Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

Anyone attempting to justify the actions of those 2 troglodytes is human scum.

Easy enough.
Your argument isnt compelling. Would you like to try again or are you just sticking with that ^ weak shit?
I'll simplify for you. Say a caucasian's car broke down, and they were peering into the window of a closed repair shop. He's confronted by a black neighbor, and ends up dead. I'm sure you would have the same opinion.

You fool nobody.
What the fuck are you babbling about now? Im not familiar with you, but you sound like a retard. Do you have a real argument to make, or are you just an idiot who is incapable of defending his position?
Anyone attempting to justify the actions of those 2 troglodytes is human scum.

Easy enough.
Your argument isnt compelling. Would you like to try again or are you just sticking with that ^ weak shit?
I'll simplify for you. Say a caucasian's car broke down, and they were peering into the window of a closed repair shop. He's confronted by a black neighbor, and ends up dead. I'm sure you would have the same opinion.

You fool nobody.
What the fuck are you babbling about now? Im not familiar with you, but you sound like a retard. Do you have a real argument to make, or are you just an idiot who is incapable of defending his position?
Typical answer from an uneducated rube. You think his actions were a death sentence.

Done with you, scum.
Anyone attempting to justify the actions of those 2 troglodytes is human scum.

Easy enough.
Your argument isnt compelling. Would you like to try again or are you just sticking with that ^ weak shit?
I'll simplify for you. Say a caucasian's car broke down, and they were peering into the window of a closed repair shop. He's confronted by a black neighbor, and ends up dead. I'm sure you would have the same opinion.

You fool nobody.
What is your IQ -20?
Furthermore, Travis WAS on the drivers side

Not when the first shot went off. He was in front of the truck when that happened. We cannot see who initiated the fight. You cannot say Travis M was never across the double yellow line in front of the truck.Because he was.



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Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.
All the McMichaels did was to ask him to stop that they needed to talk to him. That does not constitute arrest or even evidence of an attempt to detain.

are you not the one who said that Travis M never left the driver side of the truck. So how can we trust your judgment that Travis M and his father only wanted to talk. If they only wanted to talk Travis M should have stayed on the driver side of the truck because he saw that the jogger went around on the right of the truck to avoid him up close. So who was it that made the confrontation up close. The jogger had a set path straight down the road. It was Travis M who made a circling pattern to get in front of the truck and cut the jogger off at point-blank range.
Why does talking to Arbery require that it be done from such a specific location? Furthermore, Travis WAS on the drivers side of the truck, so you are a double retard.

Why does talking to Arbery require that it be done from such a specific location?

Because he had a loaded shotgun in his hands. did Travis M want to whisper in the joggers ear.. WTF.
Are you suggesting that Travis was waiting for Arbery to get to the front of the truck so he could shoot him,

No. My only point is that Travis M did in fact position himself in front of the truck in close proximity to the jogger on his path. Therefore we can’t see what happened but the point is Travis M ran towards the jogger. That is an attack.
Lol are you still saying he was jogging ignoring 2 m

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.
ha that’s not what happen try again ,, with out the media narrative
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Why does talking to Arbery require that it be done from such a specific location?

Because he had a loaded shotgun in his hands. did Travis M want to whisper in the joggers ear.. WTF.
Are you suggesting that Travis was waiting for Arbery to get to the front of the truck so he could shoot him,

No. My only point is that Travis M did in fact position himself in front of the truck in close proximity to the jogger on his path. Therefore we can’t see what happened but the point is Travis M ran towards the jogger. That is an attack.
Lol are you still saying he was jogging ignoring 2 m

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.
huj that’s not what happen try again ,, with out the media narrative
And you are ignoring that no firearm was found on him and thus, he was murdered. Even the cops aren't supposed to shoot unarmed criminals that flee from non-violent crimes. They can only point a weapon at the fleeing criminal and yell at them (although some cops exceed the law and are put on trial accordingly). I repeat, shoot the garbage while its in your house and you feel threatened, but once outside the house and running down the street, the person can no longer be considered a threat!

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.

Someone else comes on here without bothering to read what has already been posted.

