Violent liberal woman bites female mma fighters breast

Professional MMA fighter Tara LaRosa found herself in a physical confrontation with a violent leftist who allegedly attacked another woman during a Veteran’s Day flag-waving event in Portland, Oregon.
Video: Violent Liberal Woman Bites Female MMA Fighter’s Breast

Sooner or later losers will get found by Karma and it's coming for all you American hating losers.



I just farted....and it is headed your way!

I fart at your threats!

I mock your tiny penis

I spit on your heritage
Professional MMA fighter Tara LaRosa found herself in a physical confrontation with a violent leftist who allegedly attacked another woman during a Veteran’s Day flag-waving event in Portland, Oregon.
Video: Violent Liberal Woman Bites Female MMA Fighter’s Breast

Sooner or later losers will get found by Karma and it's coming for all you American hating losers.



I just farted....and it is headed your way!

I fart at your threats!

I mock your tiny penis

I spit on your heritage

Typical of your ilk.
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Professional MMA fighter Tara LaRosa found herself in a physical confrontation with a violent leftist who allegedly attacked another woman during a Veteran’s Day flag-waving event in Portland, Oregon.
Video: Violent Liberal Woman Bites Female MMA Fighter’s Breast

Sooner or later losers will get found by Karma and it's coming for all you American hating losers.



I just farted....and it is headed your way!

I fart at your threats!

I mock your tiny penis

I spit on your heritage

Typical of your ilk.

The Cyka has been trying to bait me for two days LOL........
Professional MMA fighter Tara LaRosa found herself in a physical confrontation with a violent leftist who allegedly attacked another woman during a Veteran’s Day flag-waving event in Portland, Oregon.
Video: Violent Liberal Woman Bites Female MMA Fighter’s Breast

Sooner or later losers will get found by Karma and it's coming for all you American hating losers.



I just farted....and it is headed your way!

I fart at your threats!

I mock your tiny penis

I spit on your heritage
You sound like someone who would attack somebody for what they're wearing, too.

Seek help.

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