Videos prove lots of people entered the under construction home.

I used to enter construction sites all the time.

I wanted to see what they were building. Never had anyone hunt me down and shoot me
did you do it several times including at night,,
and did you run away when you got caught and attack a man with a gun???
Hell yea I ran away when someone showed up
Which raises reasonable suspicion that the tools you are holding do not belong to you
I used to enter construction sites all the time.

I wanted to see what they were building. Never had anyone hunt me down and shoot me
did you do it several times including at night,,
and did you run away when you got caught and attack a man with a gun???
Hell yea I ran away when someone showed up
Which raises reasonable suspicion that the tools you are holding do not belong to you
My tool has always belonged to me. I let my wife use it from time to time
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

Who had the shotgun?
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

Who had the shotgun?
the guy that got attacked,,,
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
Yeah, but he's the only one that acted like he had a gun in his pants as he was leaving.

I act like I have a gun in my pants all the time. Unfortunately, I was not really built that way.

How is that illegal?
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

Who had the shotgun?
the guy that got attacked,,,

Pointing a loaded weapon at someone is felony assault.
I used to enter construction sites all the time.

I wanted to see what they were building. Never had anyone hunt me down and shoot me
did you do it several times including at night,,
and did you run away when you got caught and attack a man with a gun???
Hell yea I ran away when someone showed up
Which raises reasonable suspicion that the tools you are holding do not belong to you
My tool has always belonged to me. I let my wife use it from time to time
Let me get this straight

you are standing in an unfinished house that doesnt belong to you holding your “tool” in your hand

I dont think I want to know what happens next
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

Who had the shotgun?
the guy that got attacked,,,

Pointing a loaded weapon at someone is felony assault.
not always,,,
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
The evidence is mounting that arbery was a violent prone character on the edge of criminality

all three men involved made serious mistakes including the dead black guy

Being on the edge of criminality is not criminal.
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
The evidence is mounting that arbery was a violent prone character on the edge of criminality

all three men involved made serious mistakes including the dead black guy

Being on the edge of criminality is not criminal.
Its grounds for reasonable suspicion
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.

“Hindering movements” and “aggravated assault” are what ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter do to in public all the time and the Left’s response is “ they must be heard.”
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.

“Hindering movements” and “aggravated assault” are what ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter do to in public all the time and the Left’s response is “ they must be heard.”

And they are arrested all the time. They face criminal prosecution for their actions. Or are you saying that we should just give the a pass too? Let armed mobs roam the streets dispensing their own brand of justice?
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.

“Hindering movements” and “aggravated assault” are what ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter do to in public all the time and the Left’s response is “ they must be heard.”

And they are arrested all the time. They face criminal prosecution for their actions. Or are you saying that we should just give the a pass too? Let armed mobs roam the streets dispensing their own brand of justice?
when that happens you let us know,,,
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,
They chased him with loaded weapons, stopped him and confronted him in the road. He was outnumbered and unarmed. What do you call it then?
they never stopped him,,he ran over 100 feet and attacked them,,,

at best they will get some sort of involuntary manslaughter,,,

Unlikely. Involuntary Manslaughter requires the unlawful act to be other than a felony. That would require a serious bit of plea bargaining. Or the Defense would have to convince the Jury that it was not Felony Aggravated Assault, but Misdemeanor Assault. In other words, ignore the presence of the shotgun. Or they would have to convince the Jury that the McMichaels were doing something lawful, in an unlawful manner. So it would totally have been legal to chase down AA, but they did so in an unlawful manner, arming up. There again, the presence of the Shotgun would be instrumental, but somehow not a felony.

