Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

People in America are getting prosecuted off of a narrative created by the media, scary times when a bias media has this much control
Will the bad narratives ever stand the test, otherwise if the people are right against those bad narratives ? Have to have faith in being right, and then just sit back and watch as the bad narratives break apart when bumped off the table by truth, just like the fragile rotten eggs that they are, otherwise if it is the case. So do you think you are right ?? If so then have faith in your convictions.

It has been some good back and forths in here, but hopefully the justice system will ultimately prevail for all involved.

What is really needed is for congress under republican control to launch an investigation of how the media operates, how they are little more than propaganda outlets for the leftwingers.
The two heroes had the right to stop Arbery for him fleeing from suspected felony.

That's where all the ifs and buts end. Whether Arbery committed a felony is irrelevant.

Of course the idiots here pretend that now anything warrants a "kidnapping". That is ridiculous, don't repeatedly commit highly suspicious activity / steal things / run from police and it won't ever be a problem. The basic problem is that they see Arbery as not having done anything wrong, while the fact is he constantly did things wrong by entering property with no trespassing sign, fleeing from 911 and all the other...
Did you say don't run from police ??

Ahmaud is on record for running from the police twice: first when he brought a loaded pistol to school and when caught he took off running from the police and two policemen were injured in apprehending him.

The second of course is when he went into the house under construction and a neighbor came outside and ahmaud heard him calling the police and he took off running, really hauling ass down the street to try and get away from the scene before the police arrived (his hauling ass down the street is what attracted the attention of Greg McMichaels) ahmaud was in violation of his parole by committing theft and he knew this time if he was arrested he would be going to jail.

You might get away with violating parole once but not likely twice.
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People in America are getting prosecuted off of a narrative created by the media, scary times when a bias media has this much control
Will the bad narratives ever stand the test, otherwise if the people are right against those bad narratives ? Have to have faith in being right, and then just sit back and watch as the bad narratives break apart when bumped off the table by truth, just like the fragile rotten eggs that they are, otherwise if it is the case. So do you think you are right ?? If so then have faith in your convictions.

It has been some good back and forths in here, but hopefully the justice system will ultimately prevail for all involved.

What is really needed is for congress under republican control to launch an investigation of how the media operates, how they are little more than propaganda outlets for the leftwingers.

The media is intentionally ripping America apart, helping divide this nation more so than at any time since the Civil War. They are constantly inciting the blacks.
And burglaries under Georgia law are felonies.

You are correct. Where you are ignorant is that there were no string of recent burglaries reported to police in that neighborhood. No burglaries - No suspect.

The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.

There were no burglaries reported on that property. And the owner who provided video after the fact said nothing was stolen on the day of the aggravated assault and murder.

No burglaries. No suspect to legally chase with deadly weapons.
The second of course is when he went into the house under construction and a neighbor came outside and ahmaud heard him calling the police and he took off running

I’m asking you to think. Do you understand why the knowledge of video cameras on the property hurts you’re murdering heroes case?
And burglaries under Georgia law are felonies.

You are correct. Where you are ignorant is that there were no string of recent burglaries reported to police in that neighborhood. No burglaries - No suspect.

The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.

There were no burglaries reported on that property. And the owner who provided video after the fact said nothing was stolen on the day of the aggravated assault and murder.

No burglaries. No suspect to legally chase with deadly weapons.

How do you chase someone running towards you? Think hard before you answer.

And how does anything you are claiming justify your thief attacking McMichaels and going for his weapon according to the actual law?
he keeps spamming the board with the same ole pictures over and over claiming they prove Travis attacked arbery which they do not in no way shape or form.

There is no proof that TravisM was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired while both men were In position in front of the truck out of full view. Likewise There is no proof that Arbery attacked TravisM before the first shot was fired.

I posted photos specifically to you due to your markup on one of mine.

You stated in your markup that TravisM never left the drivers side of the truck which means he was never in front of the truck or across the double yellow line.

The video evidence prroves your markup to be a lie.

You have zero credibility when stating what you see on the video.

So leveling charge of spamming is all you can do.

You are not man or woman enough to admit you were wrong.

TravisM did rush toward Arbery and retreat right at the monent the first shit was fired.

Or you could markup the photo saying That was not TravisM’s back foot across the double yellow line.
he keeps spamming the board with the same ole pictures over and over claiming they prove Travis attacked arbery which they do not in no way shape or form.

There is no proof that TravisM was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired while both men were In position in front of the truck out of full view. Likewise There is no proof that Arbery attacked TravisM before the first shot was fired.

I posted photos specifically to you due to your markup on one of mine.

You stated in your markup that TravisM never left the drivers side of the truck which means he was never in front of the truck or across the double yellow line.

The video evidence prroves your markup to be a lie.

You have zero credibility when stating what you see on the video.

So leveling charge of spamming is all you can do.

You are not man or woman enough to admit you were wrong.

TravisM did rush toward Arbery and retreat right at the monent the first shit was fired.

Or you could markup the photo saying That was not TravisM’s back foot across the double yellow line.

