Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

And they intended to shoot and KILL a jogger over a nuisance crime? Tell me how this case goes in court when the yahoos are asked "if they intended to deadly force if necessary" and on what JUSTIFICATION.... WITH A JURY PRESENT...

I really thought you were smarter than this........or do you just not know the facts of the case? They never intended to shoot and kill Ahmaud that is a crazy deduction.

They had no idea Ahmaud would attack Travis...which was a crazy thing to do and makes absolutely no sense. Attacking a guy with a shotgun? Completely nuts...why would he do that? Nobody could have predicted that.

However there is a theory and a excellent video to go with it...I will look for that and post it again.
Here is the article giving a theory as to why Ahmaud decided to attack Travis MacMichaels............

The gist of it .................
"Why did Arbery refuse to cooperate with the McMichaels? Stefan Molyneux’s theoryabout what happened is compelling. Arbery was probably guilty of the burglaries in the area and knew that he would end up in jail. He also would have seen Gregory McMichael calling 911 in the flatbed of the pick-up truck and might have recognized him as one of the two men responsible for his prosecution in 2018 (since investigators commonly have face-to-face exchanges with suspects). Arbery had gotten off easy in 2018 and probably figured that McMichael wouldn’t let that happen again. As he ran toward the pick-up truck, he decided that instead of allowing himself to be detained and jailed, he would seize Travis’ weapon and kill both McMichaels. (If this had happened, we never would have heard about the incident, of course.)"

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For those interested in the truth regarding the ahmaud arbery case..............................

Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.

I am funny? You do not understand the charges against them. You have decided the charges are bullshit political nonsense. But the charges are supported by legs so to speak, of facts. Knock away those facts and the charges fall down.

In order for the Murder charge to go away the killing has to be self defense. You swear up and down it is. I say it is not. My reason is that you can not claim self defense when you are committing a Felony. It is why Armed Robbers do not get to claim self defense for killing the clerk.

The Felony that was committed was the Aggravated Assault. The Aggravated Assault statute makes it a felony to confront anyone while holding a weapon. Your intent matters here. But what matters most is the situation. The Prosecutor knows and so does the judge that while it is illegal to hold someone for police at gunpoint getting a conviction is a little harder.

This is the next leg. The only way to avoid the Aggravated Assault felony is if the person you were stopping committed a crime. For Citizens Arrest the person had to commit a crime. Not five years ago. Not five days ago. Not even an hour ago. But right then and there. Burglary right then and there would be a crime. It would be petty theft since the hammer is not worth more than $500 in all honesty.

But it would weaken the leg of the Aggravated Assault. Not remove it. Weaken it. That in turn would weaken the leg of the Murder charge. Agains not remove it. But weaken it enough to at least justify bail.

Now it may be six months or a year before the trial. No lawyer is going to leave his client in jail for six months much less a year if he can get them out. In this case three lawyers would have to be in agreement that not only their client but all three men need to stay in jail for that whole time.

Each man has his own lawyer. I read that in two of the news articles posted on the many threads. So three lawyers have to agree that the best thing to do is keep their clients in jail. That I have a hard time believing. That is especially hard considering one of the three men claims not to have been involved at all. Just following hoping for a picture of the “suspect”. His lawyer would be talking to the Prosecutor and trying to explain it. Especially since your assertion is that it is far better for the man to sit in jail for months or even a year before trial?

The problem for you is that you do not understand how the chain of events are viewed. You hop around one to another. But it was a sequence of events. Anything that weakens that chain is good for the defense. It could create the reasonable doubt needed for the Not Guilty verdict. But that chain is so strong right now the Judge has denied bail for all three. So weakening that chain a little gets the men bail. Breaking it could get the charges dismissed.

But three lawyers are not doing that. Now. Put yourself in the McMichaels shoes. They are starting their third week in jail. Bad food. Locked in a cell all day because it is too dangerous to put them in General Population. Seeing their families for a few minutes every week. Probably through glass. Not allowed to hold hands. They agree with this idea of sitting in jail until the trial which could be a year from now? Or longer if there is another court shut down due to COVID round two this fall?
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

And they intended to shoot and KILL a jogger over a nuisance crime? Tell me how this case goes in court when the yahoos are asked "if they intended to deadly force if necessary" and on what JUSTIFICATION.... WITH A JURY PRESENT...

