Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
Democrats know they control the mind of black people many of them.. if they can push this narrative they could control millions.. sad thinking for your self !

Leftists are going to start a race war with their hyperbolic bullshit.

The Left wants a race war and will always use incidents like these to ignite one.
And control the minds of blacks, that’s not freedom. They are lynching republicans, and also going to get many blacks hurt if they think they are being hunted by whites

Why do you even write of controlling the "minds of blacks"? We are all the same people, adults who grew up in the skin we're in by the grace of the Supreme Being. There is no such thing as "blacks," just humans with darker skin tones and more melanin than I have. Not a separate species. My parents were descendants of people from Ireland and Eastern Europe, and I was born with very pale skin, blue eyes, and very light-colored hair, which turned darker with age to settle on reddish light brown. How about you? Do you think that similar looks would lead you to your mind being controlled by others?
Don’t tell that to me the whole narrative by democrats is that white people are hunting black joggers! Why are you attacking me? I’m defending humanity

How pre
It def needed to be more highlighted it debunks this guy was jogging

Yeah, the 'out for a jog' aspect of the story is certainly out the window now.

He was clearly just walking down the street prior to entering the home. He didn't start running until the neighbor across the street came out.

The two people in the truck who got after him will probaby catch a manslaughter conviction at best. If that. They may just end up using the incident to ditch citizen arrests down there.

Hard to say how this case is going to pan out now.
I think the video saved him from prosecution if I have a shotgun in my hand and you don’t it you’re going to get shot. But unfortunately I think the main stream media the real racist and all this I got a lynch these two men, and they won’t get a fair trial, It should be thrown out because they’re already lying

The Main Street Media is always looking for the next race riot. Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. When anything racial happened under Obama, it was the fault of the rednecks buried in the hills. Since a Republican is on the White House, it will be his fault. No one ever calls out the media for fueling racial divide and civil unrest.
What "race riots" have occurred? What is this "racial divide" that you are talking about? Nobody is "rioting" in my neck of the woods. We are living here peaceably not far from the White House and Capitol Building and there is no rioting of any sort. Where do you live that there is race-based rioting going on?

Do you not remember Baltimore? About 35 minutes north of you without traffic. This incident in Georgia is a mess and could have an outcome that many people won’t like..... all the while the media fueling it. That’s my point. If the media were responsible, they would cover all angles and not push an agenda.
Justifying yet another unarmed black man's murder is a definite agenda. Is that the other angles you want?

How about ignoring the volumes of unarmed black men’s murders on a daily basis until BOOM! ....... you gotta white guy shooting a black guy. Time to get your panties in a bunch over this rare data point because while it bucks a massive trend, it fits your agenda.
How about whites stop lying to themselves?

In 2018 according to the Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered that year. 2,677 were killed by another white, 514 were killed by a black person. Whites were 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than a black person. What it shows is that the media ignores a very large problem in the white community where 81 percent of all whites who are killed are killed by another white person. Now I don't know about you but 81 percent is a pretty high number and this and higher percentages of white on while murder have been completely ignored by the media for decades. Instead the media has made a big thing out of black on black crime reinforcing a white racist belief of black violence thereby creating the attitudes of such men as the 2 white men who killed Arbery.

Interesting factoid there. So there really isn't much violence at all in the Ghetto, except what the Honkies bring into it? Its interesting to know that the documentary about blacks forming a Gestapo to deal with Honky Criminals is more accurate than I had thought.

We aren't talking about the ghetto, we are talking about white crime. It's time whites like you looked at your own community instead of the whataboutism.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
Suspicion of burglary still doesn’t justify citizens taking the law into their own hands.

And you’re still racist trash, Jizzler
They didn’t , the criminal lunged at the hero. They only wanted him to stop until the cops got there.

Unfortunately Candace has no info other than what the media provided

Yes listen to her .. she lays out how stupid you sound lol and many blacks are listening

Where did she get her inside information?

LOL from FOX news

I listened to it. She knows exactly what we know. She is a bright young lady and she argues well, but it seems she lives in a pretty privileged place in this world. There is merit in some of her argument, but her perception....
who is she, anyway? She looks rich.

Ahhh.....a Fairfield County girl. No wonder .

She looks rich.

Is that the standard by how you judge the merit of the argument, is by how the other person 'looks' to you?

Can I do that to you? I'd like some personal photos of yourself, and the neighborhood where you live, and what kind of car you drive.

I just want to fit in, with this method of evaluating the arguments of others, that doesn't involve relative evidence or merit, but how people look. So I need you to provide that information, so I can achieve your method of assessment.

Oh quit whining. It was just a comment. I was wondering who she was--celebrity? actress? some famous person's daughter? I didn't know.

