Video Shows “Palestinians” Lynching 2 Men Accused of Spying for Israel

Yea, after Israel stole their land and homes. Then force 2 million people to live in a concentration camp surrounded a tall wall with armed guards on top. Giving people no hope or future. Does tend to make them kinda cranky.

One more time Sunni Man...

I disagree with you.
Pay attention, you ass. Hamas has done nothing but hurt the Palestinians and prevent a 2 state solution. I feel like a broken record.
You are a broken record---you emit constant repetition of the islamo nazi
propaganda generated by nazis and taught to Imams who mixed it with
the genocidal "wisdom" of the koran and, in turn, taught it to innocent children
who became the leaders of muslims world wide. Hamas is one result. Taliban is another. Hamas, of course, is "the palestinians" -----a synthersis of nazism and koran
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Why should other Arab countries take in the Palestinian people?
To do so would absolve the terrorist state of Israel's responsibility for stealing their land and homes.
why should arabs do anything that any decent people would do?-----
such action constitutes blasphemy----a capital crime in Shariah law
You are a broken record---you emit constant repetition of the islamo nazi
propaganda generated by nazis and taught to Imams who mixed it with
the genocidal "wisdom" of the koran and, in turn, taught it to innocent children
who became the leaders of muslims world wide. Hamas is one result. Taliban is another. Hamas, of course, is "the palestinians" -----a synthersis of nazism and koran

Read the Likud Charter for yourself. Their goals are clear.
Nobody is enjoying this. Everyone has seen it all before. It's just more suffering and death for nothing.
Azzat Alsalem @AzzatAlsaalem:
Two Palestinians have been killed publicly and their bodies were drugged by Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Tulkarm.

They were accused that they are cooperating with Israel and were executed.

“Civilians” celebrated murdering them.
Nov 24, 2023
Hamas has achieved exactly what they set out to do.

The goal of the Hamas cross border raid and capture of Israeli citizens. Was to provoke Israel into over reacting with the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian homes and infrastructure in Gaza.
This achieved two objectives.
1) Caused Muslim countries to pull back from signing formal peace and trade deals with Israel.
2) Galvanized countries and people all over the world to side with the Palestinian cause and exposed Israel as a genocidal, terrorist state.
Hamas succeeded. However the cost to innocent Palis is horrendous. I know Hamas doesn’t care, but they bloodthirsty actions resulted in even more horrendous acts by the Zionist Fascist apartheid IDF.
Azzat Alsalem @AzzatAlsaalem:
Two Palestinians have been killed publicly and their bodies were drugged by Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Tulkarm.

They were accused that they are cooperating with Israel and were executed.

“Civilians” celebrated murdering them.
Nov 24, 2023

What the masses of racist Arabs there don't get is that Mossad can make them believe on a Hamas terrorist as IF he is a collaborator with the zionists... LOL
Hamas succeeded. However the cost to innocent Palis is horrendous. I know Hamas doesn’t care, but they bloodthirsty actions resulted in even more horrendous acts by the Zionist Fascist apartheid IDF.
Hamas actually wants pali Arabs to die and we all know why.
Hamas actually wants pali Arabs to die and we all know why.
Yes they do.

Israel is more than happy to mass murder thousands of innocent women and children. Dumb Americans support this horrific war crime.
Azzat Alsalem @AzzatAlsaalem:
Two Palestinians have been killed publicly and their bodies were drugged by Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Tulkarm.

They were accused that they are cooperating with Israel and were executed.

“Civilians” celebrated murdering them.
Nov 24, 2023

I can't believe that they still don't have law enforcement or courts in the West Bank after 60 years. This lynching is disgusting.
I can't believe that they still don't have law enforcement or courts in the West Bank after 60 years. This lynching is disgusting.
It happened in the areas of Palestinian authority they have police.
I read the Likud charter and see no problem with their goals.
I believe that the points that you do not like may included
the fact that it names the PLO as 'an enemy' Is that it?
Or is it the fact that it is devoted to the survival of the JEWISH
STATE? what is it that you find NOXIOUS about the Likud
(a political party) political platform?

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