Viral lawyer couple who came out armed to defend their home to be charged with felonies.

The McCloskeys who both came out of their house armed to defend their historic home when a literal mob trespassed in clearly marked private property are being charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon. Not only did the mob clearly trespass on clearly marked out private property, they broke a gate in order to do so. The mob was also clearly videotaped coming onto the McCloskeys lawn after multiple requests were made for the Mob to exit private property. The mob claims they were headed to the mayors house to protest, but there was absolutely no way to get to the mayors house.

Despite the Castile Doctrine (A castle doctrine, also known as a castle lawor a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used.), the St Louis AG, Soros backed candidate, has decided that the mob is free to loot, set ablaze, trespass, vandalize, and intimidate....but it’s wrong for people to defend their own property. This is fucked-up-beyond-all-recognition.
It wont stick. Not the first idiotic prosecution and wont be the last. See this is the problem with the whole cime and justice people. Peopl wanna give the courts and cops to much power and this is what happens. Prosecutors and cops have to be hled to the same standard as us or this hit is what happens.Cant give the cop the power to choke you till ya die and face no repurcusions and cant give the prosecutor all that power either. Alos need to take the proffit out the prosecution. The sad part of all of it that even though that shit wont stick it will still cost that couple a shit ton of money and the courts are going to get some of it. For as long as you continue to elect crime punishers to office the scales are balenced toward uncle sam bending you over. For as long as courts enrich government coffers malicious prosecution will be a part of our lives.
Viral lawyer couple who came out armed to defend their home to be charged with felonies.

Good. The protesters were simply marching past their home on their way to a predetermined destination.

BTW, where is the link for this OP?
All over the news. Maybe your dream catcher isn’t angled the right way to pick up the signal. Try going on your roof

The protesters were enroute to St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's home when McCloskeys brandished their weapons.

Were the "protesters" on the couples' private property and did they refuse to leave when told to do so? That's the important question.
Yes, they first physically broke into the private community. The couple then repeatedly told them to leave and it was private property, then “protestors” walked onto their personal lawn to confront them. Again there’s no way to get to the mayors house through the route they took. You cannot “protest” on private property. This is why protestors stand on public sidewalks outside of the buildings they are protesting. The left is precisely saying that a movement that burned down over a billion dollars worth of property, stole much more than that, and shot and killed kids in cars is entitled to go onto your private property whenever they please.
The McCloskeys who both came out of their house armed to defend their historic home when a literal mob trespassed in clearly marked private property are being charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon. Not only did the mob clearly trespass on clearly marked out private property, they broke a gate in order to do so. The mob was also clearly videotaped coming onto the McCloskeys lawn after multiple requests were made for the Mob to exit private property. The mob claims they were headed to the mayors house to protest, but there was absolutely no way to get to the mayors house.

Despite the Castile Doctrine (A castle doctrine, also known as a castle lawor a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used.), the St Louis AG, Soros backed candidate, has decided that the mob is free to loot, set ablaze, trespass, vandalize, and intimidate....but it’s wrong for people to defend their own property. This is fucked-up-beyond-all-recognition.
It wont stick. Not the first idiotic prosecution and wont be the last. See this is the problem with the whole cime and justice people. Peopl wanna give the courts and cops to much power and this is what happens. Prosecutors and cops have to be hled to the same standard as us or this hit is what happens.Cant give the cop the power to choke you till ya die and face no repurcusions and cant give the prosecutor all that power either. Alos need to take the proffit out the prosecution. The sad part of all of it that even though that shit wont stick it will still cost that couple a shit ton of money and the courts are going to get some of it. For as long as you continue to elect crime punishers to office the scales are balenced toward uncle sam bending you over. For as long as courts enrich government coffers malicious prosecution will be a part of our lives.
That’s not what’s happening here, and whether or not it sticks isn’t the issue, it’s that it happened in the first place. It’s a shining example institutional injustice where the only areas justice is blind in, are the parts of the law specifically designed to protect people as well as blind too the lawlessness of those you agree with politically.

This isn’t a case of prosecutors trying squeeze money out of the population either. This is a political statement saying two things. 1. We will turn a blind eye to movement that has led to the destruction and theft of billions, as well as led to the physical assaults to thousands, critical injuries to 100s, and murders of dozens.
2. Were going to go after all who do not acquiesce and allow the mob to do as they wish. I’m tired of hearing that these are mostly peaceful protestors with a few bad apples. That is not what’s happening. What’s out in the streets today is people gathering in 100s in the guise of a protest, then turning violent when they get to their destination. I saw a video of a “protest” of at least a couple hundred strong march to a statue, then proceed to hurl rocks and explosive mortars (the big ass fireworks) at small contingent of cops. The rocks weren’t pebbles either, and judging by the amount thrown basically everyone was participating. That is not even close to a “peaceful protest”. This isn’t a cop problem. This isn’t a DA problem. It is a political agenda and it’s being cheered on by the left.
Are they charging the mob who threatened to murder the couple and burn down their home??
Of course not. The mob has the right to do that if they are in legitimate labor union solidarity with the Democrat Party ...

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