Video shows Justin jones assaulting and attacking drivers in summer of 2020


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
This the difference between the dem and gop. The gop just sits and complains where the dems would have used every statute to get a republicans out
The difference is that Antifa are CIA created and fully supported .
As such they are a protected species and are aware that they will not be arrested let alone be taken to court for punishment
There's a video out there of him and some of his fellow quislings dancing and stomping on top of cars, too. I saw it some place a few days ago.
Yes, I know.

I was only adding that there's also a video of him and his fellow quislings jumping on car roofs, destroying them.

Typical behavior...

These lefty fucks do not care. They love it.

I dont know how we get beyond this, but it is going to be a bumpy ride.
When the CBDC kicks in, I think all hell will break loose.

I dunno. Maybe. Just stay outta the cities. They'll eat each other. The perimeter will likely be secured. The zombies will likely be surrounded by men sent from the government with guns, ensuring their containment while they all have at it. Then come in and mop up and rinse away the mess of the aftermath.

I've mentioned many times that people who participate in coercion seldom understand their role in it. And they never, ever understand the consequence.

So fuckem. A country boy's gonna survive regardless...
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