Viral lawyer couple who came out armed to defend their home to be charged with felonies.


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
The McCloskeys who both came out of their house armed to defend their historic home when a literal mob trespassed in clearly marked private property are being charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon. Not only did the mob clearly trespass on clearly marked out private property, they broke a gate in order to do so. The mob was also clearly videotaped coming onto the McCloskeys lawn after multiple requests were made for the Mob to exit private property. The mob claims they were headed to the mayors house to protest, but there was absolutely no way to get to the mayors house.

Despite the Castile Doctrine (A castle doctrine, also known as a castle lawor a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used.), the St Louis AG, Soros backed candidate, has decided that the mob is free to loot, set ablaze, trespass, vandalize, and intimidate....but it’s wrong for people to defend their own property. This is fucked-up-beyond-all-recognition.
That's more fucked up than Cuomo, sending all those COVID carriers back into the old age homes. Cuomo was just a stupid fuck. This St. Louis dude is an evil, un American fuck who obviously doesn't know shit about his own laws. He obviously worked hard to become the head law officer of the murder capital of the US.
Why are the police involved? Why should Repubs back them if they are being weasels? It seems they want to punish their benefactors at this point. They need to separate from the Prog politics.
What do we do about it?

Complain, when we should be declaring war against the gestapo tactics and enforced by gestapo law enforcement.

When law enforcement, enforces unjust laws, we should not be praising law enforcement.

Ain't that right leftists?
That's more fucked up than Cuomo, sending all those COVID carriers back into the old age homes. Cuomo was just a stupid fuck. This St. Louis dude is an evil, un American fuck who obviously doesn't know shit about his own laws. He obviously worked hard to become the head law officer of the murder capital of the US.
It's a female... a BLACK BITCH female... you understand now aye... the two people protecting their lives and property against the BLM mob threatening to KILL THEM and BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE are WHITE.

The shit doesn't get any worse than this. We NEED another civil war.
That's more fucked up than Cuomo, sending all those COVID carriers back into the old age homes. Cuomo was just a stupid fuck. This St. Louis dude is an evil, un American fuck who obviously doesn't know shit about his own laws. He obviously worked hard to become the head law officer of the murder capital of the US.
It's a female... a BLACK BITCH female... you understand now aye... the two people protecting their lives and property against the BLM mob threatening to KILL THEM and BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE are WHITE.

The shit doesn't get any worse than this. We NEED another civil war.
Thank you for the correction. Maybe she's being an ignorant asshole because she's a Black woman and she's still hoping Biden picks her for his running mate.
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That's more fucked up than Cuomo, sending all those COVID carriers back into the old age homes. Cuomo was just a stupid fuck. This St. Louis dude is an evil, un American fuck who obviously doesn't know shit about his own laws. He obviously worked hard to become the head law officer of the murder capital of the US.
It's a female... a BLACK BITCH female... you understand now aye... the two people protecting their lives and property against the BLM mob threatening to KILL THEM and BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE are WHITE.

The shit doesn't get any worse than this. We NEED another civil war.
Thank you for the correction. Maybe she's being an ignorant asshole because she's a Black woman and she's still hoping Biden picks her for his running mate.
Could be... but if you asked me I'd say she's got a bad case of HATE WHITEY. Us white folk can't be STANDING UP TO BLACKS, that ain't allowed. If they break into your property, threaten to kill you and burn down your house, you have to LET THEM. It is NOT OK for you to DEFEND yourself and your property, NOT OK.

BUT... if it was YOU breaking into BLACKS property and threatening to burn their house down and kill them, you will IMMEDIATELY be arrested and thrown in jail.

See how this works... damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whitey loses all altercations with blacks, period. It's the NEW DEAL in America, BLACKS CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING, and whites, well, we just get FUCKED.

Now tell me, WHO really has any PRIVELEGE here?
Are they charging the mob who threatened to murder the couple and burn down their home??

Given that never happened, of course not. It's just something your cult told you to keep you crapping yourself out of fear, which keeps you obedient.

