentioned, why are they constantly bringing up the Founding Fathers, Abe Lincoln, and Ronnie Ray-Gun? Not only are none of them in office anymore, they're all dead.

It's time to kick this thread downstairs.
When Russia took of Georgia and added it to the Soviet Union during the George w. bush days did bush try to spin it so he came out smelling like a rose? He must have otherwise you wingnuts would have condemned bush? Right? Am I right?
Do you wingnuts ever look back at how stupid you are. You will condemn Obama's handling of the Ukraine while completely ignoring bush's handling of Georgia and then say you are not hypocrites. AMAZING how you are able to fool yourselves.

I was just thinking the same thoughts about you.
BUSH is not in office, Ron. Hasn't been for years.
OBAMA shouldn't be in office - for years.
Your talking points are definitely not thinking points.

If the rightwing doesn't like Dubya being mentioned, why are they constantly bringing up the Founding Fathers, Abe Lincoln, and Ronnie Ray-Gun? Not only are none of them in office anymore, they're all dead.

It's time to kick this thread downstairs.

I'll agree it's time to kick this thread downstairs. But the left continues to raise the dead on a regular basis. A conundrum.
well yeah, you think the thread should be kicked downstairs while allowing this jerk of elected Democrat go on rampaging against American citizens

but it's what we've come to expect

Ryan speaking about black people gets your panties all in a bunch though and he's called a, clever little racist by you left typical

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