Video on the Research Background of COVID19


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This manufactured virus has a well known pedigree folks.

It did not come from bats for Kriss sakes.

Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong. In fact, it’s not a “novel” one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been many iterations in the recent past. It’s also not the most contagious or most lethal virus we’ve ever seen, but a fairly-mild infection that has no impact on the majority of people and that only kills somewhere between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%) Also, there was no real danger that our public health system was going to collapse, because the projected number of potential deaths (1 to 2 million in the US) never approached the estimates of the flawed computer models that were used to decide the policy. In short, just about everything we were told from the very beginning turned out to be demonstrably wrong. Why is that? Why do you think that the people who provided us with the information –many of them supposedly “experts” in their field– were so wrong about everything? And why haven’t they made any effort to publicly correct their mistakes when they realize how much confusion they’ve caused?

CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019; the Elitist Plan to Remake Society
This is the 7th strand of corona.............and now T cell are a major reason for some walking right through it...........even the ones who only got the cold strains of it.........

And new studies are now showing that 50% of those tested for the T cells,,,,,,already had immunity or some immunity to this new strain................Imagine the death rate goes down and as in places like New York it's FLATTENED

And the left and the CDC keep saying the masks did it...........that New Yorkers got so good at it that it stopped it cold.............from the same people who sold Jack the bean to make the beanstalk.

putting positives with negatives in New York.........calling non covid patients covid ......SUSPECTED COVIDS for billing..........same BS in the Nursing homes........and lowered the number of nursing homes by not counting those sent to the hospital to die but were infected in the nursing homes.......

A third of all covid deaths are from New York, New Jersey, and California combined.........A THIRD......and there is no telling how many of the deaths are cooked books.
Decided to check in on Kentucky today, to see how their mask mandate was doing in slowing down cases.

As you can see, the Governor extended the mandate because it was so effectiv...oh

This manufactured virus has a well known pedigree folks.

It did not come from bats for Kriss sakes.

sure. i will sign up on facebook to view this video. you made such an effort to present something to discuss.
Decided to check in on Kentucky today, to see how their mask mandate was doing in slowing down cases.

As you can see, the Governor extended the mandate because it was so effectiv...oh

Didn't you hear? The Kentucky Dumbocrat Governor said the Corona virus only comes out at night. After 10:00 PM. Before that the DemoTards say it's safe. But after 10:00 PM AAAAAAAH!

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