You do seem somewhat intelligent and your lame post is probably more indicative of your not knowing the facts of the case rather than stupidity.

They will stand trial most likely because of politics....strictly politics.

First it is going to the Grand Jury which may take a while due to the fact the authorities have put this case on the 'slows' meaning they want to give the black community time to come to their senses before they rush out to riot, loot and burn which they often do in cases like this.

The problem with most blacks and far too many whites is that they get all their news from the alphabet media. Thus not knowing how they are being duped.

O.K. now to correct your flawed legal analysis. The fact the black dude was unarmed is not relevant and in fact under law when a suspect is trying to take away someone's weapon he is not considered unarmed.

Then you bring up this was on a public street???? what point are you trying to make there? Citizens have the same rights on a public street as on any other kind of street. When you are attacked and in fear of your life or of grievious bodily injury you have the right to self defense which means you have the right to use lethal force to preserve your life or prevent grievious bodily injury.

And then you make a huge,huge blunder when you say one has to be in his home to engage in self defense. Major blunder there.

You need to read up on self defense in the state of Georgia. It has been posted on here many times and I am not going to do your homework for you.
Why does talking to Arbery require that it be done from such a specific location?

Because he had a loaded shotgun in his hands. did Travis M want to whisper in the joggers ear.. WTF.
Are you suggesting that Travis was waiting for Arbery to get to the front of the truck so he could shoot him,

No. My only point is that Travis M did in fact position himself in front of the truck in close proximity to the jogger on his path. Therefore we can’t see what happened but the point is Travis M ran towards the jogger. That is an attack.
Lol are you still saying he was jogging ignoring 2 m

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.
huj that’s not what happen try again ,, with out the media narrative
And you are ignoring that no firearm was found on him and thus, he was murdered. Even the cops aren't supposed to shoot unarmed criminals that flee from non-violent crimes. They can only point a weapon at the fleeing criminal and yell at them (although some cops exceed the law and are put on trial accordingly). I repeat, shoot the garbage while its in your house and you feel threatened, but once outside the house and running down the street, the person can no longer be considered a threat!

Utter stooopidity not even to mention ignorance of the law.

Not having noticed you before I will try and be nice and educate a lil bit. First of all look up the definition of murder. Then look up the definition of Self defense in the State of Ga. though it has been posted on here many times. are just another poster who comes on here without having read much of what has already been posted and covered.

Just briefly because I do not like wasting time with anyone who is too lazy to brief themselves on the discussion but plunge in here like they are some kind of authority even though you demonstrate a basic lack of knowledge governing the factors in this case. Most likely you have been duped by the media and your come in here and post your ridiculous ideas.

The reason and the only reason the black suspect got shot and killed was because he assaulted Travis McMichaels tried to take his weapon away from him. Nothing that happened before the black criminal suspect attacked Travis justified his attack.

Study up and get back with not feel too embarassed because you do not have a good knowledge of the law. Lots of other posters on here also lack knowledge of the law. Especially on the law of self defense which does differ somewhat from state to state, but most states the majority of states have very similar laws on self defense as does
Why does talking to Arbery require that it be done from such a specific location?

Because he had a loaded shotgun in his hands. did Travis M want to whisper in the joggers ear.. WTF.
Are you suggesting that Travis was waiting for Arbery to get to the front of the truck so he could shoot him,

No. My only point is that Travis M did in fact position himself in front of the truck in close proximity to the jogger on his path. Therefore we can’t see what happened but the point is Travis M ran towards the jogger. That is an attack.
Lol are you still saying he was jogging ignoring 2 m

