Video: UMass Prof Ester Shapiro calls Trump a Nazi, says white supremacy "baked into" US Constitution, berates student who tries to differ

Democrats treat the taxpayers like their runaway slaves.
The Democratic Party and Press are probably the most corrupt and dishonest organizations on our planet.
This lady is either deluding herself or indoctrinating her students with left wing hate.
Democrats treat the taxpayers like their runaway slaves.
The Democratic Party and Press are probably the most corrupt and dishonest organizations on our planet.
This lady is either deluding herself or indoctrinating her students with left wing hate.

In Boston University-----based on what goes on there-----she would probably lose her job if she
refused to refer to Donald Trump as a NAZI
btw----where is YOUR example of a christian society that NEVER ALLOWED SLAVERY?
dont try to evade a question by asking another question

the ball is still in your court

your retort is idiotic----It is you and your friends who IMPLIED that white christian society----UNIQUELY abolished slavery and followed t----yet you cannot
cite even one christian society that "NEVER HAD SLAVERY". You should review history.. In fact, you should read the NT
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

speaking of contemptable pigs, PIG----I know your church issued literature-----I am past 70---born in the USA of parents born in the USA----and read your church spawned shit and LISTENED TO IT----long ago ------as far back as the 1950s. Slavery was endorsed by the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and was a deal between the two
major WORLD EMPIRES------since Medieval times.
The two MAJOR WORLD EMPIRES ----for more than
1200 years------THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH and the CALIPHATE. The only role jews played in your filthy game-----that as MERCHANTS (forced in the role of merchants by your filthy laws preventing jews from owning land) ----it was jews who owned ships
in some INQUISITION refuges like the Netherlands
You PIGS leased them to engage in YOUR FILTH.
If your daughter is a whore------it is not the fault of the Jewish owned shop in which she purchased her underware

To me of interest in all of this blame game is who financed the slave trade. We never get names. It was a business. I believe we were taught there was a company involved. We need names. Names that can be used for the blame game also. Royalty, businessmen, serfs? Who were they? The captains of the ships...were they involved? And if so what were their names? It seems we do not have all the information. For these are men who played a huge role in this.

the issue of "WHO WAS INVOLVED IN THE SLAVE TRADE" for a blame game is something
as idiotic as "WHO DEALT IN SUGAR"----also
as an issue in the SLAVE TRADE---but also as an
issue in TOOTH DECAY IN CHILDREN, DIABETES, ALCOHOLISM (sugar was grown to make rum)
and all other things bad---including obesity). Slavery existed as part and parcel of the WORLD ECONOMY for more than 6000 years---world over. EVERYONE HAD SOME LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT. Have you used sugar in the past 6 months? The libel---"da jooos did it"
is a very involved sophistry worthy of your hero---Josef Goebbels and the koran. Interestingly---WAY back ---like 4000 years ago---the biblical and talmudic literature called slave traders
"ISHMAELITES" who were peoples with no fixed home, illiterate, and prone to criminality and violence---out in the deserts of the middle east.
Muhummad thought he was OF THE HOUSE OF
ISHMAEL which is what "ishmaelite" means A personal anecdote-----I came across an ALLUSION to a "rabbi ishmael" in
a stray book I found. I had never heard of a jew
named Ishmael. ----however this rabbi ishmael lived in about the third century AD (?)---in---of all place------ AFGHANISTAN. It seemed odd to me----but then confirmed that no jews name their kids "ISHMAEL" because it is a solidly hebrew name. The name went OUT OF STYLE---
with the advent of islam

0You are a bit sensitive on this. For the past couple of decades or so there has been a slavapalooza agenda in our nation. So on the issue of the slaves here from Africa they have a right to know who was involved. Because I know damn well no one in my family in the past was. So whoever it was, get the names.
your retort is idiotic----It is you and your friends who IMPLIED that white christian society----UNIQUELY abolished slavery
to review, what the op claimed was that

white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level.”