I really thought you were smarter than this........or do you just not know the facts of the case? They never intended to shoot and kill Ahmaud that is a crazy deduction.

They had no idea Ahmaud would attack Travis...which was a crazy thing to do and makes absolutely no sense. Attacking a guy with a shotgun? Completely nuts...why would he do that? Nobody could have predicted that.

However there is a theory and a excellent video to go with it...I will look for that and post it again.

How did AA know that Greg was on the phone with 911? When you call the police does a large neon sign light up above your head? Maybe he was talking to the guy in the car following? We know he was not. How did AA?
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...
Where did you see an attempt to detain? More video you have we can’t see?
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

When a person RUNS at you with a shotgun they've already shown that they've lost control of the situation.. There was no TRAINING, no plan, no common sense here.. The yahoos CAUSED the confrontation.. With apparently little justification to ESCALATE the matter to "armed force"...
Where did you see this happen?
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

These yahoos lost control of DETAINING a citizen.. THEY are responsible... The "crime" was in their heads. Not based in reality...

Arbery deciding to attack was not the American heroes losing control, it was Arbery deciding to end his life.

They were well prepared for this option, that's why they brought guns.

And they intended to shoot and KILL a jogger over a nuisance crime? Tell me how this case goes in court when the yahoos are asked "if they intended to deadly force if necessary" and on what JUSTIFICATION.... WITH A JURY PRESENT...
If the intention was to shoot him why would Travis allow him to get near his gun?
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.

I am funny? You do not understand the charges against them. You have decided the charges are bullshit political nonsense. But the charges are supported by legs so to speak, of facts. Knock away those facts and the charges fall down.

In order for the Murder charge to go away the killing has to be self defense. You swear up and down it is. I say it is not. My reason is that you can not claim self defense when you are committing a Felony. It is why Armed Robbers do not get to claim self defense for killing the clerk.

The Felony that was committed was the Aggravated Assault. The Aggravated Assault statute makes it a felony to confront anyone while holding a weapon. Your intent matters here. But what matters most is the situation. The Prosecutor knows and so does the judge that while it is illegal to hold someone for police at gunpoint getting a conviction is a little harder.

This is the next leg. The only way to avoid the Aggravated Assault felony is if the person you were stopping committed a crime. For Citizens Arrest the person had to commit a crime. Not five years ago. Not five days ago. Not even an hour ago. But right then and there. Burglary right then and there would be a crime. It would be petty theft since the hammer is not worth more than $500 in all honesty.

But it would weaken the leg of the Aggravated Assault. Not remove it. Weaken it. That in turn would weaken the leg of the Murder charge. Agains not remove it. But weaken it enough to at least justify bail.

Now it may be six months or a year before the trial. No lawyer is going to leave his client in jail for six months much less a year if he can get them out. In this case three lawyers would have to be in agreement that not only their client but all three men need to stay in jail for that whole time.

Each man has his own lawyer. I read that in two of the news articles posted on the many threads. So three lawyers have to agree that the best thing to do is keep their clients in jail. That I have a hard time believing. That is especially hard considering one of the three men claims not to have been involved at all. Just following hoping for a picture of the “suspect”. His lawyer would be talking to the Prosecutor and trying to explain it. Especially since your assertion is that it is far better for the man to sit in jail for months or even a year before trial?

The problem for you is that you do not understand how the chain of events are viewed. You hop around one to another. But it was a sequence of events. Anything that weakens that chain is good for the defense. It could create the reasonable doubt needed for the Not Guilty verdict. But that chain is so strong right now the Judge has denied bail for all three. So weakening that chain a little gets the men bail. Breaking it could get the charges dismissed.

