

Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

Big Sword Society? Doesn't this really depend on which side you are standing on?

If the social contract is broken, then this measure would be justified. But, history says that it would not look good.
The last time "vigilantism" was authorized in the US was when democrats were beating up Blacks in the streets during segregation riots in the 60's.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.

I support and strongly advocate vigilantism. When the government of any nation is not serving its people, then I would the people would be courageous enough to stand up to their government and/or implement existing laws to protect the interest of the people.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.

I support and strongly advocate vigilantism. When the government of any nation is not serving its people, then I would the people would be courageous enough to stand up to their government and/or implement existing laws to protect the interest of the people.

Be wary about people who advocate vigiliantism in America these days. Are they really advocating anarchy? Was Bill Ayers a vigilante? How about the "Mad Bomber" who did it for the environment and had Al Gore's book in his pocket or the nut case who shot Reagan for Jodie Foster? How about the Weatherman gang who killed two Police Officers and two Brinks Guards to finance the revolution? What's the difference between a good vigilante and a bad vigilante? Anybody who spends time trying to figure out the difference is a fool. There is no good vigilante.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It was used quite effectively against the Sydney Ducks gang of San Franciso in the 1850's, and it was also used effectively against 3 murderers in Bodie in the 1870's. More recently it was used to kill a vicious criminal in Missouri back in the 1980's or 90's (I can't remember the exact decade) who was able to terrify the legal system to the point that he was basically untouchable. The townspeople killed him and crime plummeted, he was a one man crime wave.

So yes, it has been used and will be used again.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.

I support and strongly advocate vigilantism. When the government of any nation is not serving its people, then I would the people would be courageous enough to stand up to their government and/or implement existing laws to protect the interest of the people.

Can you please state your definition of vigilantism?
do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - i can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

it only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

msnbc has been calling for armed insurrection since nov. Of last year. They support the ows. They swallow everything obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

get a grip!
If ya' hate government?

You ARE a vigilante.

The fact that you haven't acted on it only means that you lack the courage of your convictions
It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.

I support and strongly advocate vigilantism. When the government of any nation is not serving its people, then I would the people would be courageous enough to stand up to their government and/or implement existing laws to protect the interest of the people.

Be wary about people who advocate vigiliantism in America these days. Are they really advocating anarchy? Was Bill Ayers a vigilante? How about the "Mad Bomber" who did it for the environment and had Al Gore's book in his pocket or the nut case who shot Reagan for Jodie Foster? How about the Weatherman gang who killed two Police Officers and two Brinks Guards to finance the revolution? What's the difference between a good vigilante and a bad vigilante? Anybody who spends time trying to figure out the difference is a fool. There is no good vigilante.

And I guess anyone who spends time stressing difference between right-wing conservative, liberal conservative and religious conservative is a fool, according to Whitehall?
If your neighbors corrupt the process, then if the grievance is great enough, perhaps so.

For instance, Mudwhistle has been calling for vigilantism since last november to insure a GOP election. He is all about mob-mentality.

But we can outvote him, because he won't do what he preaches.

The above makes as much sense as the nonsense Mud writes about armed insurrection.

From Wikipedia:

A vigilante is a private individual who legally or illegally punishes an alleged lawbreaker, or participates in a group which metes out extralegal punishment to an alleged lawbreaker.

I don't think of vigilantism as rising up against the government. It is a matter of taking the law into your own hands and punishing lawbreakers, or alleged lawbreakers. This usually happens when people feel the person has gotten away with something or is not being punished enough.

Vigilantism might also occur when someone patrols a neighborhood watching for crime. If they see someone being assaulted, they protect the victim, even to the point of killing the bad guy. Then they disappear into the night.

The problem with vigilantism is that innocent people get killed. I have mixed feelings about it. In the case of out-of-control crime, I'm kind of in favor of it. Depends who the vigilantes are, I guess. If they're just a pack of ruthless criminals themselves, well, that's no good.
Vigilantes are out to punish alleged lawbreakers. Anybody know for sure who on Wall Street actually broke any laws? And if so, why hasn't Obama's DOJ under AG Eric Holder gone after them?

A person who goes after someone who has not broken the law is in fact a criminal. A thug.

A person who wants to destroy the gov't is an anarchist. That's called treason.

You want social justice? Work through the law, makes legal changes, support the political process and vote. Good luck, you'll need it.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.
Sometimes, a corrupt police force and/or government condones vigilantism. Vigilantism is not the resort of people seeking integrity in government. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Vigilantism is the result of a corrupt government.
Do you think this measure will ever, or can be, justified? And do you know of any instances where it's been constructively applied?

Persoanlly speaking - and from a western point-of-view - I can see the pros, but experience forewarns me of all the inevitable abuses and subsequent injustices. For and against comes in equal measure, as well as cost.

It only becomes necessary when you're government or your police force is corrupt.

MSNBC has been calling for armed insurrection since Nov. of last year. They support the OWS. They swallow everything Obama says or does. You could say they're owned by the government. This alone reeks of corruption. The left believes in mob-mentality. It's their bread & butter.

It's one thing to kick the crap out of somebody caught in the act of rape or child-molestation. When it comes to fighting corruption we can only protest and inform.....and vote.
Sometimes, a corrupt police force and/or government condones vigilantism. Vigilantism is not the resort of people seeking integrity in government. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Vigilantism is the result of a corrupt government.

Yes, it is...or an incompetent one.
Hitler's brown shirts were kind of like vigilantes. Trouble is, they had selected innocent people as their targets. That's the danger.

Vigilantes circumvent the protections afforded us by the Constitution. That's the problem. Sometimes the result is true justice. But the capacity for evil is too much. That's why we have laws and a Constitution.

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