And I did "evaluate" her comments. Thought I was pretty positive about it, too. Some of what she says has merit.
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
They took the law into their own hands.

Which we need more of.

Obama had 8 years to clean up crime, and eliminate thugs on the streets, and it's worse now than in the past.

If these guys can't get a handle on your crime problem, then it's about time that the abused citizens of this country stood up, and said enough is enough.

Honestly, there is a large part of me, that thinks that Rodrigo Duterte has the right idea.

If they can't get around the bloated idiotic and useless justice system that allowed OJ Simpson to get off 100% free for clear undeniable murder... then maybe the citizens should take justice into their own hands, and end these criminals.

This is exactly why they should be protesting criminals, and not the police. And maybe if the garbage left, would support the police, and stop the criminals more, fewer people would be so fed up as to be sitting around looking to see if anything suspicious is going on, and stuff like this wouldn't have to happen.

So you're all for vigilantism. Nobody is surprised, idiot.
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
They took the law into their own hands.

Which we need more of.

Obama had 8 years to clean up crime, and eliminate thugs on the streets, and it's worse now than in the past.

If these guys can't get a handle on your crime problem, then it's about time that the abused citizens of this country stood up, and said enough is enough.

Honestly, there is a large part of me, that thinks that Rodrigo Duterte has the right idea.

If they can't get around the bloated idiotic and useless justice system that allowed OJ Simpson to get off 100% free for clear undeniable murder... then maybe the citizens should take justice into their own hands, and end these criminals.

This is exactly why they should be protesting criminals, and not the police. And maybe if the garbage left, would support the police, and stop the criminals more, fewer people would be so fed up as to be sitting around looking to see if anything suspicious is going on, and stuff like this wouldn't have to happen.

Wrong answer. The police have been the criminals.

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
Well why did 3 ppl call the cops if it was ok?

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
So if you go inside of a property that doesn’t belong to you what do you call that?

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
Well why did 3 ppl call the cops if it was ok?

They called the cops to say a black man was running through their neighborhood. When the dispatcher asked what crime they think he had committed, they had no answer. You really need to do a little more research.

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
Well why did 3 ppl call the cops if it was ok?

They called the cops to say a black man was running through their neighborhood. When the dispatcher asked what crime they think he had committed, they had no answer. You really need to do a little more research.
Because he was staggering, the Black was charging his son.

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
That sounds a little hinky. So I can't holler from my porch, "GET OFF MY LAWN" if there's no signs up?
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Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
Suspicion of burglary still doesn’t justify citizens taking the law into their own hands.

And you’re still racist trash, Jizzler
They didn’t , the criminal lunged at the hero. They only wanted him to stop until the cops got there.

Unfortunately Candace has no info other than what the media provided

Yes listen to her .. she lays out how stupid you sound lol and many blacks are listening

Where did she get her inside information?

LOL from FOX news

I listened to it. She knows exactly what we know. She is a bright young lady and she argues well, but it seems she lives in a pretty privileged place in this world. There is merit in some of her argument, but her perception....
who is she, anyway? She looks rich.

Ahhh.....a Fairfield County girl. No wonder .

What's wrong with her perception? I thought she was exhibiting excellent perception. She wasn't arguing with anyone. Why do you say that? Apparently, you see her opinion as an argument. Why? Because of her skin color? Why do you say she is 'privileged?' Do you think successful black women have to be privileged? If I were you I'd do a deep self assessment of your apparent racist tendencies.

Her argument is based on the perception that racism no longer exists.

Apparently it exists for you. Why?

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
So if you go inside of a property that doesn’t belong to you what do you call that?

When I was young, I went for a walk with my mother. We walked by a house that was being built. My mother walked right into the house with me, and we looked around, and walked out.

In fact, Ben Shapiro himself openly said this was homicide because he and his parents did the same thing years before.

If it was not for this guys criminal record, and taking a loaded weapon to a gym.... and if there had not been a string of break ins in the neighborhood....

Then I would be far far more likely to defend the jogger.

Again, I would have handled it differently. I would have stopped and said, what do you need? And talked it over with them.

I certainly would not have run at the guy, and attacked him.

I get all that.

But if you want to make the case he as engaged in criminal activity at the time he was running there... you need more evidence than this.

Many people stop by construction sites, and look around. In fact, if I remember right, some other people stopped and looked at the house being built, while me and my mother were looking at it.

Did he break anything to get into the house? Was there a door he broke? Did he take anything from the location?

Any of that could validate your position. But if all he did was look... then no, that's not a crime, and not evidence he was doing something nefarious.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
So if you go inside of a property that doesn’t belong to you what do you call that?