which is true

then came your rant attacking all Christians

and I called you out
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

speaking of contemptable pigs, PIG----I know your church issued literature-----I am past 70---born in the USA of parents born in the USA----and read your church spawned shit and LISTENED TO IT----long ago ------as far back as the 1950s. Slavery was endorsed by the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and was a deal between the two
major WORLD EMPIRES------since Medieval times.
The two MAJOR WORLD EMPIRES ----for more than
1200 years------THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH and the CALIPHATE. The only role jews played in your filthy game-----that as MERCHANTS (forced in the role of merchants by your filthy laws preventing jews from owning land) ----it was jews who owned ships
in some INQUISITION refuges like the Netherlands
You PIGS leased them to engage in YOUR FILTH.
If your daughter is a whore------it is not the fault of the Jewish owned shop in which she purchased her underware

To me of interest in all of this blame game is who financed the slave trade. We never get names. It was a business. I believe we were taught there was a company involved. We need names. Names that can be used for the blame game also. Royalty, businessmen, serfs? Who were they? The captains of the ships...were they involved? And if so what were their names? It seems we do not have all the information. For these are men who played a huge role in this.

the issue of "WHO WAS INVOLVED IN THE SLAVE TRADE" for a blame game is something
as idiotic as "WHO DEALT IN SUGAR"----also
as an issue in the SLAVE TRADE---but also as an
issue in TOOTH DECAY IN CHILDREN, DIABETES, ALCOHOLISM (sugar was grown to make rum)
and all other things bad---including obesity). Slavery existed as part and parcel of the WORLD ECONOMY for more than 6000 years---world over. EVERYONE HAD SOME LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT. Have you used sugar in the past 6 months? The libel---"da jooos did it"
is a very involved sophistry worthy of your hero---Josef Goebbels and the koran. Interestingly---WAY back ---like 4000 years ago---the biblical and talmudic literature called slave traders
"ISHMAELITES" who were peoples with no fixed home, illiterate, and prone to criminality and violence---out in the deserts of the middle east.
Muhummad thought he was OF THE HOUSE OF
ISHMAEL which is what "ishmaelite" means A personal anecdote-----I came across an ALLUSION to a "rabbi ishmael" in
a stray book I found. I had never heard of a jew
named Ishmael. ----however this rabbi ishmael lived in about the third century AD (?)---in---of all place------ AFGHANISTAN. It seemed odd to me----but then confirmed that no jews name their kids "ISHMAEL" because it is a solidly hebrew name. The name went OUT OF STYLE---
with the advent of islam

0You are a bit sensitive on this. For the past couple of decades or so there has been a slavapalooza agenda in our nation. So on the issue of the slaves here from Africa they have a right to know who was involved. Because I know damn well no one in my family in the past was. So whoever it was, get the names.

I do not know what a "slavapalooza agenda" is--
As to "who was involved" In order to even
approach that question, the parameters of
"involvement" would have to be defined. I have read---in my long life-time, lots of literature on subjects such as "who was involved" in the perpetuation of slavery. The discussions DO range from ----the sellers, buyers and
SPECIFICALLY, if you read the scholar DUBOIS,---black africans as slaves transported to the americas as a kind of UNIQUE issue----to further forays into fantasy. Some of those forays include ANYONE WHO BOUGHT AND SOLD AND DRANK RUM WAS SUPPORTING SLAVERY. Did anyone in your present and past family EVER drink rum? use sugar? ----thus hundreds of millions of people in the past thousand years do have some sort of connection to slavery. NAMES? what is your name?
your retort is idiotic----It is you and your friends who IMPLIED that white christian society----UNIQUELY abolished slavery
to review, what the op claimed was that

white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level.”

which is true

then came your rant attacking all Christians

and I called you out

you are actually wrong------virtually all societies
included the discussion of the morality and immorality of slavery for, at least, the past 4000
years. ------which is why virtually all societies that did harbor slaves did include laws related to the RIGHTS of slaves AND had mechanisms for the emancipation of people held in slavery. The exceptions include the Holy Roman
Empire----especially Spanish held South America
where "SLAVE STATUS" could not be removed for a black african---circa 16th century---and onto ?
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your retort is idiotic----It is you and your friends who IMPLIED that white christian society----UNIQUELY abolished slavery
to review, what the op claimed was that

white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level.”