Its you who are lying. The truck was always only on one side of the yellow line so crossing it would not automatically mean he was in front.

McMichaels never advanced on your thief. Stop lying when the video evidence proves you laughably wrong.

Here is the first shot we have of your thief's feet. Where is McMichaels genius? On the far left of the truck after Arbery was at the far right of the truck, traversed the difference and attacked.


Your thief traversed the entire front of the car to attack McMichaels turning 90 degrees to do it which you can easily see by the feet of the two men.

You always make defeating you so easy.
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People in America are getting prosecuted off of a narrative created by the media, scary times when a bias media has this much control
Will the bad narratives ever stand the test, otherwise if the people are right against those bad narratives ? Have to have faith in being right, and then just sit back and watch as the bad narratives break apart when bumped off the table by truth, just like the fragile rotten eggs that they are, otherwise if it is the case. So do you think you are right ?? If so then have faith in your convictions.

It has been some good back and forths in here, but hopefully the justice system will ultimately prevail for all involved.
I hope! But when we see James fields in jail
For defending his rights, something isn’t right.. I still can’t understand how a road full of hate, sticks, rocks, wasn't a threat to ppl in cars.
James Fields, James Fields, hmmm was he the one that drove his car into ppl at a rally, and therefore killed a woman protestor, and injured others on that day ???

Good luck with defending that situation if that is who James Fields is. He won't be getting out any time soon that's for sure.

Rock's, sticks, and hate caused a person to go bat crap crazy, and drive a vehicle into a crowd while he was enraged ? Anytime an innocent person is killed by someone (not in self defense), but out of going bonkers with rage over things that didn't threaten the enraged person's life to commit such an act, will of course be judged harshly by the courts if the accused couldn't prove self defense in the case. Self defense is the de-escalation of a situation that could prove deadly for an innocent person, otherwise if the innocent person doesn't use self defense to protect oneself in the event of a severe threat being posed by another who is intent on fatally harming the innocent person.
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Its you who are lying. The truck was always only on one side of the yellow line so crossing it would not automatically mean he was in front.

The truck is parked at an angle. The left front wheel is a couple feet from the centerline.


The gunman’s hat can be seen through the windshield. The truck 6ft wide. The shadows confirm that both men are in front of the truck. This photo catches the gunman’s motion moving from left to right. That means the gunman had to be further to the right.

Let’s say he was just 1 foot further to the right.

Add three feet across the centerline from this screenshot plus 1 foot forward motion’ plus the length of something narrow and horizontal in the shadows and that puts the end of the shotgun at least six to seven feet across the centerline. A lane maybe 9 ft wide.
he keeps spamming the board with the same ole pictures over and over claiming they prove Travis attacked arbery which they do not in no way shape or form.

There is no proof that TravisM was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired while both men were In position in front of the truck out of full view. Likewise There is no proof that Arbery attacked TravisM before the first shot was fired.

I posted photos specifically to you due to your markup on one of mine.

You stated in your markup that TravisM never left the drivers side of the truck which means he was never in front of the truck or across the double yellow line.

The video evidence prroves your markup to be a lie.

You have zero credibility when stating what you see on the video.

So leveling charge of spamming is all you can do.

You are not man or woman enough to admit you were wrong.

TravisM did rush toward Arbery and retreat right at the monent the first shit was fired.

Or you could markup the photo saying That was not TravisM’s back foot across the double yellow line.
What happened to the video footage where the two men were in a struggle for the gun, and Arbery was whaling on the guy with a right hook present in the exchange from Arbery to Travis ? When I saw that footage it appeared as if the two were fighting for the shotgun or for control over it. This was on the driver's side of the truck where the two men were in the struggle for that gun. Right ?? My memory is short so forgive me if I'm imagining things. LOL.

If Arbery was a jogger, then why was he in the middle of the road running ?

Does his past record, and his being seen on the security video camera footage, his leaving the site, his attire, his residence in connection to the alledged crime scene say that he is just a jogger out for a jog or is it a made up narrative in an attempt to use the Michael Brown theory and narrative on this case, otherwise to make it appear as something innocent when it actually wasn't so innocent after all ?

It could be that the trials of public opinion are plagued with everyone attempting to save their so called "people" if they feel that they are becoming the victim of a frame job.

Citizen input is good though, because critical points might be overlooked that might be revealed in the exchanges.
People in America are getting prosecuted off of a narrative created by the media, scary times when a bias media has this much control
Will the bad narratives ever stand the test, otherwise if the people are right against those bad narratives ? Have to have faith in being right, and then just sit back and watch as the bad narratives break apart when bumped off the table by truth, just like the fragile rotten eggs that they are, otherwise if it is the case. So do you think you are right ?? If so then have faith in your convictions.

It has been some good back and forths in here, but hopefully the justice system will ultimately prevail for all involved.
I hope! But when we see James fields in jail
For defending his rights, something isn’t right.. I still can’t understand how a road full of hate, sticks, rocks, wasn't a threat to ppl in cars.
James Fields, James Fields, hmmm was he the one that drove his car into ppl at a rally, and therefore killed a woman protestor, and injured others on that day ???

