Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

We see him go around the right side of the truck and then quickly,very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot and then we see them fighting for control of the weapon with ahmaud repeatedly striking Travis with his fists.

This part is a lie “ then quickly, very quickly veer to the left and grab a hold on Travis's shotgun and we hear a shot.”

you cannot see the jogger grab anyrthing because his hands are in front of the truck and no one can see them in this video.
Omg are you trolling?
Omg are you trolling?

why bring that up? If you can show me what you see through the truck please do. There is no view where the jogger is seen grabbing the shotgun before it goes off.
Why do you keep
Saying he was jogging? And it’s obvious who the My question question was. if Travis was the aggressor he would’ve stepped forward towards the suspect before he got near the car. Wake up
Omg are you trolling?

why bring that up? If you can show me what you see through the truck please do. There is no view where the jogger is seen grabbing the shotgun before it goes off.

If you watch the complete video of the incident and put it on full screen mode and in slow motion mode you will clearly see Ahmaud running across the front of the truck and attacking Travis in the middle of the road.

Watch throught the windshield of the truck and look for the white T shirt happens very quickly you may have to watch it a couple of times to clearly see what is shown, ahmaud attacking travis.

He was a mental case who took a gun to school

Doesn’t matter. He had no weapon when two white men attempted to detain him with a .357 Magnum and a shotgun. They committed a felony the day Arbery died.

Two grown men commit a felony and a young man dies because of the felony. And you want to talk about what the dead ban did five years earlier.
They were following someone who committed a possible felony crime

What WAS this "felony" crime? Stealing a hammer? Have the police even CONFIRMED THAT?
Oh hey it’s the LIAR, with the intent to steal is the felony, the hero’s were following until the police came , but Arbery attacked Travis who had a shot gun and knew how to use it,, hey did you find the 5 minute video of him in the house you claim you watched?

Doubt you have the vaguest concept of the requirements for felony "intent to steal",.. Have much stuff could a jogger run off with that would MAKE it a felony??
He was a mental case who took a gun to school

Doesn’t matter. He had no weapon when two white men attempted to detain him with a .357 Magnum and a shotgun. They committed a felony the day Arbery died.

Two grown men commit a felony and a young man dies because of the felony. And you want to talk about what the dead ban did five years earlier.
They were following someone who committed a possible felony crime

What WAS this "felony" crime? Stealing a hammer? Have the police even CONFIRMED THAT?
Oh hey it’s the LIAR, with the intent to steal is the felony, the hero’s were following until the police came , but Arbery attacked Travis who had a shot gun and knew how to use it,, hey did you find the 5 minute video of him in the house you claim you watched?

Doubt you have the vaguest concept of the requirements for felony "intent to steal",.. Have much stuff could a jogger run off with that would MAKE it a felony??
The law doesn’t specify the amount, does it matter? They just followed him
While on the phone with the police. How’s that video coming along? Any day now?
The citizen’s arrest law stipulates that the arresting citizen must have witnessed the crime as it was in progress or have immediate knowledge of such a crime identifying the criminal in the act.
There was no act of citizens arrest there was an act of following while on the phone with the police. Up until the point Aubrey decided to charge an attack Travis who is protecting himself with a gun
Following on foot or while in a truck ? At what point does anyone exit the truck, and why did they exit the truck ?
Does it matter? Is that against the law?
It could be (possibility) as based upon the acts or events that followed next. If they placed themselves and the victim in danger by their actions (Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law right), then they will have to answer for that.

Not sure what the verdict will be, but the courts will have a job on their hands getting it right for everyone involved. Once it entered the street, jurisdiction became law enforcements, and not a civilians responsibility unless self defense was needed for the aid of a person in distress or that person being endangerd by another if of course that was needed.

This is what happens when people decide to take the law into their own hands, otherwise when lives weren't immediately being threatened in the situation. Yeah maybe Arbery was a thief, a criminal, a piece of work, but was it these guy's job to confront him out on the street ? What a mess.

Get some training people or use some common sense already. Hopefully cases like this show people the err of their ways, and how people need to learn better about all aspects of these types of situations if thinking about doing the job of law enforcement. Yes, self defense is absolutely a right, but a right that needs to be protected with being educated in every aspect of its implementation of it.

Did TM's former duties as a police officer cause him to feel freerer as a citizen somehow to do such things, otherwise to perform police duties with ease, but not realizing that he no longer has the state to protect him due to his retirement, and worse involving family members in the situation before thinking it all through ??

McMichaels never took the law into his hands. Just another lie. Your thief attacked him when he was doing nothing wrong according to the law.
No Idea what your talking about it was self defense
The gunmen cannot claim self-defense because they are already in the act of committing a felony. It’s aggravated assault, a felony, when they try to detain a jogger with their deadly weapons.