which is true

then came your rant attacking all Christians

and I called you out

you are actually wrong------virtually all societies
included the discussion of the morality and immorality of slavery for, at least, the past 4000
years. ------which is why virtually all societies that did harbor slaves did include laws related to the RIGHTS of slaves AND had mechanisms for the emancipation of people held in slavery. The exceptions include the Holy Roman
Empire----especially Spanish held South America
Thats complete nonsense.

Christians were the first to ban slavery on moral grounds

And slavery is still practiced in many godless lib countries like china
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UMass Prof Ester Shapiro calls Trump a Nazi, says white supremacy "baked into" US Constitution, berates student who tries to differ

In other words, another America-hating radical who in attacking others with his hate, ends up turning out fullfilling the role acting like a Nazi himself instead to those who would differ with him.
your retort is idiotic----It is you and your friends who IMPLIED that white christian society----UNIQUELY abolished slavery
to review, what the op claimed was that

white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level.”

which is true

then came your rant attacking all Christians

and I called you out

you are actually wrong------virtually all societies
included the discussion of the morality and immorality of slavery for, at least, the past 4000
years. ------which is why virtually all societies that did harbor slaves did include laws related to the RIGHTS of slaves AND had mechanisms for the emancipation of people held in slavery. The exceptions include the Holy Roman
Empire----especially Spanish held South America
Thats complete nonsense.

Christians were the first to ban slavery on moral grounds

slavery is still practiced in many godless lib countries like china

what christians banned the practice of slavery for all practitioners of Christianity-----ie as a LAW OF CHRISTIANITY? How do you define "slavery" ? You need to learn a bit more about "slavery"-----was OLIVER TWIST a slave? Are you quoting your Sunday School teacher?
what christians banned the practice of slavery for all practitioners of Christianity
Who had the power to do that?

the answer is no one

but in the end Christian values won the debate

what christian values "WON" ? Magda Goebbels was a fervently religious christian.
If christian values consisted of a ban on slavery---how did slavery FLOURISH in christian countries for 2000 years? Read that NT again----there are lines that actually support the most barbaric of forms of slavery----the ROMAN FORM---which was clear cut CHATTEL SLAVERY to the point that the owner gets to rape &/or KILL the slave at will. Russian serfs could LEGALLY
be beaten to death under the strict laws of
the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH. The anti-slavery people of the US-----consisted of a few
individuals------NOT CHRISTIANITY
what christian values "WON" ? Magda Goebbels was a fervently religious christian.
If so he kept it so well hidden that you are the only person who knows about it

the only reference to gobbels and Christians is on his role suppressing the various Christian churches in Nazi Germany

and yes, the germans practiced slavery


Church struggle[edit]
See also: Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany
In 1933, Hitler signed the Reichskonkordat (Reich Concordat), a treaty with the Vatican that required the regime to honour the independence of Catholic institutions and prohibited clergy from involvement in politics.[151] However, the regime continued to target the Christian churches to weaken their influence. Throughout 1935 and 1936, hundreds of clergy and nuns were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or sexual offences.[152][153] Goebbels widely publicised the trials in his propaganda campaigns, showing the cases in the worst possible light.[152] Restrictions were placed on public meetings, and Catholic publications faced censorship. Catholic schools were required to reduce religious instruction and crucifixes were removed from state buildings.[154]Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia Hitler often vacillated on whether or not the Kirchenkampf (church struggle) should be a priority, but his frequent inflammatory comments on the issue were enough to convince Goebbels to intensify his work on the issue;[155] in February 1937 he stated he wanted to eliminate the Protestant church.[156]