But three lawyers are not doing that. Now. Put yourself in the McMichaels shoes. They are starting their third week in jail. Bad food. Locked in a cell all day because it is too dangerous to put them in General Population. Seeing their families for a few minutes every week. Probably through glass. Not allowed to hold hands. They agree with this idea of sitting in jail until the trial which could be a year from now? Or longer if there is another court shut down due to COVID round two this fall?
You’re to emotional to Deal with the facts
Of course, I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of this hot potato, but I think that the controversy is a stark reminder to everyone: DON'T get involved if you think that a crime is being committed. Call the cops. That's their job. You are not Superman. But there is a good chance that you yourself may be accused of a crime.
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.

I am funny? You do not understand the charges against them. You have decided the charges are bullshit political nonsense. But the charges are supported by legs so to speak, of facts. Knock away those facts and the charges fall down.

In order for the Murder charge to go away the killing has to be self defense. You swear up and down it is. I say it is not. My reason is that you can not claim self defense when you are committing a Felony. It is why Armed Robbers do not get to claim self defense for killing the clerk.

The Felony that was committed was the Aggravated Assault. The Aggravated Assault statute makes it a felony to confront anyone while holding a weapon. Your intent matters here. But what matters most is the situation. The Prosecutor knows and so does the judge that while it is illegal to hold someone for police at gunpoint getting a conviction is a little harder.

This is the next leg. The only way to avoid the Aggravated Assault felony is if the person you were stopping committed a crime. For Citizens Arrest the person had to commit a crime. Not five years ago. Not five days ago. Not even an hour ago. But right then and there. Burglary right then and there would be a crime. It would be petty theft since the hammer is not worth more than $500 in all honesty.

But it would weaken the leg of the Aggravated Assault. Not remove it. Weaken it. That in turn would weaken the leg of the Murder charge. Agains not remove it. But weaken it enough to at least justify bail.

Now it may be six months or a year before the trial. No lawyer is going to leave his client in jail for six months much less a year if he can get them out. In this case three lawyers would have to be in agreement that not only their client but all three men need to stay in jail for that whole time.

Each man has his own lawyer. I read that in two of the news articles posted on the many threads. So three lawyers have to agree that the best thing to do is keep their clients in jail. That I have a hard time believing. That is especially hard considering one of the three men claims not to have been involved at all. Just following hoping for a picture of the “suspect”. His lawyer would be talking to the Prosecutor and trying to explain it. Especially since your assertion is that it is far better for the man to sit in jail for months or even a year before trial?

The problem for you is that you do not understand how the chain of events are viewed. You hop around one to another. But it was a sequence of events. Anything that weakens that chain is good for the defense. It could create the reasonable doubt needed for the Not Guilty verdict. But that chain is so strong right now the Judge has denied bail for all three. So weakening that chain a little gets the men bail. Breaking it could get the charges dismissed.

But three lawyers are not doing that. Now. Put yourself in the McMichaels shoes. They are starting their third week in jail. Bad food. Locked in a cell all day because it is too dangerous to put them in General Population. Seeing their families for a few minutes every week. Probably through glass. Not allowed to hold hands. They agree with this idea of sitting in jail until the trial which could be a year from now? Or longer if there is another court shut down due to COVID round two this fall?
You’re to emotional to Deal with the facts

I am too emotional? That post you claim was emotional was a logical, reasoned examination of the situation.

To get out of the Murder Charge, you have to show it was Self Defense. Surely you agree with that. It is after all as many on your side of the argument claim, Common Sense. So what makes it self defense? Not AA coming around the truck. Because why the men were there in the first place matters. They were not merely loitering in the middle of the road armed up. They were there by their own statement to try and stop, detain if you will, a criminal. That is what you argued in fact.

Now, in order for their being armed up in the middle of the street to be justified, AA has to have committed a crime. The crime was not coming around the truck, they were there before he did that. They were in the road and blocking his path and calling on him to stop, again by their own statement.

So why were they calling on him to stop? Was that justified? It would create at least the possibility of reasonable doubt if AA was committing a crime. Then the actions while excessive could be viewed as justified. At least the Jury might be made to think so.

That justification rests on one simple question. Was AA committing a crime the McMichaels were able to act upon legally speaking, at the time they set off in pursuit of AA? Trespassing, probably not. Burglary, even petty theft? Possibly. That moves it to maybe they get exonerated by the Jury.