Good luck with defending that situation if that is who James Fields is. He won't be getting out any time soon that's for sure.

Rock's, sticks, and hate caused a person to go bat crap crazy, and drive a vehicle into a crowd while he was enraged ? Anytime an innocent person is killed by someone (not in self defense), but out of going bonkers with rage over things that didn't threaten the enraged person's life to commit such an act, will of course be judged harshly by the courts if the accused couldn't prove self defense in the case. Self defense is the de-escalation of a situation that could prove deadly for an innocent person, otherwise if the innocent person doesn't use self defense to protect oneself in the event of a severe threat being posed by another who is intent on fatally harming the innocent person.
I disagree, I’ll just leave it at that thank you
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
Does it matter? Is that against the law?
Its you who are lying. The truck was always only on one side of the yellow line so crossing it would not automatically mean he was in front.

The truck is parked at an angle. The left front wheel is a couple feet from the centerline.

View attachment 340711View attachment 340712

The gunman’s hat can be seen through the windshield. The truck 6ft wide. The shadows confirm that both men are in front of the truck. This photo catches the gunman’s motion moving from left to right. That means the gunman had to be further to the right.

Let’s say he was just 1 foot further to the right.

Add three feet across the centerline from this screenshot plus 1 foot forward motion’ plus the length of something narrow and horizontal in the shadows and that puts the end of the shotgun at least six to seven feet across the centerline. A lane maybe 9 ft wide.

LOL You are so full of it. There is zero evidence your theory is right about that picture being McMichaels' hat. That could be Arbery's head for all we know. The feet are solid proof of where each was standing when your thief attacked.

You keep ignoring the obvious that Arbery had to spin 90 degrees and attack from at least 5 feet away to close that distance and you still can't admit it.

No one forced him to attack. He chose it and no law in Georgia gave him the legal justification to attack.
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People in America are getting prosecuted off of a narrative created by the media, scary times when a bias media has this much control
Will the bad narratives ever stand the test, otherwise if the people are right against those bad narratives ? Have to have faith in being right, and then just sit back and watch as the bad narratives break apart when bumped off the table by truth, just like the fragile rotten eggs that they are, otherwise if it is the case. So do you think you are right ?? If so then have faith in your convictions.

It has been some good back and forths in here, but hopefully the justice system will ultimately prevail for all involved.

What is really needed is for congress under republican control to launch an investigation of how the media operates, how they are little more than propaganda outlets for the leftwingers.
I agree with the media needing to be brought before a huge inquiry, and questions answered as to their tactics and narratives created, otherwise if those narratives or tactics are actually distorting the rule of law, and are seeking outcomes that favor specific people or groups either for political purposes or maybe for not so political purposes.
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
Does it matter? Is that against the law?
It could be (possibility) as based upon the acts or events that followed next. If they placed themselves and the victim in danger by their actions (Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law right), then they will have to answer for that.

Not sure what the verdict will be, but the courts will have a job on their hands getting it right for everyone involved. Once it entered the street, jurisdiction became law enforcements, and not a civilians responsibility unless self defense was needed for the aid of a person in distress or that person being endangerd by another if of course that was needed.

This is what happens when people decide to take the law into their own hands, otherwise when lives weren't immediately being threatened in the situation. Yeah maybe Arbery was a thief, a criminal, a piece of work, but was it these guy's job to confront him out on the street ? What a mess.

Get some training people or use some common sense already. Hopefully cases like this show people the err of their ways, and how people need to learn better about all aspects of these types of situations if thinking about doing the job of law enforcement. Yes, self defense is absolutely a right, but a right that needs to be protected with being educated in every aspect of its implementation of it.

Did TM's former duties as a police officer cause him to feel freerer as a citizen somehow to do such things, otherwise to perform police duties with ease, but not realizing that he no longer has the state to protect him due to his retirement, and worse involving family members in the situation before thinking it all through ??
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
Does it matter? Is that against the law?
It could be (possibility) as based upon the acts or events that followed next. If they placed themselves and the victim in danger by their actions (Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law right), then they will have to answer for that.

Not sure what the verdict will be, but the courts will have a job on their hands getting it right for everyone involved. Once it entered the street, jurisdiction became law enforcements, and not a civilians responsibility unless self defense was needed for the aid of a person in distress or that person being endangerd by another if of course that was needed.

This is what happens when people decide to take the law into their own hands, otherwise when lives weren't immediately being threatened in the situation. Yeah maybe Arbery was a thief, a criminal, a piece of work, but was it these guy's job to confront him out on the street ? What a mess.

Get some training people or use some common sense already. Hopefully cases like this show people the err of their ways, and how people need to learn better about all aspects of these types of situations if thinking about doing the job of law enforcement. Yes, self defense is absolutely a right, but a right that needs to be protected with being educated in every aspect of its implementation of it.

Did TM's former duties as a police officer cause him to feel freerer as a citizen somehow to do such things, otherwise to perform police duties with ease, but not realizing that he no longer has the state to protect him due to his retirement, and worse involving family members in the situation before thinking it all through ??
No Idea what your talking about it was self defense

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