VIRAL MOMENT: Outgoing Congressman slams DC gridlock, opens a beer on House floor in call for bipartisanship

I smell the hint of a seachange in the wind.

Still only a few speaking up, but there's the Lincoln Project giving McConnell hell, and here comes Biden saying let's get some stuff done together. Maine handily elected Collins again, the senate's leading moderate, despite national efforts by the Democrats to dislodge her. I had really lost hope that we would ever have anything but the nastiest game playing for control, ever again. But maybe the next 4 years can breathe a lttle sanity back into DC. The voices may be drowned out at times, but if a moderate, willing to work together group can start collecting in the center, we may have a chance of having a functioning government again.

Ahhhhhh, shut up about a functioning government of leftist-lite morons. No justice and liberty, no peace with you leftist whores. I say we take up arms against you statist bootlicks and end you once and for all.
You guys are eventually going to be left behind, like the broken driftwood and sandcaked flipflops and shredded fishing nets that litter the beach after a storm. It won't be a moment too soon. The Trump Legacy is toxic.
Being bi partisan with people that want to destroy your nation and take it over by stealing elections is called surrender.....
Wake up you dolt, the election wasn't stolen and if we can't get bipartisan cooperation we will remain divided. Although we live in a patrichal racist republic, hopefully the changing demographics in this country will help move us to a more democratic country. Seven million more people voted for Biden. Dumb donnie couldn't win the popular vote and even republican judges threw out his baseless law suits.
The election was stolen, the system was undermined and likely ruined as a result and your race and sexism comment betrays your democrat racism and sexism.
Human nature is not a social construct, bigot.
the 1st time something interesting happened on C-SPAN

That was actually very well said. Too bad there weren't a few hundred more like him.

I consider myself more conservative than not, albeit a moderate one, and I voted for the guy. I couldn't stomach Mace... now I just hope she proves to be more than a Trump lapdog.

Oh, look, another clueless nitwit chimes in. . . .

You have a problem?

No, you do. I understand the reality of things just fine. You don't. You're a nitwit.

I am firmly grounded in reality, I fail to see why you would think otherwise.
Being bi partisan with people that want to destroy your nation and take it over by stealing elections is called surrender.....
Wake up you dolt, the election wasn't stolen and if we can't get bipartisan cooperation we will remain divided. Although we live in a patrichal racist republic, hopefully the changing demographics in this country will help move us to a more democratic country. Seven million more people voted for Biden. Dumb donnie couldn't win the popular vote and even republican judges threw out his baseless law suits.
Oh come on you can't possibly believe that Joe got more votes than Obama Bill Clinton and Hillary...the states pulled a fast one by mailing out millions of ballots and not checking them properly when they were submitted....any fool should be able to see that....
Joe Biden is not nor will not be the US president to over 100 million voters....
I hate to rain on your parade of ignorance but according ot the latest popultion statistic taken in 2018 the were 233.7 million eligible voters since I don't have the 2020 number we will use 2018 and for 2020 66.2 % voted you do the simple math and you'll find out that 100 million people were not disenfranchised, stop drinking the cool aid or move to Hungry you'll like it there.
Being bi partisan with people that want to destroy your nation and take it over by stealing elections is called surrender.....
Wake up you dolt, the election wasn't stolen and if we can't get bipartisan cooperation we will remain divided. Although we live in a patrichal racist republic, hopefully the changing demographics in this country will help move us to a more democratic country. Seven million more people voted for Biden. Dumb donnie couldn't win the popular vote and even republican judges threw out his baseless law suits.
The election was stolen, the system was undermined and likely ruined as a result and your race and sexism comment betrays your democrat racism and sexism.
Human nature is not a social construct, bigot.

Poor joeldr2x, common sense is just too much for him. He opens his mouth and stupid just naturally falls out. Human nature is a construct?! Dimwit is joeldr2x's middle name.
No David is my middle name and I possess more common sense and empathy then you could possibly understand.
You guys are eventually going to be left behind, like the broken driftwood and sandcaked flipflops and shredded fishing nets that litter the beach after a storm. It won't be a moment too soon. The Trump Legacy is toxic.
I disagree with you. The most hardy will prevail and survive. There is much more then living in a concrete and asphalt world.
You guys are eventually going to be left behind, like the broken driftwood and sandcaked flipflops and shredded fishing nets that litter the beach after a storm. It won't be a moment too soon. The Trump Legacy is toxic.
I disagree with you. The most hardy will prevail and survive. There is much more then living in a concrete and asphalt world.
I wasn't talking about an apocalypse, just the alt-right being left behind, like Pet Rocks and Chia Pets.

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