The event did not start at the truck. It started at the house under construction. Each sequence followed from there. And each action afterwards was either justified, or not, by the original act of AA. Did he steal something?

The Prosecutors are saying no. That is why they attached the false imprisonment charge on Roddy. It ties him to the Murder. If AA had stolen something, than the false imprisonment charge would be a lot weaker, as would the link to the murder, so Roddy and his lawyer could be out of this thing in a day or two. But his lawyer is saying the same thing. We look forward to presenting our evidence in court.

Each link in the chain of events depends on the one before being strong.

That is not emotional. That is a cold reasoned and honest assessment of the situation.

Finally we have the lawyers. None of them, and there are three, are pushing to get bail by showing the Prosecutions case is weak. People do not want to stay in jail. It is miserable. It is dangerous, and the food is terrible. So if you could get out, being innocent as you insist they are, even on bail, wouldn’t you do that? Better question, why wouldn’t they?
That is because it did not happen..

You said that TravisM never left the driver side of the truck. I’ve shown that the video shows TravisM retreating from where he was in front of the truck. You lied and I’m correct.

You say unarmed Arbery moving towards TravisM is an attack. But you say armed TravisM moving Toward unarmed Arbery is not an attack.

You cannot have it both ways in a courtroom.
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.

I am funny? You do not understand the charges against them. You have decided the charges are bullshit political nonsense. But the charges are supported by legs so to speak, of facts. Knock away those facts and the charges fall down.

In order for the Murder charge to go away the killing has to be self defense. You swear up and down it is. I say it is not. My reason is that you can not claim self defense when you are committing a Felony. It is why Armed Robbers do not get to claim self defense for killing the clerk.

The Felony that was committed was the Aggravated Assault. The Aggravated Assault statute makes it a felony to confront anyone while holding a weapon. Your intent matters here. But what matters most is the situation. The Prosecutor knows and so does the judge that while it is illegal to hold someone for police at gunpoint getting a conviction is a little harder.

This is the next leg. The only way to avoid the Aggravated Assault felony is if the person you were stopping committed a crime. For Citizens Arrest the person had to commit a crime. Not five years ago. Not five days ago. Not even an hour ago. But right then and there. Burglary right then and there would be a crime. It would be petty theft since the hammer is not worth more than $500 in all honesty.

But it would weaken the leg of the Aggravated Assault. Not remove it. Weaken it. That in turn would weaken the leg of the Murder charge. Agains not remove it. But weaken it enough to at least justify bail.

Now it may be six months or a year before the trial. No lawyer is going to leave his client in jail for six months much less a year if he can get them out. In this case three lawyers would have to be in agreement that not only their client but all three men need to stay in jail for that whole time.

Each man has his own lawyer. I read that in two of the news articles posted on the many threads. So three lawyers have to agree that the best thing to do is keep their clients in jail. That I have a hard time believing. That is especially hard considering one of the three men claims not to have been involved at all. Just following hoping for a picture of the “suspect”. His lawyer would be talking to the Prosecutor and trying to explain it. Especially since your assertion is that it is far better for the man to sit in jail for months or even a year before trial?

The problem for you is that you do not understand how the chain of events are viewed. You hop around one to another. But it was a sequence of events. Anything that weakens that chain is good for the defense. It could create the reasonable doubt needed for the Not Guilty verdict. But that chain is so strong right now the Judge has denied bail for all three. So weakening that chain a little gets the men bail. Breaking it could get the charges dismissed.

But three lawyers are not doing that. Now. Put yourself in the McMichaels shoes. They are starting their third week in jail. Bad food. Locked in a cell all day because it is too dangerous to put them in General Population. Seeing their families for a few minutes every week. Probably through glass. Not allowed to hold hands. They agree with this idea of sitting in jail until the trial which could be a year from now? Or longer if there is another court shut down due to COVID round two this fall?

They were committing no felony ....that is just a figment of your imagination.
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.
Did you see the police report? It was 4 paragraphs long, no interviews with Bryan, no neighbor interviews, we don’t know much,, so you think if they had a hammer they would get out even though they have self defense on film? Lol your funny.

