Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.
You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

The only thing that can be seen moving to the left through the windshield is TravisM’s white hat and Arbery’s white shirt.

Stop a frame and save it to your photos where you see a black guy moving left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM

I see a white hat (Yellow Arrow) and a white shirt (Green Arrow) at the same time through and next to the windshield

The red arrow points to where the white hat was in the previous frame.


This shows both men were moving to the left. Simultaneously.

So it is impossible that anyone can see the black guy is running alone to the left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM. That is because TravisM is running to the left across the front of the truck too after he attacked Arbery. In order for TravisM to retreat to the left it is necessarily true that he had already attacked to the right.
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You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

The only thing that can be seen moving to the left through the windshield is TravisM’s white hat and Arbery’s white shirt.

Stop a frame and save it to your photos where you see a black guy moving left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM

I see a white hat (Yellow Arrow) and a white shirt (Green Arrow) at the same time through the windshield.

The red arrow points to where the white hat was in the previous frame.

View attachment 340988

This shows both men were moving to the left. Simultaneously.

So it is impossible that anyone can see the black guy is running alone to the left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM. That is because TravisM is running to the left across the front of the truck too after he attacked Arbery. In order for TravisM to retreat to the left it is necessarily true that he had already attacked to the right.
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.

The video doesn’t show TravisM attacking the jogger as he came around the front of the truck because the camera was focused to the right side on the jogger.

That does not mean we cannot be certain that TravisM did attack to the right because the video does show TravisM retreating to the left. TravisM can only retreat to the left after he moved to the right.
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He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in,

Why didn’t McMichael let the owner catch ppl breaking in by sending his surveillance video to the real police?

You really should try and keep up. The police had made McMichael the go to person for this tresspassing problem kind of a deputy to the police regarding this matter...someone who lived right there who had decades of police experience and knew how to deal with problems like that and knew all the neighbors around there.

A good choice and he and his son did an excellent job. After the natives settle down perhaps they will give him a medal...they should.
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.

The video doesn’t show TravisM attacking the jogger as he came around the front of the truck because the camera was focused to the right side on the jogger.

That does not mean we cannot be certain that TravisM did attack to the right because the video does show TravisM retreating to the left. TravisM can only retreat to the left after he moved to the right.

again did you watch the real video? You know the complete video. If should have done as I suggested, put it in the full screen mode and on slow motion then watch it a couple of times or stop it when the black dude goes around the right side of the truck and veers left and then do a series of stops and starts and then you cannot help but see the black guy run across the front of the truck to attack travis in the middle of the road. Look for the white T shirt it is very visible.

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I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??

Let me take this opportunity to present the 'complete video' which is different from what the media presented.
The media edited their video, not showing the complete video to try and keep people from seeing how Ahmaud Abery attacked Travic McMichaels the white guy with the shotgun.

Now the way you should watch this video is to put it on full screen and in slow motion.

This thing happens very,very fast, so you need slow motion to really see what happened.

The video starts by watching Ahmaud jog down a rather lonely looking road though it is blacktopped. While we see him jogging we see in the distance in front of him, the way he is running a truck parked with the two white guys. One, the father in the bed of the pickup with what looks like a camera. The son outside the truck and his door is open and he stands slightly to the left of the truck and slightly to the front of the truck he is holding his shotgun and it is pointed down to the ground as experienced gun owners always hold their weapons.

Ahmaud sees them and knows who they are as they had drove by him a few mins. before and asked him to talk to them. He refused. Turned and started jogging in a different direction.

The McMichaels then drove past him and parked far ahead of him.

Nevertheless even though Ahmaud knows who they are and that they want to talk to him, he continues running towards the white guy. If he had been in fear of his life he would not have approached them.

We see him go around the right side of the truck and then quickly,very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot and then we see them fighting for control of the weapon with ahmaud repeatedly striking Travis with his fists.

We hear another shot...the second one whilst they are out of view of the camera. They come back into view of the camera Ahmaud still punching Travis. We then hear the third and final shot and Arbery takes a couople of steps, collapes and dies.

Remember put it on full screen and slow motion. Listen for the shots stop the video immediately and you will see the position they were in when the first shot was fired. You may have to start and stop the video several times to see everything as it all goes down very,very fast. You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

Interesting stuff I guess.

Guess it goes back to whether or not the court will agree as to whether or not the 2 men had a right to try and talk to Arbery for a second time, otherwise once they attempted to talk to him for the first time in which you said he changed direction after that attempt. Right ?? What a mess it is that these people have since gotten themselves into. Good grief.

They were trying to do the right thing it appears, otherwise by protecting their community from thieves, and maybe even a known thief, so it just comes down to the details, and all things considered in the case in which a judge might end up rebuking their tactics or means to confront such a person as Arbery, especially if he was an extreme danger in their minds like they had prepared for, but the judge will also be taking in consideration all of the criminal past of Arbery, and did he initiate the exchange or not ??

