Violence Black Kids are Why Black Dobn't Learn!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.

You're a blind fool that can not see.
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.

You're a blind fool that can not see.

I could see all the spelling/grammar errors. It is just that most other racists are even more fucktarded.
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.

Read the article and you will get just a taste of reality! I grew up with blacks (10-15% of my highschool was black and little over 50% of the school was white), I work with highly competent black attorneys, I have black friends and I even have black extended family members. I don't get scared when I see black youth in my everyday life. Some of the best co-workers I had (and have) are hard working, motivated blacks. I definitely see that side of the black community. HOWEVER... would have to be blind to see that the failure of the inner city black community is all an internal problem that only they can fix.
(1) No matter how mad a teacher mad kids in my school when I grew, I never seen one attacked. Even by black students. We might not have like the teacher, but there was a level of respect. Yet it's a common occurrence in black schools (again read the article).
(2) Bullying goes on in every school, but could you imagine what it would be like to be a smart black child with an aspiring future in the crab barrel called all black inner city schools? I feel for these children and thank to god, some Chicago politicians are smart enough to set up the HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL public selective enrollment magnet and charter schools. These schools are give smart black kids that want to makes something of over their lives a situation to be around other kids that want to learn also and make something of their lives. In Chicago, these schools are nearly all minority enrollment!

(3) Who is the racist: Could a white student survive in an all black inner city school? Probably not even for one day. Wouldn't even matter if the kid was 6'5 250. Could a white family survive in an all black inner city neighborhood? Nope. How long before a white man would be robbed in the Southside of Chicago, during the summer at night? 1/2 hour. Are there constant shootings in trail parks (the white man version of the ghetto)? Not a chance!

These are realities that must be faced and if you want to just scream racism the problem will never get fixed!
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.

Read the article and you will get just a taste of reality! I grew up with blacks (10-15% of my highschool was black and little over 50% of the school was white), I work with highly competent black attorneys, I have black friends and I even have black extended family members. I don't get scared when I see black youth in my everyday life. Some of the best co-workers I had (and have) are hard working, motivated blacks. I definitely see that side of the black community. HOWEVER... would have to be blind to see that the failure of the inner city black community is all an internal problem that only they can fix.
(1) No matter how mad a teacher mad kids in my school when I grew, I never seen one attacked. Even by black students. We might not have like the teacher, but there was a level of respect. Yet it's a common occurrence in black schools (again read the article).
(2) Bullying goes on in every school, but could you imagine what it would be like to be a smart black child with an aspiring future in the crab barrel called all black inner city schools? I feel for these children and thank to god, some Chicago politicians are smart enough to set up the HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL public selective enrollment magnet and charter schools. These schools are give smart black kids that want to makes something of over their lives a situation to be around other kids that want to learn also and make something of their lives. In Chicago, these schools are nearly all minority enrollment!

(3) Who is the racist: Could a white student survive in an all black inner city school? Probably not even for one day. Wouldn't even matter if the kid was 6'5 250. Could a white family survive in an all black inner city neighborhood? Nope. How long before a white man would be robbed in the Southside of Chicago, during the summer at night? 1/2 hour. Are there constant shootings in trail parks (the white man version of the ghetto)? Not a chance!

These are realities that must be faced and if you want to just scream racism the problem will never get fixed!
Ah, for the days I went to Englewood high school in Chicago. I was white and had me a competent bodyguard. I moved to California and in my job met two others from Englewood, both Black, and none of us graduated but all of us had some interesting stories of combat.
Violent kids of all races shouldn't be allowed in the classroom. Going to school should be a privilege.
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

You are surprisingly literate for a racist.

sorry, but he is telling the truth about inner city schools and some schools that are majority black

the truth is racist apparently

you are unsurprisingly illiterate for a racist
Violent kids of all races shouldn't be allowed in the classroom. Going to school should be a privilege.

sorry Matthew,

the student has a right to an education until graduation or age 18.

regardless of behavior

the taxpayers still are required to educate the little angels in juvy and also "reform schools" which are very expensive which is why school districts are reluctant to remove them from the students that want to learn

the element drags everyone else down
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

Kids and even adults with special issues should have individualized programs designed to manage this.
What I learned about one-on-one education, and why it is so effective,
some students respond to one teacher but not to others; so even the teacher or mentor
they are matched with can make the difference in their education and development.

To accommodate students on this level, both teachers and students should be
evaluated and placed accordingly.

If we start shifting money wasted on prison programs that don't work,
and reward the educational and corrective programs that do work,
we can afford to hire, train and delegate more teachers to serve individual
students (or larger classes for those students and teachers who can handle mass settings)
with the money being wasted now for LACK of this level of support that can reduce crime and costs.
Blacks and liberals always state that funding is the reason blacks fail in school, but the truth is we spend a ton on black school and in many cases a ton more than white dominated schools. Black kids don't respect teachers and are attacking teachers at an alarming rate. Find a headline of a patch of raging white kids beating a teacher! You won't find it. Heck I don't think you will find Hispanic doing this either. I digress, Black classrooms are lawless, since old white teachers are powerless against a patch of raging black youth. The attack without mercy, in great number and have no consideration for the victim's age or vulnerability. Bullying goes unchecked.

They are crabs in a barrel, once one gets close to the top the other's pull them down. Smart kids or one's that want to learn and not becoming a loser, are mercilessness picked on and beat up.

Blacks don't learn because of BLACKS themselves. They aren't parented, punished or supervised. They attack the police for punishing their lawless kids.

I think the black community is hopeless and it will only get worse because of liberal apologist!

Articles Documented Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are astronomically out of proportion.