I am funny? You do not understand the charges against them. You have decided the charges are bullshit political nonsense. But the charges are supported by legs so to speak, of facts. Knock away those facts and the charges fall down.

In order for the Murder charge to go away the killing has to be self defense. You swear up and down it is. I say it is not. My reason is that you can not claim self defense when you are committing a Felony. It is why Armed Robbers do not get to claim self defense for killing the clerk.

The Felony that was committed was the Aggravated Assault. The Aggravated Assault statute makes it a felony to confront anyone while holding a weapon. Your intent matters here. But what matters most is the situation. The Prosecutor knows and so does the judge that while it is illegal to hold someone for police at gunpoint getting a conviction is a little harder.

This is the next leg. The only way to avoid the Aggravated Assault felony is if the person you were stopping committed a crime. For Citizens Arrest the person had to commit a crime. Not five years ago. Not five days ago. Not even an hour ago. But right then and there. Burglary right then and there would be a crime. It would be petty theft since the hammer is not worth more than $500 in all honesty.

But it would weaken the leg of the Aggravated Assault. Not remove it. Weaken it. That in turn would weaken the leg of the Murder charge. Agains not remove it. But weaken it enough to at least justify bail.

Now it may be six months or a year before the trial. No lawyer is going to leave his client in jail for six months much less a year if he can get them out. In this case three lawyers would have to be in agreement that not only their client but all three men need to stay in jail for that whole time.

Each man has his own lawyer. I read that in two of the news articles posted on the many threads. So three lawyers have to agree that the best thing to do is keep their clients in jail. That I have a hard time believing. That is especially hard considering one of the three men claims not to have been involved at all. Just following hoping for a picture of the “suspect”. His lawyer would be talking to the Prosecutor and trying to explain it. Especially since your assertion is that it is far better for the man to sit in jail for months or even a year before trial?

The problem for you is that you do not understand how the chain of events are viewed. You hop around one to another. But it was a sequence of events. Anything that weakens that chain is good for the defense. It could create the reasonable doubt needed for the Not Guilty verdict. But that chain is so strong right now the Judge has denied bail for all three. So weakening that chain a little gets the men bail. Breaking it could get the charges dismissed.

But three lawyers are not doing that. Now. Put yourself in the McMichaels shoes. They are starting their third week in jail. Bad food. Locked in a cell all day because it is too dangerous to put them in General Population. Seeing their families for a few minutes every week. Probably through glass. Not allowed to hold hands. They agree with this idea of sitting in jail until the trial which could be a year from now? Or longer if there is another court shut down due to COVID round two this fall?

What bullshit you mouth. You some kinda niggha girl? Cuz you real stoooopid........The McMichaels did not committ aggravated assault or any other crime. That is a figment of your imagination.

Georgia law on Aggravated Assault

Georgia Law on Aggravated asault
Universal Citation: GA Code § 16-5-21 (2017)
  • (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:
    • (1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;
    • (2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;
    • (3) With any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in strangulation; or
    • (4) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.
The McMichaels did not as in had no intent to murder, rape or rob anyone. So your bullshlit does not fly.

Nor did they hold anyone at gunpoint....look here jackass, you do not get to make up the facts of the case. The facts of the case do not jive with your imagination of what happened.
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Looks like The father and son tandem stopped Aubrey previously. After seeing him breaking the house again they decide at this time they all follow him until the cops come

You keep changing your stop. For a while there, they chased him because the owner of the house being built asked them to...
The McMichaels did not committ aggravated assault or any other crime. That is a figment of your imagination.

Prosecutors disagree with you..

That is no surprise. They are also charged with murder.

They are throwing up a lot of bullshit hoping something will stick to the wall.

You tell me how did the McMichaels committ aggravated assault or any other crime?

Any competent jury will see through their bullshit.

The state has no case. Just duping all yall nighas to keep you down on the democratic plantation til yall cool down an forget about burning down atlanta.
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I've been out of the loop and on the road for a while, but I was heartened to hear that the guy following in his car, shooting video of the incident, has also been arrested and charged. This is good news...

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