And as the photos show. You cannot claim self-defense for the gunmen because you can’t see what happened in front of the truck as the first shot was fired.

Why do you keep pushing this obvious lie? Everything you have claimed they took in action either never happened or it isn't illegal.
Shooting someone isnt "detaining" someone.

never said it was. The jogger was in fact detained after he was since he could get up and go anywhere because he was dead.

the definition of detained is “1. To keep from proceeding; delay or retard”

After shooting the jogger he was kept from proceeding.
LOL You're claiming his detainment was after he was dead and you are applying that to assault? Now I know you are not for real.
Shooting someone isnt "detaining" someone.

never said it was. The jogger was in fact detained after he was since he could get up and go anywhere because he was dead.

the definition of detained is “1. To keep from proceeding; delay or retard”

After shooting the jogger he was kept from proceeding.
LOL You're claiming his detainment was after he was dead and you are applying that to assault? Now I know you are not for real.

Some of these morons supporting the lynching of two innocent white men are just fakers, trolling through here just to stir things up.

Some are black and their bias so overwhelms them they are not capable of using any logic or commonsense even if they had some...they will (the great majority)always stick with the media version

Then there are the white liberals/democrats who will never veer from the party line always supported by the msm. Their goal is never the truth but one of how they can feel morally superior to the working class whites...they do this (they think)by supporting minorities, illegal immigrants, muslims or in other words anyone that opposes America.
He was a mental case who took a gun to school

Doesn’t matter. He had no weapon when two white men attempted to detain him with a .357 Magnum and a shotgun. They committed a felony the day Arbery died.

Two grown men commit a felony and a young man dies because of the felony. And you want to talk about what the dead ban did five years earlier.
They were following someone who committed a possible felony crime

What WAS this "felony" crime? Stealing a hammer? Have the police even CONFIRMED THAT?
Oh hey it’s the LIAR, with the intent to steal is the felony, the hero’s were following until the police came , but Arbery attacked Travis who had a shot gun and knew how to use it,, hey did you find the 5 minute video of him in the house you claim you watched?

Doubt you have the vaguest concept of the requirements for felony "intent to steal",.. Have much stuff could a jogger run off with that would MAKE it a felony??

It is not relevant whether the black criminal in violation of his parole for taking a loaded gun to school stole anything or not.

Greg MacMichaels was made the person to go to by the police dept. when anyone observed a tresspasser or someone loitering on the construction site etc. which waAs a ongoing problem

Shooting someone isnt "detaining" someone.

never said it was. The jogger was in fact detained after he was since he could get up and go anywhere because he was dead.

the definition of detained is “1. To keep from proceeding; delay or retard”

After shooting the jogger he was kept from proceeding.
LOL You're claiming his detainment was after he was dead and you are applying that to assault? Now I know you are not for real.

Some of these morons supporting the lynching of two innocent white men are just fakers, trolling through here just to stir things up.

Some are black and their bias so overwhelms them they are not capable of using any logic or commonsense even if they had some...they will (the great majority)always stick with the media version

Then there are the white liberals/democrats who will never veer from the party line always supported by the msm. Their goal is never the truth but one of how they can feel morally superior to the working class whites...they do this (they think)by supporting minorities, illegal immigrants, muslims or in other words anyone that opposes America.

Greg McMichaels participation in this problem was sanctioned by the police dept. as he was made the man to go talk to if you observed any tresspassers or burglars or suspicious persons in the neighborhood
Anyhow what this case is all about is not stealing, trepassing or burglarizing or anything else but the death of the black guy....was it justifiable or not?

None of the above nor anything that happened to ahmaud before he was shot gave him legal justification to attack Travis in assault.

Now the usual suspects always want to try to make a big deal out of Ahmaud not having a weapon on him as in they scream HE WAS UNARMED as in they suppose that makes it a federal case being the simpletons they are.

As has been mentioned already, if a suspect is attempting to take someone's weapon from them, under law he is not considered to be unarmed.

Did you watch the complete video of the shooting of ahmaud arbery?...that should be a requirement for taking this course.
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Time to end this mess. Everything that needed to be talked about has been talked about.

Now we see some coming on here who have no clue as in they have not read the previous posts and they come in here mouthing junk that has been debunked many times over.

Not even to mention their ignorance of the law.
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.
He was a mental case who took a gun to school

Doesn’t matter. He had no weapon when two white men attempted to detain him with a .357 Magnum and a shotgun. They committed a felony the day Arbery died.

Two grown men commit a felony and a young man dies because of the felony. And you want to talk about what the dead ban did five years earlier.
They were following someone who committed a possible felony crime

What WAS this "felony" crime? Stealing a hammer? Have the police even CONFIRMED THAT?
Oh hey it’s the LIAR, with the intent to steal is the felony, the hero’s were following until the police came , but Arbery attacked Travis who had a shot gun and knew how to use it,, hey did you find the 5 minute video of him in the house you claim you watched?