The only way that Involuntary Manslaughter is going to be the result is a plea bargain. And the only way that is going to fly is if they agree to the maximum penalty, of ten years, which is still a death sentence for Daddy McMichaels. I don’t know if they can pull off that plea bargain, not with the State throwing resources at the prosecution as they are.
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,
They chased him with loaded weapons, stopped him and confronted him in the road. He was outnumbered and unarmed. What do you call it then?
they never stopped him,,he ran over 100 feet and attacked them,,,

at best they will get some sort of involuntary manslaughter,,,

Unlikely. Involuntary Manslaughter requires the unlawful act to be other than a felony. That would require a serious bit of plea bargaining. Or the Defense would have to convince the Jury that it was not Felony Aggravated Assault, but Misdemeanor Assault. In other words, ignore the presence of the shotgun. Or they would have to convince the Jury that the McMichaels were doing something lawful, in an unlawful manner. So it would totally have been legal to chase down AA, but they did so in an unlawful manner, arming up. There again, the presence of the Shotgun would be instrumental, but somehow not a felony.

The only way that Involuntary Manslaughter is going to be the result is a plea bargain. And the only way that is going to fly is if they agree to the maximum penalty, of ten years, which is still a death sentence for Daddy McMichaels. I don’t know if they can pull off that plea bargain, not with the State throwing resources at the prosecution as they are.
thanks for your opinion,,,
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.

“Hindering movements” and “aggravated assault” are what ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter do to in public all the time and the Left’s response is “ they must be heard.”

And they are arrested all the time. They face criminal prosecution for their actions. Or are you saying that we should just give the a pass too? Let armed mobs roam the streets dispensing their own brand of justice?
when that happens you let us know,,,

It happens. All the time. What do you gain by pretending it does not?
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.
If I was detained by two men in the street, I would call the police
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,
They chased him with loaded weapons, stopped him and confronted him in the road. He was outnumbered and unarmed. What do you call it then?
they never stopped him,,he ran over 100 feet and attacked them,,,

at best they will get some sort of involuntary manslaughter,,,

Unlikely. Involuntary Manslaughter requires the unlawful act to be other than a felony. That would require a serious bit of plea bargaining. Or the Defense would have to convince the Jury that it was not Felony Aggravated Assault, but Misdemeanor Assault. In other words, ignore the presence of the shotgun. Or they would have to convince the Jury that the McMichaels were doing something lawful, in an unlawful manner. So it would totally have been legal to chase down AA, but they did so in an unlawful manner, arming up. There again, the presence of the Shotgun would be instrumental, but somehow not a felony.

The only way that Involuntary Manslaughter is going to be the result is a plea bargain. And the only way that is going to fly is if they agree to the maximum penalty, of ten years, which is still a death sentence for Daddy McMichaels. I don’t know if they can pull off that plea bargain, not with the State throwing resources at the prosecution as they are.
thanks for your opinion,,,

We know they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony. That is thankfully no longer being debated except by the most head in the sand loonies on the extreme right. What we are debating now is the charge resulting from the death of AA. Voluntary Manslaughter is more likely, and more serious. It would mean that the McMichaels were acting in a reckless manner and a death resulted. That is more probable, but it carries the sentence of a maximum of twenty years in Prison. More likely, but not certain. Involuntary is seriously unlikely mate.
Destroying the narrative that only Arbury entered the home. Or that anyone who entered could be a burglar.

As we have tried to tell you. It was not trespassing. The McMichaels had no justification for their Assault on Arbury.
they didnt assault arbrey,,,he attacked them,,,

They had no legal justification to stop him. Detain him. Arrest him. Or hinder his movements in any way, shape, or form. In doing so they committed Aggravated Assault. A felony.

“Hindering movements” and “aggravated assault” are what ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter do to in public all the time and the Left’s response is “ they must be heard.”

And they are arrested all the time. They face criminal prosecution for their actions. Or are you saying that we should just give the a pass too? Let armed mobs roam the streets dispensing their own brand of justice?
when that happens you let us know,,,

It happens. All the time. What do you gain by pretending it does not?
I never said it didnt happen,,,
jjust for you to let us know when armed vigilantes roam the streets,,,

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