Virginia Tech & Liberal Censorship. What's happened to Virginia over the years?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Sad to see a once proud state fall before the liberal totalitarian horde:

In the wake of a standing room only event with conservative leader Bay Buchanan on the topic of immigration, the Virginia Tech Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) Chapter has been informed that they will not receive funding for the next two semesters.

Lauren McCue, the Chair of her YAF Chapter, requested funding from the Student Budget Board and received it for her club’s event with Bay Buchanan. Buchanan was the youngest person ever to serve as Treasurer of the United States, author of two books, and has an extensive career in public policy. The morning after Buchanan spoke, the event made the front page of the school newspaper—apparently administrators didn’t like the “controversy” and “stir” that it caused on campus.

Lauren was also told that their fliers went “too far” because the event was advertised as “Alien Invasion: How Illegal Immigration is Hurting America,” and while the fliers drew in a large crowd, it was “offensive” to some student groups.

Apparently, the discussion on immigration with the former Treasurer of the United States irked some liberal administrators at Virginia Tech. The Student Budget Board contacted Lauren to tell her that her club would not be funded for the next two semesters because her event “violated the principles of community.”

How can there be a community when the only people legally allowed to be on campus are those who are here in America legally and this talk focused on alien invaders? I don't understand liberal "thinking."
"liberal totalitarian"

It's like putting up a sign at the start of the thread saying, "This article was written for people without schooling."

Following pages of references to 'lefties', 'progs' and other meaningless, made-up words.
It was a stupid event.

Virginia, btw, is doing fucking GREAT!

Best state in the union! Believe it!
"liberal totalitarian"

It's like putting up a sign at the start of the thread saying, "This article was written for people without schooling."

Following pages of references to 'lefties', 'progs' and other meaningless, made-up words.

Your inability to deal with your totalitarian impulses doesn't detract from the accuracy of the charge. In this article we see suppression of speech. Does that strike you as affirming human rights? Liberals in Western nations have launched aggressive attacks on the human right of free association. A baker here in the US was forced to bake a cake for homosexuals she didn't want to associate with. Totalitarians believe that their way is the best way and they compel people to abide by the liberal choice regardless of whether this compelled action violates the human rights of dissenters.

Own your totalitarianism. At least be honest for that's a better tactic than feigning befuddlement and posturing as a sophisticate who understands the issues better than those you're criticizing.
Rik -

I don't wish to derail the thread, but it's about intellectual standards.

I have been in far, far more totalitarian societies than you have, and have a far more real experience of what totalitarianism actually means. And you know - it isn't a joke. It should be taken seriously.

This habit a few posters here have of walking around whining about totalitarian lampposts, dictatorial vegetables and oppressed clouds is really an insult to the millions who died fighting for freedoms we take for granted. This Friday marks the liberation of what is now the Czech might spend 5 seconds checking into what the Czech people suffered to escape from totalitarianism.

So, yes, totaliatarisn is just an adjective-de-jour to you - it isn't to people who suffer totalitarianism.
Rik -

I don't wish to derail the thread, but it's about intellectual standards.

I have been in far, far more totalitarian societies than you have, and have a far more real experience of what totalitarianism actually means. And you know - it isn't a joke. It should be taken seriously.

This habit a few posters here have of walking around whining about totalitarian lampposts, dictatorial vegetables and oppressed clouds is really an insult to the millions who died fighting for freedoms we take for granted. This Friday marks the liberation of what is now the Czech might spend 5 seconds checking into what the Czech people suffered to escape from totalitarianism.

So, yes, totaliatarisn is just an adjective-de-jour to you - it isn't to people who suffer totalitarianism.

Oh Jesus. Tell me nitwit, did you ever spend 5 minutes of your life hoisting a rifle on behalf of say...the Vietnamese? A lot of posters here did exactly that, including me. Now why don't you piss off, at least for November 11, and go peddle your Marxist tripe elsewhere. You don't like it here, remember?
Sad to see a once proud state fall before the liberal totalitarian horde:

In the wake of a standing room only event with conservative leader Bay Buchanan on the topic of immigration, the Virginia Tech Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) Chapter has been informed that they will not receive funding for the next two semesters.

Lauren McCue, the Chair of her YAF Chapter, requested funding from the Student Budget Board and received it for her club’s event with Bay Buchanan. Buchanan was the youngest person ever to serve as Treasurer of the United States, author of two books, and has an extensive career in public policy. The morning after Buchanan spoke, the event made the front page of the school newspaper—apparently administrators didn’t like the “controversy” and “stir” that it caused on campus.

Lauren was also told that their fliers went “too far” because the event was advertised as “Alien Invasion: How Illegal Immigration is Hurting America,” and while the fliers drew in a large crowd, it was “offensive” to some student groups.

Apparently, the discussion on immigration with the former Treasurer of the United States irked some liberal administrators at Virginia Tech. The Student Budget Board contacted Lauren to tell her that her club would not be funded for the next two semesters because her event “violated the principles of community.”

How can there be a community when the only people legally allowed to be on campus are those who are here in America legally and this talk focused on alien invaders? I don't understand liberal "thinking."
I would recommend that Virginia Tech's Young Americans for Freedom hire a lawyer and a public relations firm. This should be on every front page in the country.
"liberal totalitarian"

It's like putting up a sign at the start of the thread saying, "This article was written for people without schooling."

Following pages of references to 'lefties', 'progs' and other meaningless, made-up words.
Universities used to be places where ideas were expressed freely and people learned to respectfully disagree. They have become controversy free zones where if a protected class may be offended, free speech is suspended.