So it comes down to the common sense thinking that maybe they should have waited for the law to arrive on scene instead of putting themselves in harm's way after their first attempt to talk to Arbery, and worse having a person die in their presence in which did happen unfortunately.

If the guy was a piece of work, and was guilty of breaking and entering with a history of criminal activity in that regard, then he finally met his end over his career Criminal activity if that is the case.

Hopefully lessons are learned that crime just don't pay, and in the other part of it, well it best to let law enforcement do their job, and just be a help to law enforcement within reason, but not try to do their jobs for them.
You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

The only thing that can be seen moving to the left through the windshield is TravisM’s white hat and Arbery’s white shirt.

Stop a frame and save it to your photos where you see a black guy moving left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM

I see a white hat (Yellow Arrow) and a white shirt (Green Arrow) at the same time through the windshield.

The red arrow points to where the white hat was in the previous frame.

View attachment 340988

This shows both men were moving to the left. Simultaneously.

So it is impossible that anyone can see the black guy is running alone to the left across the front of the truck to attack TravisM. That is because TravisM is running to the left across the front of the truck too after he attacked Arbery. In order for TravisM to retreat to the left it is necessarily true that he had already attacked to the right.
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.

That is because it did not happen....the poster you are replying to has concocted a fantasy version of what he thinks happened because he is a dupe of the media...posts all these still phots with arrows and attempts to deceive...the only person he has deceived is himself....I posted the real video again below. Watch that in full screen mode and in slow motion will see the jogger veeering to the left across the front of the truck and attack travis in the middle of the road.
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
Does it matter? Is that against the law?
It could be (possibility) as based upon the acts or events that followed next. If they placed themselves and the victim in danger by their actions (Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law right), then they will have to answer for that.

Not sure what the verdict will be, but the courts will have a job on their hands getting it right for everyone involved. Once it entered the street, jurisdiction became law enforcements, and not a civilians responsibility unless self defense was needed for the aid of a person in distress or that person being endangerd by another if of course that was needed.

This is what happens when people decide to take the law into their own hands, otherwise when lives weren't immediately being threatened in the situation. Yeah maybe Arbery was a thief, a criminal, a piece of work, but was it these guy's job to confront him out on the street ? What a mess.

Get some training people or use some common sense already. Hopefully cases like this show people the err of their ways, and how people need to learn better about all aspects of these types of situations if thinking about doing the job of law enforcement. Yes, self defense is absolutely a right, but a right that needs to be protected with being educated in every aspect of its implementation of it.

Did TM's former duties as a police officer cause him to feel freerer as a citizen somehow to do such things, otherwise to perform police duties with ease, but not realizing that he no longer has the state to protect him due to his retirement, and worse involving family members in the situation before thinking it all through ??

McMichaels never took the law into his hands. Just another lie. Your thief attacked him when he was doing nothing wrong according to the law.
My thief eh ? Why so ignorant as to not allow for an open mind in order to contemplate or discuss all aspects of these things/cases ? Should people just adopt the close minded attitudes that are prevalent these days among sheep being led to the slaughter ??
[QUOTE="texmaster, post: 24733828, member: 73454"Your thief attacked him when he was doing nothing wrong according to the law.

What law is that? TravisM was committing a felony when he used a deadly weapon to scare the beJeezuz out of a young black male who jogged past his house, because he wanted to stop him to talk to him about burglaries in the area. But there was only one burglary in the area and that came when a careless gun owner named McMichael left a gun in his unlocked car and it was stolen.

TravisM did not get a look at who stole his gun. He didn’t know if that thief was black or white.

Was he assuming the gun thief was black when he saw a black man jogging while black and then committed aggravated assault when he tried to stop him?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

So a jogger is gonna steal doors, windows, electricity??? This is insane...
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...
The thread keeps spinning in circles.

No proponent of criminals and crime has yet explained how the American heroes did not have reasonable suspicion after Arbery committed the burglary.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

When a person RUNS at you with a shotgun they've already shown that they've lost control of the situation.. There was no TRAINING, no plan, no common sense here.. The yahoos CAUSED the confrontation.. With apparently little justification to ESCALATE the matter to "armed force"...
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

And they intended to shoot and KILL a jogger over a nuisance crime? Tell me how this case goes in court when the yahoos are asked "if they intended to deadly force if necessary" and on what JUSTIFICATION.... WITH A JURY PRESENT...
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.

The video doesn’t show TravisM attacking the jogger as he came around the front of the truck because the camera was focused to the right side on the jogger.

That does not mean we cannot be certain that TravisM did attack to the right because the video does show TravisM retreating to the left. TravisM can only retreat to the left after he moved to the right.
If Travis cant be seen "attacking to the right" in the video, why are you saying he did? Do you see the problem here? If you cant defend your position without being dishonest, why are you taking your position in the first place?
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I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??
I saw a news clip video of a struggle between TM and Arbery for the weapon just left of the truck, where fist and swinging were taking place in the struggle. Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired.

You are messed up when you wrote “ Yes they might have ended up in front of the truck where a gun was fired, but a struggle was in motion before that shot was fired“. The motion of the two men was always from right to left starting unseen in front of the truck. The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck.

