Violent crime up 55 percent under Biden


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

You can see the evidence!!
Fake DOJ and Stasi FBI are corrupt lying MF
But!...but! Kammy and the leftwards here claim crime is way down!!!

Where was David Muir to fact-check her on that?

My dad thinks the USA is the safest it’s been in history!! He is a “ cornbeef commy NY type “
Just think when ALL the illegals get settled in here, you will see crime unlike anything you can remember. Welcome to the Biden/Harris country... :5_1_12024:
That view would quickly change the first time he goes out and gets mugged, robbed and assaulted in broad daylight.

He lives in a giant resort area with heavy security and like 7 giant golf courses and never leaves . He watches 3-4 hrs of CNN
And MSNBC a day

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