Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation


VIP Member
Dec 25, 2013
In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War, but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should be in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site: I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?
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In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War ,but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site. I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?
Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge at DuckDuckGo
In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War, but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should be in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site: I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?
How bout this found with DuckDuckGo:
Even in 1979, when the world was aware of the millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians murdered and starved to death by their communist victors, when even Joan Baez protested the Khmer Rouge slaughter, Jane Fonda refused to join in. As she then told the National Press Club, she was unable to confirm the accuracy of the charges.

This is more upsetting:
In 1972, having accused the U.S. of committing "genocide" by fighting communist takeover of South Vietnam, she volunteered for 10 vehement propaganda broadcasts for Radio Hanoi that called President Nixon a "new-type Hitler" and encouraged South Vietnamese soldiers to desert being "cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism," asserted U.S. pilots' bombing "makes one a war criminal," and she gleefully appeared around the world filmed in the firing seat of a North Vietnamese anti-air gun.

This piece of film she now admits was a "betrayal of the country that gave me privilege."

The hypocrisy and shallowness of this admission was quickly exposed when Jane Fonda defiantly added "I won't apologize" for her propaganda appearance with U.S. POWs, showing no remorse for some tortured for refusing to appear with her, by explaining in her morally blind view "both sides were using POWs for propaganda."

All the above from Jane Fonda is to be pitied
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.
In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War, but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should be in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site: I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?
peer review is only needed when the facts dont support the hypothesis,,
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Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your own troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
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Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your won troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
And you don’t lie to the American people to engage in a senseless war and wrap yourself in the American Flag while doing it.

Jane Fonda was more patriotic than the war hawks
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.

50 years later, History shows Jane Fonda was correct.

US Vietnam policy was a disaster
Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your won troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
And you don’t lie to the American people to engage in a senseless war and wrap yourself in the American Flag while doing it.

Jane Fonda was more patriotic than the war hawks
She could have protested over here in the streets all she wanted. She became a traitor the moment she landed in Viet Nam. I don't pick our enemies and never have. I was trained for the enforcement side of the equation. Those troops mostly did not choose to go, but they went and in the field deserved every bit of the support of the American people. She is no patriot and never was. When you go out of your way to support the enemy of the troops in the field, in the country where they are fighting and even use forced, captured troops of your country for your propaganda message against your own troops, your just a lousy traitor, deserving of the scorn she rightly deserved and still deserves.
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.

50 years later, History shows Jane Fonda was correct.

US Vietnam policy was a disaster

LBJ and his goons were a disaster and I know hundreds of guys who would have liked to blast Fonda's brains out, including me. She was a traitor who caused POWs to be tortured and beaten to death.
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives

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