Then after the gun went off the continuation of movement leftward went on until both men were visible on the left side of the truck where you can see the fight for control if the shotgun which had already been fired.

They did not move back into the front of the truck a second time.
Do you have the video that the news people were showing, where clearly a fight was in clear view, and the fist flying was also in clear view ??

Let me take this opportunity to present the 'complete video' which is different from what the media presented.
The media edited their video, not showing the complete video to try and keep people from seeing how Ahmaud Abery attacked Travic McMichaels the white guy with the shotgun.

Now the way you should watch this video is to put it on full screen and in slow motion.

This thing happens very,very fast, so you need slow motion to really see what happened.

The video starts by watching Ahmaud jog down a rather lonely looking road though it is blacktopped. While we see him jogging we see in the distance in front of him, the way he is running a truck parked with the two white guys. One, the father in the bed of the pickup with what looks like a camera. The son outside the truck and his door is open and he stands slightly to the left of the truck and slightly to the front of the truck he is holding his shotgun and it is pointed down to the ground as experienced gun owners always hold their weapons.

Ahmaud sees them and knows who they are as they had drove by him a few mins. before and asked him to talk to them. He refused. Turned and started jogging in a different direction.

The McMichaels then drove past him and parked far ahead of him.

Nevertheless even though Ahmaud knows who they are and that they want to talk to him, he continues running towards the white guy. If he had been in fear of his life he would not have approached them.

We see him go around the right side of the truck and then quickly,very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot and then we see them fighting for control of the weapon with ahmaud repeatedly striking Travis with his fists.

We hear another shot...the second one whilst they are out of view of the camera. They come back into view of the camera Ahmaud still punching Travis. We then hear the third and final shot and Arbery takes a couople of steps, collapes and dies.

Remember put it on full screen and slow motion. Listen for the shots stop the video immediately and you will see the position they were in when the first shot was fired. You may have to start and stop the video several times to see everything as it all goes down very,very fast. You will note if you look through the windshiedl of the truck you will see the black guy running to the left across the front of the truck to attack Travis.

Interesting stuff I guess.

Guess it goes back to whether or not the court will agree as to whether or not the 2 men had a right to try and talk to Arbery for a second time, otherwise once they attempted to talk to him for the first time in which you said he changed direction after that attempt. Right ?? What a mess it is that these people have since gotten themselves into. Good grief.

They were trying to do the right thing it appears, otherwise by protecting their community from thieves, and maybe even a known thief, so it just comes down to the details, and all things considered in the case in which a judge might end up rebuking their tactics or means to confront such a person as Arbery, especially if he was an extreme danger in their minds like they had prepared for, but the judge will also be taking in consideration all of the criminal past of Arbery, and did he initiate the exchange or not ??

So it comes down to the common sense thinking that maybe they should have waited for the law to arrive on scene instead of putting themselves in harm's way after their first attempt to talk to Arbery, and worse having a person die in their presence in which did happen unfortunately.

If the guy was a piece of work, and was guilty of breaking and entering with a history of criminal activity in that regard, then he finally met his end over his career Criminal activity if that is the case.

Hopefully lessons are learned that crime just don't pay, and in the other part of it, well it best to let law enforcement do their job, and just be a help to law enforcement within reason, but not try to do their jobs for them.

No you are not looking at it right....we all have a right to try and talk to anyone. Nothing illegal about that whatsoever.

Yes in their first encounter they pulled up beside him in their weapons were displayed ....they told him they needed to talk to him...he quickly took off running in another direction. They they drove past him a hundred yards or so and the video and you will see them far ahead of him as he runs towards them and keeps running to them...he would not have done that had he been in fear of his life.

No the McMichaels got themselves into no mess at all. The initial investiagation cleared them and rightly so. But the media got involved and they were the ones who created the mess, the hoopla, the agitation of the black community and they outright lied about it. They claimed the McMichaels went hunting for a negro to kill. Pulled up beside him jumped out of their truck and killed him. Blatant lies and they need to be held accountable for that.

The McMichaels did not consider him an extreme danger. They just took their weapons in case he was armed...they were really not expecting any trouble.

Greg McMichaels had originally planeed to do a citizens arrests but decided against that because he could tell from ahmauds reaction to his request to talk that he would have to get physical to arrest him so he thus decided to wait for the police and let them handle it. All the evidence points to that.
Travis "Attacked to the right"? I see zero evidence of that in the video.

The video doesn’t show TravisM attacking the jogger as he came around the front of the truck because the camera was focused to the right side on the jogger.

That does not mean we cannot be certain that TravisM did attack to the right because the video does show TravisM retreating to the left. TravisM can only retreat to the left after he moved to the right.
If Travis cant be seen "attacking to the right" in the video, why are you saying he did? Do you see the problem here? If you cant defend your position without being dishonest, why are you taking your position in the first place?

Because the moron is some kind of nut case...spamming the board with bull shit.

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