In response to the persecution, Pope Pius XI had the "Mit brennender Sorge" ("With Burning Concern") Encyclical smuggled into Germany for Passion Sunday 1937 and read from every pulpit. It denounced the systematic hostility of the regime toward the church.[157][158] In response, Goebbels renewed the regime's crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[159] His speech of 28 May in Berlin in front of 20,000 party members, which was also broadcast on the radio, attacked the Catholic church as morally corrupt. As a result of the propaganda campaign, enrolment in denominational schools dropped sharply, and by 1939 all such schools were disbanded or converted to public facilities. Harassment and threats of imprisonment led the clergy to be much more cautious in their criticism of the regime.[160] Partly out of foreign policy concerns, Hitler ordered a scaling back of the church struggle by the end of July 1937.[161]
Magda was a "HE" ? Is that something your sunday school teacher taught you? She was a
FERVENT Catholic lady and an UNLAPSED CATHOLIC person who REGULARLY took part in
the sacred sacraments. I have a sense that you do not know much about anything. In fact ADOLF attended her catholic marriage ceremony to Josf and even made her the OFFICIAL HOSTESS of the Nazi Party
what christian values "WON" ? Magda Goebbels was a fervently religious christian.
If so he kept it so well hidden that you are the only person who knows about it

the only reference to gobbels and Christians is on his role suppressing the various Christian churches in Nazi Germany

and yes, the germans practiced slavery


Church struggle[edit]
See also: Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany
In 1933, Hitler signed the Reichskonkordat (Reich Concordat), a treaty with the Vatican that required the regime to honour the independence of Catholic institutions and prohibited clergy from involvement in politics.[151] However, the regime continued to target the Christian churches to weaken their influence. Throughout 1935 and 1936, hundreds of clergy and nuns were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or sexual offences.[152][153] Goebbels widely publicised the trials in his propaganda campaigns, showing the cases in the worst possible light.[152] Restrictions were placed on public meetings, and Catholic publications faced censorship. Catholic schools were required to reduce religious instruction and crucifixes were removed from state buildings.[154]Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia Hitler often vacillated on whether or not the Kirchenkampf (church struggle) should be a priority, but his frequent inflammatory comments on the issue were enough to convince Goebbels to intensify his work on the issue;[155] in February 1937 he stated he wanted to eliminate the Protestant church.[156]

In response to the persecution, Pope Pius XI had the "Mit brennender Sorge" ("With Burning Concern") Encyclical smuggled into Germany for Passion Sunday 1937 and read from every pulpit. It denounced the systematic hostility of the regime toward the church.[157][158] In response, Goebbels renewed the regime's crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[159] His speech of 28 May in Berlin in front of 20,000 party members, which was also broadcast on the radio, attacked the Catholic church as morally corrupt. As a result of the propaganda campaign, enrolment in denominational schools dropped sharply, and by 1939 all such schools were disbanded or converted to public facilities. Harassment and threats of imprisonment led the clergy to be much more cautious in their criticism of the regime.[160] Partly out of foreign policy concerns, Hitler ordered a scaling back of the church struggle by the end of July 1937.[161]

all true and despite it all ADOLF HITLER remained a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING.----whilst Irish girls who used birth control were
According to the ideals of the catholic church----Adolf FLEW UP TO HEAVEN----in fact so did Magda after murdering her six toddlers
all true and despite it all ADOLF HITLER remained a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING.----whilst Irish girls who used birth control were
You sure are all over the map

from Joseph Goebbels to unwed Catholic girls having sex

I guess if pleasing Mr Wonderful is more important to them than the Holy Sacrament thats their choice
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

That professor is quite condescending when challanged...But then again, that is how progressives are...They love to hear themselves spew, and get mad from the jump if you challenge them...
all true and despite it all ADOLF HITLER remained a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING.----whilst Irish girls who used birth control were
You sure are all over the map

from Joseph Goebbels to unwed Catholic girls having sex

I guess if pleasing Mr Wonderful is more important to them than the Holy Sacrament thats their choice

from where did you get "unwed Catholic girls"? some sort of IDENTIFICATION issue?
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

These self-hating Jews who despise Israel and adore Democrats’ appeasement of Jew-hating nations never ceases to amaze me.

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