Especially in schools. Especially directed at teachers. Especially this week in Monroe, Yonkers, Little Rock, and Buffalo.

Let’s start in Monroe, Louisiana. Facebook videographer “Tanglewood Hard Hitta” transports us into the middle of a few dozen black teenage girls fighting and screaming.

Teacher’s aide David Payne was trying to break it up when Ryan Marquez Gix took a running start at Payne, all the while slipping into a set of brass knuckles. Then from behind, he bashed Payne in the face.

Unlike us watching the video, Payne never saw it coming. He woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, with his skull fractured in three places and bleeding on the brain.

Over in Yonkers, a ninth-grade black student attacked a white teacher, on video. The substitute teacher did not get a skull fracture, but he is pressing charges.

Let’s go to the Buffalo News for the next story:

A Buffalo teacher is recovering from a concussion after being assaulted by a student Tuesday at Highgate Heights Elementary School. The student has been suspended.

The teacher was in a hallway heading back to her classroom when she encountered the student, Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore said. When the teacher asked the student what she was doing in the hall, the student forced the teacher to the floor, kicked her in the face and chest and beat her with a book.

Rumore said he wanted to make sure the girl received anger management training before she is re-admitted to the school.

Highgate Heights is 92 percent black, and parents and teachers say violence has been an everyday fact of life there for a very long time.

Last year, teachers even issued a warning after a May 2014 teacher beat-down at Bennett High School in Buffalo.

Last month, News 4 Investigates told you about Bennett teachers who had come forward asking for help because they felt unsafe. They had even appealed to the school board saying conditions had become chaotic with students fighting and roaming the halls. Now this vivid video describes just what they were talking about.

The video shows an older white teacher, Kevin Coady, trying to break up a fight among black students. They did not like that, so they beat him instead.

"Every time I think about going back I start...really I start to shake. Right now I'm thinking to myself I don't know if I can ever walk back in there again and I know I have to."

Coady said this year – he says he was repeatedly shoved by a student in October – is the first time in his career "that I felt that there was no support and I was not safe." He adds, "For the whole year, that's been the common theme around the school, let's ignore stuff.”

Moving on: the website Little Rock Matters describes the next attack. “A 66-year-old woman who works as an assistant principal at a local middle school has been injured in a hallway beating by a student, according to police.”

“The assistant principal was attacked after calling the suspect out into the hallway and trying to keep the two girls apart.”

“The student punched the assistant principal in the facial region for about 20 seconds. The injured woman was taken to the hospital after telling police she had head and neck pain and difficulty walking.”

And oh yeah, this has been happening for a long time at Pulaski Heights Middle School, says one parent to

The children are out of control. If your student has a substitute, forget about any learning. Students make noises and get out of their seats during normal class time. Bullying is not addressed. The vice principal does nothing to address any bullying issue.

His standard response is to "agree to disagree". School district policy on bullying is not followed at all. Fights and threats are common occurrences.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.

“In Baltimore, four teachers are assaulted every day.” Many on video.

The American Psychological Association Journal took a stab at it in 2014:

Teachers across the United States report alarmingly high rates of personally experiencing student violence and harassment while at school, according to an article published by the American Psychological Association that presents comprehensive recommendations to make schools safer for school personnel as well as students.

“Violence directed against teachers is a national crisis with far-reaching implications and deserves inclusion in the school violence equation,” said the article’s lead author, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The study had nothing to say about the high propensity for student-on-teacher violence in black school districts. Maybe next time.

A challenge: find some white students beating on teachers on video. Because there are a ton of examples of black students doing just that – many on this YouTube playlist, with many more in the soon to be released book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Or you could talk to the head of the teachers’ unions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Washington and other cities where teachers are afraid to enter the classrooms because of the growing threat of violence.

The growing reality of violence.

Glenn Singleton knows all about the roots of all this black violence that teachers experience every day: white racism.

Singleton is the author of Courageous Conversations, the most popular manual to train teachers how to eliminate racial disparity in grades and discipline. As the pied piper of Critical Race Theory in schools, Singleton insists that teachers must know three things to do their jobs:

1) White racism is everywhere.

2) White racism is permanent.

3) White racism explains everything.

And he preaches this in hundreds of school districts around the country.

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. Singleton is way past trying to deny it. But he does explain it:

“White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school,” he writes.

“They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms.”

Marlin Newburn is unimpressed.

After 30 years as a court-ordered and prison psychologist, Newburn has seen up close what happens when schools excuse bad behavior for any reason, including race.

Especially race.

“The liberal is the prototypical appeaser of bad behavior, and for decades, liberals have run public schools in America,” Newburn said. “I've seen firsthand where the most brutal school space-taker (not "student") will be given scores of chances instead of permanently sending it home for parental repair. After all, the public school potentates believe school thugs are just misunderstood and should be given unending chances to destroy the learning environment. That the teachers are paying the personal price for this thug-enabling system comes not as a shock. It is predictable.”

Is the reason why you don't know how to use the proper tense of "violent" due to the "violent" black kids in your classes when you were attending school?
Violent kids of all races shouldn't be allowed in the classroom. Going to school should be a privilege.

sorry Matthew,

the student has a right to an education until graduation or age 18.

regardless of behavior

the taxpayers still are required to educate the little angels in juvy and also "reform schools" which are very expensive which is why school districts are reluctant to remove them from the students that want to learn

the element drags everyone else down
Matthew said that school "SHOULD" be a privilege. I agree with him on that. I'm not saying that only the privileged should be afforded an education. All children should be afforded an education. They need to understand that it is a privilege to be educated and that if they act like animals they can lose that privilege.
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The self hating Kik_e spewing more hate. How novel. Another USMB racist who hides on an anonymous forum.


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