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
I hate thieves as much as the next person and wish you could readily shoot them to save taxpayer dollars, feeding and housing them in detention facilities, BUT....he was unarmed and on a public street. Because of existing laws, we can't simply shoot them....UNLESS they are actually in your home and present as a threat; then blow them away and take pictures with one foot on them, like hunting trophies. The criminal friends, pro-crime relatives and bleeding hearts would be aghast, but so what.
Thus, while I don't like it, those that shot him, must stand trial and accept whatever punishment may be imposed.
huj that’s not what happen try again ,, with out the media narrative
And you are ignoring that no firearm was found on him and thus, he was murdered. Even the cops aren't supposed to shoot unarmed criminals that flee from non-violent crimes. They can only point a weapon at the fleeing criminal and yell at them (although some cops exceed the law and are put on trial accordingly). I repeat, shoot the garbage while its in your house and you feel threatened, but once outside the house and running down the street, the person can no longer be considered a threat!
This has been addressed ,, feel free to read up and make a coherent defense of arberys actions.
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Are you suggesting that Travis was waiting for Arbery to get to the front of the truck so he could shoot him, and are you saying that Arbery was merely jogging by, when a random man shot at him? First off, if that was the case, then how on earth did Travis miss? If he was waiting to shoot him the moment he got to the front of the truck, he would not have missed. Also, how on earth was Arbery able to react so fast and turn right towards Travis if he wasnt charging at him to begin with? Spiderman couldnt have reacted better to a surprise attack with a shotgun.

The scenario you are trying to convince us of is extremely unrealistic. Arbery was clearly charging at Travis from 100 feet away. Had he not turned the corner at the front of the truck and attacked Travis, he would be alive and in jail today.
Good points.
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??
I know flacaltenn claims she saw the 5 minute video of arbery in the house.. maybe she will share it with us? That would be breaking news
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??

Of course I do. This view is from the same video. the struggle you see happened a second after this.
Major point is no one neither me nor you are all these who are defending the gun man can’t see that the jogger attacked Travis M before the first shot was fired
You see the fight during second 22 and then they continue to the left and out of view when the second shot is heard.

Major point is no one can see that the jogger attacked Travis M before the first shot was fired. Those who say they saw the jogger attack first before the first shot are liars
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Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??

Of course I do. This view is from the same video. the struggle you see happened a second after this.
Major point is no one neither me nor you are all these who are defending the gun man can’t see that the jogger attacked Travis M before the first shot was fired
You see the fight during second 22 and then they continue to the left when the second shot is heard.

Major point is no one can see that the jogger attacked Travis M before the first shot was fired. Those who say they saw the jogger attack first before the first shot are liarsView attachment 340861
Wow that’s not clear at all, only thing clear is one is running fast to attack
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??

Let me take this opportunity to present the 'complete video' which is different from what the media presented.
The media edited their video, not showing the complete video to try and keep people from seeing how Ahmaud Abery attacked Travic McMichaels the white guy with the shotgun.

Now the way you should watch this video is to put it on full screen and in slow motion.

This thing happens very,very fast, so you need slow motion to really see what happened.

The video starts by watching Ahmaud jog down a rather lonely looking road though it is blacktopped. While we see him jogging we see in the distance in front of him, the way he is running a truck parked with the two white guys. One, the father in the bed of the pickup with what looks like a camera. The son outside the truck and his door is open and he stands slightly to the left of the truck and slightly to the front of the truck he is holding his shotgun and it is pointed down to the ground as experienced gun owners always hold their weapons.

Ahmaud sees them and knows who they are as they had drove by him a few mins. before and asked him to talk to them. He refused. Turned and started jogging in a different direction.

The McMichaels then drove past him and parked far ahead of him.

Nevertheless even though Ahmaud knows who they are and that they want to talk to him, he continues running towards the white guy. If he had been in fear of his life he would not have approached them.

We see him go around the right side of the truck and then quickly,very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot and then we see them fighting for control of the weapon with ahmaud repeatedly striking Travis with his fists.

We hear another shot...the second one whilst they are out of view of the camera. They come back into view of the camera Ahmaud still punching Travis. We then hear the third and final shot and Arbery takes a couople of steps, collapes and dies.

Remember put it on full screen and slow motion. Listen for the shots stop the video immediately and you will see the position they were in when the first shot was fired. You may have to start and stop the video several times to see everything as it all goes down very,very fast. You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

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We see him go around the right side of the truck and then quickly,very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot and then we see them fighting for control of the weapon with ahmaud repeatedly striking Travis with his fists.

This part is a lie “ then quickly, very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot.”

you cannot see the jogger grab anyrthing because his hands are in front of the truck and no one can see them in this video.

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