Doubt you have the vaguest concept of the requirements for felony "intent to steal",.. Have much stuff could a jogger run off with that would MAKE it a felony??

It is not relevant whether the black criminal in violation of his parole for taking a loaded gun to school stole anything or not.

Greg MacMichaels was made the person to go to by the police dept. when anyone observed a tresspasser or someone loitering on the construction site etc. which waAs a ongoing problem

Shooting someone isnt "detaining" someone.

never said it was. The jogger was in fact detained after he was since he could get up and go anywhere because he was dead.

the definition of detained is “1. To keep from proceeding; delay or retard”

After shooting the jogger he was kept from proceeding.
LOL You're claiming his detainment was after he was dead and you are applying that to assault? Now I know you are not for real.

Some of these morons supporting the lynching of two innocent white men are just fakers, trolling through here just to stir things up.

Some are black and their bias so overwhelms them they are not capable of using any logic or commonsense even if they had some...they will (the great majority)always stick with the media version

Then there are the white liberals/democrats who will never veer from the party line always supported by the msm. Their goal is never the truth but one of how they can feel morally superior to the working class whites...they do this (they think)by supporting minorities, illegal immigrants, muslims or in other words anyone that opposes America.

Greg McMichaels participation in this problem was sanctioned by the police dept. as he was made the man to go talk to if you observed any tresspassers or burglars or suspicious persons in the neighborhood
Anyhow what this case is all about is not stealing, trepassing or burglarizing or anything else but the death of the black guy....was it justifiable or not?

None of the above nor anything that happened to ahmaud before he was shot gave him legal justification to attack Travis in assault.

Now the usual suspects always want to try to make a big deal out of Ahmaud not having a weapon on him as in they scream HE WAS UNARMED as in they suppose that makes it a federal case being the simpletons they are.

As has been mentioned already, if a suspect is attempting to take someone's weapon from them, under law he is not considered to be unarmed.

Did you watch the complete video of the shooting of ahmaud arbery?...that should be a requirement for taking this course.

The police officer was wrong. It was actually not a Posse. Since in Georgia a police officer can only form one of those in person and while serving a warrant. No warrant was issued for AA so the cop was wrong.

Lou Dekman, the chief of police in LaGrange, Georgia, and past president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, said the request in the text message is not standard policy or procedure for police officers.

“As we see in the result of this incident, it’s dangerous,” Dekman said. “It’s dangerous for the citizen that is maybe representing the neighborhood and making the confrontation. It’s dangerous for the person who’s being confronted. In addition, police chiefs and departments and law enforcement agencies, they make decisions about the allocation of resources based on calls for service. So, if we’re not getting those calls, we’re not responding to them and we’re not documenting them.”

Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelings
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
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Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.
Silly question. But if the house was open and under construction how was it breaking and entering?
In Georgia any dwelling that is unoccupied, occupied or vacant, you can’t enter with the intent to steal, but doesn’t matter, it was Suspicious activity, it was ongoing Travis confronted Arbery previously, The owner put a camera in because people were breaking in. If you look at the video there is some really nice equipment inside the property

and you’ve already been told this.

And English the owner said nothing was stolen. So intent to steal is a stretch. And you can’t break and enter a building that is not closed. At most. Trespassing. And only under specific circumstances that were not met.

So as you have been told this. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise?
The house had doors and windows on it bro, it had expensive equipment inside. He had a camera to catch ppl breaking in, it had electricity.. this is a dwelling.

and it doesn’t matter they followed him to stop him from breaking in, and English was the owner NOT THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERs, we don’t have a statement from the construction workers saying their tools weren’t stolen.

This is a self defense case.. you don’t like them
Following the criminal!! TO BAD! I don’t care about your feelingsView attachment 340965hugE.. NO TRESPASSING! Sign

Here is the problem with your version of events. If they had a dropped hammer along the road that you claimed he had at one time. Or if they had statements that there was property missing the Defense Attorney could probably get the charges dropped by filing a motion with the judge. He would certainly cause enough doubt to get the McMichaels out on bail. But neither has happened.

So the lawyer is not serving his clients by ending this as quickly as possible. Instead drawing it out while they are in jail as long as possible?

When did the sign go up? Because I don’t remember seeing it in the neighbors video or any pictures even from the supporters.
We already went over this,, The media has sensationalize this we have a video of a man using self-defense it was a justifiable homicide and they’re in jail right now.. what evidence could be better than that? It’s going to trial.

But if all this evidence exists. Despite the fact it is not reported on the news. Then the lawyer could get the charges dropped tomorrow. He could have had them dropped last week and the McMichaels could have spent Memorial Day with the traditional BBQ sucking on a beer.

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