Unless some crime is committed, you call it an every day occurrence. For about the millionth time, Police already said he committed no crime in looking at, and even entering the house being constructed. A posted keep out sign would have made it a crime. If he broke in it would have been a crime. Neither of those thing occurred.
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These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?

They looked like Sleepy Joe supporters to me. Who says they were "vigilantes" even if they are guilty? You are just making stuff up, to fit your predetermined theory of what happened.
They took the law into their own hands.

Which we need more of.

Obama had 8 years to clean up crime, and eliminate thugs on the streets, and it's worse now than in the past.

If these guys can't get a handle on your crime problem, then it's about time that the abused citizens of this country stood up, and said enough is enough.

Honestly, there is a large part of me, that thinks that Rodrigo Duterte has the right idea.

If they can't get around the bloated idiotic and useless justice system that allowed OJ Simpson to get off 100% free for clear undeniable murder... then maybe the citizens should take justice into their own hands, and end these criminals.

This is exactly why they should be protesting criminals, and not the police. And maybe if the garbage left, would support the police, and stop the criminals more, fewer people would be so fed up as to be sitting around looking to see if anything suspicious is going on, and stuff like this wouldn't have to happen.
  • Thanks
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Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
So if you go inside of a property that doesn’t belong to you what do you call that?

When I was young, I went for a walk with my mother. We walked by a house that was being built. My mother walked right into the house with me, and we looked around, and walked out.

In fact, Ben Shapiro himself openly said this was homicide because he and his parents did the same thing years before.

If it was not for this guys criminal record, and taking a loaded weapon to a gym.... and if there had not been a string of break ins in the neighborhood....

Then I would be far far more likely to defend the jogger.

Again, I would have handled it differently. I would have stopped and said, what do you need? And talked it over with them.

I certainly would not have run at the guy, and attacked him.

I get all that.

But if you want to make the case he as engaged in criminal activity at the time he was running there... you need more evidence than this.

Many people stop by construction sites, and look around. In fact, if I remember right, some other people stopped and looked at the house being built, while me and my mother were looking at it.

Did he break anything to get into the house? Was there a door he broke? Did he take anything from the location?

Any of that could validate your position. But if all he did was look... then no, that's not a crime, and not evidence he was doing something nefarious.
I agree I’ve done it many times my self, until I was caught and was told
To keep out, I think more information will come out, I think this guy stole something, the way he charged at the guy asking him to stop tells me he was up to no good. More information will come out

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
Well why did 3 ppl call the cops if it was ok?

They called the cops to say a black man was running through their neighborhood. When the dispatcher asked what crime they think he had committed, they had no answer. You really need to do a little more research.
Because he was staggering, the Black was charging his son.

I doubt that, but either way, staggering is not a felony, and does not justify them chasing him. They had no grounds to even approach him. They could legally have offered to make a consensual contact with him, but he was under no obligation to respond or even acknowledge them, much less required to stop on their orders.
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Democrats know they control the mind of black people many of them.. if they can push this narrative they could control millions.. sad thinking for your self !

Leftists are going to start a race war with their hyperbolic bullshit.

The Left wants a race war and will always use incidents like these to ignite one.
And control the minds of blacks, that’s not freedom. They are lynching republicans, and also going to get many blacks hurt if they think they are being hunted by whites

Why do you even write of controlling the "minds of blacks"? We are all the same people, adults who grew up in the skin we're in by the grace of the Supreme Being. There is no such thing as "blacks," just humans with darker skin tones and more melanin than I have. Not a separate species. My parents were descendants of people from Ireland and Eastern Europe, and I was born with very pale skin, blue eyes, and very light-colored hair, which turned darker with age to settle on reddish light brown. How about you? Do you think that similar looks would lead you to your mind being controlled by others?
Don’t tell that to me the whole narrative by democrats is that white people are hunting black joggers! Why are you attacking me? I’m defending humanity

How pre
It def needed to be more highlighted it debunks this guy was jogging

Yeah, the 'out for a jog' aspect of the story is certainly out the window now.

He was clearly just walking down the street prior to entering the home. He didn't start running until the neighbor across the street came out.

The two people in the truck who got after him will probaby catch a manslaughter conviction at best. If that. They may just end up using the incident to ditch citizen arrests down there.

Hard to say how this case is going to pan out now.
I think the video saved him from prosecution if I have a shotgun in my hand and you don’t it you’re going to get shot. But unfortunately I think the main stream media the real racist and all this I got a lynch these two men, and they won’t get a fair trial, It should be thrown out because they’re already lying

The Main Street Media is always looking for the next race riot. Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. When anything racial happened under Obama, it was the fault of the rednecks buried in the hills. Since a Republican is on the White House, it will be his fault. No one ever calls out the media for fueling racial divide and civil unrest.
What "race riots" have occurred? What is this "racial divide" that you are talking about? Nobody is "rioting" in my neck of the woods. We are living here peaceably not far from the White House and Capitol Building and there is no rioting of any sort. Where do you live that there is race-based rioting going on?

