Video Shows “Palestinians” Lynching 2 Men Accused of Spying for Israel

Yep, but you know they sort of changed with the last 1000 years and have these rules of law you speak of
First world rule of law suppressed the violence of radical Christians. If it wasn't for our constitution and secular government those types would be stringing up Muslims and burning pagans just like they always had.
Pay attention, you ass. Hamas has done nothing but hurt the Palestinians and prevent a 2 state solution. I feel like a broken record.

You forgot to mention killed innocent Israelis....ass

Sit the fck down with your lame ass muzzie defense you tired old burka bish

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured.

250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured.

Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers.

The campaign lasted seven weeks and resulted in more than 2,000 deaths, the majority of which were Gazan.

Major protests also erupted in 2018 along the Israel Gaza border which saw more than 28,000 Palestinians injured.

Moral of the story? Leave Israel alone.
Pay attention, you ass. Hamas has done nothing but hurt the Palestinians and prevent a 2 state solution. I feel like a broken record.
You cannot effectively separate Hamas from “Palestinians” when so many of the latter support the former. This is even more ridiculous in a time of war. It’s like separating the Nazi party from German during WWII. But, hey, if you want to claim there is such a bright light between the 2, then why aren’t you supporting what Israel is doing in destroying Hamas? Essentially, they are liberating the “Palestinian” people from Hamas.
First world rule of law suppressed the violence of radical Christians. If it wasn't for our constitution and secular government those types would be stringing up Muslims and burning pagans just like they always had.
I agree…had Christians not evolved and created the rule of law, and follow it, they’d be no better then the barbaric folks in Gaza.

Thankfully they did…there is no room for those barbaric acts in todays society
I agree…had Christians not evolved and created the rule of law, and follow it, they’d be no better then the barbaric folks in Gaza.

Thankfully they did…there is no room for those barbaric acts in todays society
Christianity created a secular government? You're crediting Christianity with the creation of the first world? Give me a break. There are Christians on this very forum that lament the fact that we can't just kill all of the Muslims. Religion is just as violent and divisive as it has ever been.
Christianity created a secular government? You're crediting Christianity with the creation of the first world? Give me a break. There are Christians on this very forum that lament the fact that we can't just kill all of the Muslims. Religion is just as violent and divisive as it has ever been.
Yes Christians did. There were many many Christians that founded our country…were you unaware of that? There are also Christians around the world today not hanging Muslims because they follow the rule of law..unlike what we are seeing out of be folks in Gaza
Yes Christians did. There were many many Christians that founded our country…were you unaware of that? There are also Christians around the world today not hanging Muslims because they follow the rule of law..unlike what we are seeing out of be folks in Gaza
The first world was built in spite of religion, not because of it.

What you're saying doesn't add up. It was not the plan of Christians to have a secular government. To this day they try to inch us toward theocracy. There's a lot of cognitive dissonance in your claim.

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