How do we know it never happened? It's all on video. Did your cult not tell you that? Of course they didn't. They constantly lie to you to keep you hysterical and obedient.

The thread title was wrong about one thing. They're being charged with a misdemeanor, not a felony. And jail time will not be recommended. The DA is being careful not to overcharge.
We NEED another civil war.

That's what all the rioting white supremacists say as they attack people.

And it's kind of what Hitler's brownshirts said as they attacked the Jews. You would have made a fantastic GoodGerman.
That's more fucked up than Cuomo, sending all those COVID carriers back into the old age homes. Cuomo was just a stupid fuck. This St. Louis dude is an evil, un American fuck who obviously doesn't know shit about his own laws. He obviously worked hard to become the head law officer of the murder capital of the US.
It's a female... a BLACK BITCH female... you understand now aye... the two people protecting their lives and property against the BLM mob threatening to KILL THEM and BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE are WHITE.

The shit doesn't get any worse than this. We NEED another civil war.
Thank you for the correction. Maybe she's being an ignorant asshole because she's a Black woman and she's still hoping Biden picks her for his running mate.
Could be... but if you asked me I'd say she's got a bad case of HATE WHITEY. Us white folk can't be STANDING UP TO BLACKS, that ain't allowed. If they break into your property, threaten to kill you and burn down your house, you have to LET THEM. It is NOT OK for you to DEFEND yourself and your property, NOT OK.

BUT... if it was YOU breaking into BLACKS property and threatening to burn their house down and kill them, you will IMMEDIATELY be arrested and thrown in jail.

See how this works... damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whitey loses all altercations with blacks, period. It's the NEW DEAL in America, BLACKS CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING, and whites, well, we just get FUCKED.

Now tell me, WHO really has any PRIVELEGE here?
The only privilege I get is if my friends let me pick up a one foot put tomorrow. White on White privilege. I guess that beats Black on Black crime though.
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We NEED another civil war.

That's what all the rioting white supremacists say as they attack people.

And it's kind of what Hitler's brownshirts said as they attacked the Jews. You would have made a fantastic GoodGerman.

A MOB, BREAKS INTO this couples property, BREAKING DOWN THEIR GATE, TRESPASSING, and yes, the McClousky's CALLED THE POLICE, who NEVER SHOWED UP, so they did what is the most BASIC RIGHT, ANY AMERICAN has, which is DEFEND THEIR HOME AND LIFE, and you call that ATTACKING PEOPLE?

You are a STEAMING PILE OF VOMIT, you UGLY fucking SCAB.
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Monday moved to dismiss charges brought by St. Louis’ top prosecutor against a couple who pointed guns at a crowd marching to the mayor’s home last month, Fox News has learned.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city’s top prosecutor, said Mark and Patricia McCloskey – both personal injury attorneys in their 60s – will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon following the June 28 incident.

"It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner -- that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis," Gardner said in a statement. She added that she was recommending a diversion program as an alternative to jail if the McCloskeys are convicted.

Gardner declined to discuss to why Missouri’s “castle doctrine,” a law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders, didn’t apply.

Within hours of the ruling, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a brief seeking to dismiss Gardner’s charges against the McCloskeys on the grounds that their Second Amendment rights are being violated.

“The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm,” Schmitt said in a prepared statement provided to Fox News.

“Despite this, Circuit Attorney Gardner filed suit against the McCloskeys, who, according to published reports, were defending their property and safety. As Missouri’s Chief law enforcement officer, I won’t stand by while Missouri law is being ignored,” Schmitt said.

The brief filing says the attorney general “respectfully requests that the Court dismiss this case at the earlier possible opportunity.”

The McCloskeys have said they were defending themselves, with tensions high in St. Louis amid nationwide police protests sparked by the police custody death of George Floyd. The McCloskeys said that the crowd of demonstrators broke an iron gate marked with "No Trespassing" and "Private Street" signs and that some violently threatened them.


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