Do you not remember Baltimore? About 35 minutes north of you without traffic. This incident in Georgia is a mess and could have an outcome that many people won’t like..... all the while the media fueling it. That’s my point. If the media were responsible, they would cover all angles and not push an agenda.
Justifying yet another unarmed black man's murder is a definite agenda. Is that the other angles you want?

How about ignoring the volumes of unarmed black men’s murders on a daily basis until BOOM! ....... you gotta white guy shooting a black guy. Time to get your panties in a bunch over this rare data point because while it bucks a massive trend, it fits your agenda.
How about whites stop lying to themselves?

In 2018 according to the Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered that year. 2,677 were killed by another white, 514 were killed by a black person. Whites were 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than a black person. What it shows is that the media ignores a very large problem in the white community where 81 percent of all whites who are killed are killed by another white person. Now I don't know about you but 81 percent is a pretty high number and this and higher percentages of white on while murder have been completely ignored by the media for decades. Instead the media has made a big thing out of black on black crime reinforcing a white racist belief of black violence thereby creating the attitudes of such men as the 2 white men who killed Arbery.

Interesting factoid there. So there really isn't much violence at all in the Ghetto, except what the Honkies bring into it? Its interesting to know that the documentary about blacks forming a Gestapo to deal with Honky Criminals is more accurate than I had thought.

With honkeys running around with guns s

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
Suspicion of burglary still doesn’t justify citizens taking the law into their own hands.

And you’re still racist trash, Jizzler
They didn’t , the criminal lunged at the hero. They only wanted him to stop until the cops got there.

Unfortunately Candace has no info other than what the media provided

Yes listen to her .. she lays out how stupid you sound lol and many blacks are listening

Where did she get her inside information?

LOL from FOX news

I listened to it. She knows exactly what we know. She is a bright young lady and she argues well, but it seems she lives in a pretty privileged place in this world. There is merit in some of her argument, but her perception....
who is she, anyway? She looks rich.

Ahhh.....a Fairfield County girl. No wonder .

What's wrong with her perception? I thought she was exhibiting excellent perception. She wasn't arguing with anyone. Why do you say that? Apparently, you see her opinion as an argument. Why? Because of her skin color? Why do you say she is 'privileged?' Do you think successful black women have to be privileged? If I were you I'd do a deep self assessment of your apparent racist tendencies.

Her argument is based on the perception that racism no longer exists.

Apparently it exists for you. Why?

Racism exist for her because she is perceptive........................

Why be racist?
It's sad how much these racists will twist and turn themselves in order to create a reason why a white person has the right to kill somebody black. The excuse now is Arbery had a criminal record so that means he can get followed, shot and killed based on an assumption of two white men.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.

Right.... That could be true, and I am predisposed to believe the lawful citizen over a guy that brought a loaded weapon to a school gym crowded with students.

However... to claim that video proves he is guilty... not so much.

Bottom, not so much. Need be more careful about making accusations lest you end up no better than the guys that made accusations against the kids in your avatar picture. Stop being like the bad people.
Lawful citizen charging a guy a guy with a gun asking him to stop? Huh

You didn't say that in the thread title. You claimed the video proved he was breaking and entering. It doesn't.
So if you go inside of a property that doesn’t belong to you what do you call that?

When I was young, I went for a walk with my mother. We walked by a house that was being built. My mother walked right into the house with me, and we looked around, and walked out.

In fact, Ben Shapiro himself openly said this was homicide because he and his parents did the same thing years before.

If it was not for this guys criminal record, and taking a loaded weapon to a gym.... and if there had not been a string of break ins in the neighborhood....

Then I would be far far more likely to defend the jogger.

Again, I would have handled it differently. I would have stopped and said, what do you need? And talked it over with them.

I certainly would not have run at the guy, and attacked him.

I get all that.

But if you want to make the case he as engaged in criminal activity at the time he was running there... you need more evidence than this.

Many people stop by construction sites, and look around. In fact, if I remember right, some other people stopped and looked at the house being built, while me and my mother were looking at it.

Did he break anything to get into the house? Was there a door he broke? Did he take anything from the location?

Any of that could validate your position. But if all he did was look... then no, that's not a crime, and not evidence he was doing something nefarious.
I have no problem with that, I have a problem with those trying to turn this into a racial incident with no real proof and based on skin color alone. Now, if the two white guys have a history of assaulting blacks for their skin color I am all for throwing the book at them for a hate crime. Unfortunately, the hate crime statutes have been horribly misused by race baiters.

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