Video: Workers See for the First Time how Obamacare Affects their Premiums/Deductible

obviously staged

Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?

We can beat the Dems easily by regaining the center, which means downplaying the far right's disdain of female, minority, Hispanic, and gay issues.

Notice none of those are about small government or taxes, of which I favor both, when possible.

People and their needs and lives come first in prioritizing government service to me.

We can't by yelling at Dems if we are not championing people and their needs and showing how we can do that.

We will keep losing the center as we did in 2008 and 2012 if we do it your way, because the demographic began shifting dramatically after 2004.

Do you want to win elections? Think people not Democratic Party.

Dear Jake: instead of wasting resources competing AGAINST each other,
why not challenge each party to raise money to fix problems the way they believe in.

Then people can vote with their dollars and membership which programs represent what policies and leadership they want to pay for and be under.

I'd like your feedback and comments to my proposed draft of points and rules
to present to party leaders, to pay back the public for 24 billion estimated in costs
during the last govt shut down. Please see other thread and post as many objections or suggestions as you can think of. I will ask party leaders and members to review the
list and formulate a joint proposal to Congress and candidates to start investing
campaign funds and resources to train future leaders BASED ON THESE CORRECTIONS.

Thanks, Jake
Hope you have a productive and prosperous year ahead!
obviously staged

Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?

We can beat the Dems easily by regaining the center, which means downplaying the far right's disdain of female, minority, Hispanic, and gay issues.

Notice none of those are about small government or taxes, of which I favor both, when possible.

People and their needs and lives come first in prioritizing government service to me.

We can't by yelling at Dems if we are not championing people and their needs and showing how we can do that.

We will keep losing the center as we did in 2008 and 2012 if we do it your way, because the demographic began shifting dramatically after 2004.

Do you want to win elections? Think people not Democratic Party.

Dear Jake: instead of wasting resources competing AGAINST each other,
why not challenge each party to raise money to fix problems the way they believe in.

Then people can vote with their dollars and membership which programs represent what policies and leadership they want to pay for and be under.

I'd like your feedback and comments to my proposed draft of points and rules
to present to party leaders, to pay back the public for 24 billion estimated in costs
during the last govt shut down. Please see other thread and post as many objections or suggestions as you can think of. I will ask party leaders and members to review the
list and formulate a joint proposal to Congress and candidates to start investing
campaign funds and resources to train future leaders BASED ON THESE CORRECTIONS:

Thank you, Jake
Hope you have a productive and prosperous year ahead!

Yours truly,
You think it will only be two million. Bless your heart.

It is a prediction! More than 2 million jobs will be lost on account of Obamacare?

When will this begin? The shit has been law for three years now. We are not......I repeat NOT....losing jobs in this country.

In fact, we are gaining the. Have been for something like 50 straight months.

When the fuck are these job losses going to start?

Give a fucking month and year. Make. Prediction with some bite to it.

You aren't real bright kid.....the "jobs" being created are those part time jobs you love so well ;)

Ha.Ha. the Workforce participation rate in this country has SHRUNK to a 40 year low. Liberals forget that those that give up looking for jobs are no longer counted in the unemployment statistics.

As of November, the Labor Department reports, 63 percent of Americans had a job or were actively seeking work. That’s the lowest level since April, 1978—nearly 36 years ago.
How much is Obama to blame for the worst labor participation rate in 40 years?

Congressional Budget Office
Lost amidst the furor over the Affordable Care Act and its effect on jobs is a much more worrisome trend in the labor market: the labor force participation rate continues to decline. In a separate report released yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that the labor force participation rate would decline from 62.9% in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 60.8% by 2024.

This is why unemployment drops--yet we still have millions of unemployed or underemployed in this country. We still have 49 million Americans receiving food stamps.

When Obamacare hits the employer mandate in 2015 there will be millions more that will be strung out in part-time jobs working no more than 29 hours per week because of the Obamacare mandate.


Welcome to your hope and change!
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Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?

Jake voted for Obama twice, don't let him yank your penis.

:lol: I voted for McCain and Obama.

Your industry is getting what it earned, Antares.

Tuff dat.

Jake, you said you voted for Obama.
It is a prediction! More than 2 million jobs will be lost on account of Obamacare?

When will this begin? The shit has been law for three years now. We are not......I repeat NOT....losing jobs in this country.

In fact, we are gaining the. Have been for something like 50 straight months.

When the fuck are these job losses going to start?

Give a fucking month and year. Make. Prediction with some bite to it.

You aren't real bright kid.....the "jobs" being created are those part time jobs you love so well ;)

No they aren't. But don't concern yourself with being accurate.

Antares never does ... he's good for blurting out nonsense, other then that nothing else .... but what does one expect from a party of surrender:ack-1:monkeys
You aren't real bright kid.....the "jobs" being created are those part time jobs you love so well ;)

No they aren't. But don't concern yourself with being accurate.

Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time!

According to Mort Zuckerman, a stunning 88% of jobs created in 2013 are “part-time.” In case you were wondering if this was “historic,” yeah, yeah it is.

Appearing on PBS’s McLaughlin Group, Zuckerman said late last month, “88 percent of the jobs that have been created this year are part-time jobs. A large part of the reason for that number of part-time jobs which is unprecedented in American history is because people are apprehensive about the impact of ObamaCare on and the costs of ObamaCare on full-time jobs.”

Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time! | Independent Journal Review

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

You're welcome.

that's just one year ....what about the other 4 years???? I guess only one year counts in your mind .... you want us to believe that 88% of the jobs created the entire time obama has been in office are all part time ... nice try :cuckoo:

Alan Krueger on Friday, August 2nd, 2013 in an interview with Bloomberg television

Alan Krueger, top economist to Obama, says most new jobs since health care law passed are full time

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Alan Krueger, the chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, said that most jobs created since passage of the health care law have been full-time positions. Is that correct?

Policymakers and pundits are spending a lot of time these days talking about part-time jobs -- whether they are becoming more common at the expense of full-time jobs, and how problematic that is.

Republicans note that President Barack Obama’s health care law requires larger employers to provide health insurance to their workers, which they say gives companies an incentive to cut workers’ hours so much that they become part-time workers and thus exempt from the health insurance mandate.

And beyond the question of Obamacare’s incentives, some economists worry that since the most recent recession, companies have been unusually willing to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers.

We recently noticed two seemingly contradictory comments on this topic -- one from a Republican, one from a Democrat -- and thought it would be worthwhile checking both.

In this item, we will check a comment made by Alan Krueger, the chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, during an interview with Sara Eisen of Bloomberg television.

Eisen asked Krueger whether we’re "creating a part-time economy. The news is filled with stories of small businesses and colleges cutting back worker's hours or putting a freeze on hiring."

He responded, "I think that's highly misleading. Since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." (The Affordable Care Act is the more formal name of Obama’s health care law.)

In the other item, we checked a claim made by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, that "this year, the overwhelming majority of new jobs are part-time."

These two comments paint sharply different pictures, so we turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For Krueger, we checked the change in full-time and part-time employment between March 2010 and July 2013, then determined which of the two types of employment accounted for a larger share of the increase in overall employment. Here’s the summary:

March 2010 full time 111,195,000 part time 27,527,000

July 2013 full time 116,090,000 part time 28,233,000

Change full time 4,895,000 part time 706,000

So Krueger is right -- 87 percent of the increase in employment over this period came from full-time jobs.

Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions.

In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument.

Our ruling

Krueger said that "since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." The statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. A shorter time frame would show the opposite pattern, but on the numbers, Krueger is right. We rate the claim True.

those are the facts that you seem to allude Antares
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No they aren't. But don't concern yourself with being accurate.

Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time!

According to Mort Zuckerman, a stunning 88% of jobs created in 2013 are “part-time.” In case you were wondering if this was “historic,” yeah, yeah it is.

Appearing on PBS’s McLaughlin Group, Zuckerman said late last month, “88 percent of the jobs that have been created this year are part-time jobs. A large part of the reason for that number of part-time jobs which is unprecedented in American history is because people are apprehensive about the impact of ObamaCare on and the costs of ObamaCare on full-time jobs.”

Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time! | Independent Journal Review

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

You're welcome.

It ha squat to do with a weak economy. It is all about not having to offer insurance. Easier to let the taxpayers pay for the subsidies.

sorry pal, the tax payer doesn't pay for the subsidy ... try again
Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time!

According to Mort Zuckerman, a stunning 88% of jobs created in 2013 are “part-time.” In case you were wondering if this was “historic,” yeah, yeah it is.

Appearing on PBS’s McLaughlin Group, Zuckerman said late last month, “88 percent of the jobs that have been created this year are part-time jobs. A large part of the reason for that number of part-time jobs which is unprecedented in American history is because people are apprehensive about the impact of ObamaCare on and the costs of ObamaCare on full-time jobs.”

Obama Recovery: 88% of Jobs Created in 2013 are Part-Time! | Independent Journal Review

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

You're welcome.

It ha squat to do with a weak economy. It is all about not having to offer insurance. Easier to let the taxpayers pay for the subsidies.

sorry pal, the tax payer doesn't pay for the subsidy ... try again

You really ARE stupid.
Where does the Gov get the money to pay the subsidies?

This is much too just aren't up to this.
It ha squat to do with a weak economy. It is all about not having to offer insurance. Easier to let the taxpayers pay for the subsidies.

sorry pal, the tax payer doesn't pay for the subsidy ... try again

You really ARE stupid.
Where does the Gov get the money to pay the subsidies?

This is much too just aren't up to this.

Hopefully Billy was kidding when he said "sorry, pal, the tax payer doesn't pay for the subsidy":cuckoo:
Please share with us, Billy, as to who pays for the subsidies.

sure I would love to educate you ... if you look at the ACA bill where the subsidy money comes for are medical supply companies, companies who make meds ... each and every company they get 2.2% of their gross income ... see that's what happens when you read the ACA bill know something about what your talking about ... in this case you don't
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Please share with us, Billy, as to who pays for the subsidies.

sure I would love to educate you ... if you look at the ACA bill where the subsidy money comes for are medical supply companies, companies who make meds ... each and every company they get 2.2% of their gross income ... see that's what happens when you read the ACA bill know something about what your talking about ... in this case you don't

Cite it billy boy, we all know you are a liar, so cite it please ;)
Tell the whole story because if you don't I'll shove your lies up your ass tonight ;)

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