How would you liberals feel if any discussion of AGW was forbidden on a campus at say, The University of Alabama
Ernie -

I totally agree. Univesities should encourage free and frank discussion as much as possible.

That said - demanding funding tu support what seems to be an openly racist movement hardly qualifies as a major civil rights issue in my book. Should there be funding for skinheads as well?

But thatisn't my issue with this thread. My issue is the mix'n'match use of contradictory political terms.

There can be no liberal dictatorship by definition, because as soon as a regime has becme dictatorial, it has ceased ro be liberal. There can be no conservative dictatorship, because as soon as a reagime has become dictatorial, it is no longer conservative, by definition. Probably i am nitpicking, but i am sick of a these self-pitying "Oh, we're so oppressed!" threads.
Ernie -

I totally agree. Univesities should encourage free and frank discussion as much as possible.

That said - demanding funding tu support what seems to be an openly racist movement hardly qualifies as a major civil rights issue in my book. Should there be funding for skinheads as well?

The funding comes from mandatory student fees, another leftist invention, imposed on all students. Student government is not elected to control speech. It's not surprising that you don't find speech suppression a major issue considering your liberal politics, but totalitarian control doesn't sit well with a lot of people even when it originates with "enlightened" liberals. As for skinheads, damn right they should be funded - if these folks are on campus as students, then they've paid their student fees and have a right to funding just like the Women's Collective, the Black Brotherhood, La Raza, the Gay Bathhouse Club, etc.

There can be no liberal dictatorship by definition, because as soon as a regime has becme dictatorial, it has ceased ro be liberal.

No one is buying your No True Scotsman fallacy. Do I have the right to control my own associations in the business world? No, I don't. Liberal totalitarians have imposed a regime on me which COMPELS me to associate with people I'd rather avoid associating with. That fact that you're uncomfortable with owning your totalitarian restrictions on human rights doesn't invalidate the accuracy of the charge.
Ernie -

I totally agree. Univesities should encourage free and frank discussion as much as possible.

That said - demanding funding tu support what seems to be an openly racist movement hardly qualifies as a major civil rights issue in my book. Should there be funding for skinheads as well?

But thatisn't my issue with this thread. My issue is the mix'n'match use of contradictory political terms.

There can be no liberal dictatorship by definition, because as soon as a regime has becme dictatorial, it has ceased ro be liberal. There can be no conservative dictatorship, because as soon as a reagime has become dictatorial, it is no longer conservative, by definition. Probably i am nitpicking, but i am sick of a these self-pitying "Oh, we're so oppressed!" threads.
Mix'n'match political terms? The greatest offender is the use of liberal when describing a neocon lefty like yourself.
You are so predictable and common.
Roshawn -

Neocon and Lefty are contradictory.

Please check a dictionary.
Rik -

Much as I enjoy reading your self-pitying desire to feel oppressed, in reality no one is compelling you to associate or not associate with anyone. It's just narcisisstic and self-victimising.

I really can't tell you how much good it would do you to experience what oppression and totalitarianism really mean. Try Belarus, Transnistria or North Korea for a far days - I think you'll come home surprised at how much freedom youhave in the US.
Roshawn -

Neocon and Lefty are contradictory.

Please check a dictionary.
Not at all. Perfectly descriptive in the literal sense. A conservative is someone reluctant to change. Neo is new. Lefties are stuck in the 1960's and refuse to budge. That makes them a newer version of a conservative or neocon.
Roshawn -

For gods sake, man....conservatism is inherently RIGHT wing. "Lefties"(a term I have never heard anyone with an IQ over 54 actually use) are inherently left wing.

Hence the two terms are contradictory.

What you think about lefties has no impact on dictionary definitions. Thank god.
Roshawn -

For gods sake, man....conservatism is inherently RIGHT wing. "Lefties"(a term I have never heard anyone with an IQ over 54 actually use) are inherently left wing.

Hence the two terms are contradictory.

What you think about lefties has no impact on dictionary definitions. Thank god.
You must be so conditioned that your elitist intellect is stifled. I explained very pointedly the definition. I can't help you at this point. You're on your own.
Roshawn -

No, I am not alone - because I am not the one making up nonsensical terms and disagreeing with dictionaries. Words have meanings. If you don't know what they are - don't use them.

Otherwise your posts don't make a lick of sense. I just read one of your new OPs, and with all due respect dude - it's simply makes no sense at all, because you insist on making up words.

What's the point?
Roshawn -

No, I am not alone - because I am not the one making up nonsensical terms and disagreeing with dictionaries. Words have meanings. If you don't know what they are - don't use them.

Otherwise your posts don't make a lick of sense. I just read one of your new OPs, and with all due respect dude - it's simply makes no sense at all, because you insist on making up words.

What's the point?
I didn't make up anything. You just can't handle definitions that make too much logical sense for your conditioned condition. Take it up with yourself. Get your head out of the box and try a little objectivity.

Jesus wept, man - describing an apple as a long,slender, yellow fruit and a banana as a small, round fruit does not make you look smart or intellectually open.

It makes you look illiterate.
Ernie -

I totally agree. Univesities should encourage free and frank discussion as much as possible.

That said - demanding funding tu support what seems to be an openly racist movement hardly qualifies as a major civil rights issue in my book. Should there be funding for skinheads as well?

But thatisn't my issue with this thread. My issue is the mix'n'match use of contradictory political terms.

There can be no liberal dictatorship by definition, because as soon as a regime has becme dictatorial, it has ceased ro be liberal. There can be no conservative dictatorship, because as soon as a reagime has become dictatorial, it is no longer conservative, by definition. Probably i am nitpicking, but i am sick of a these self-pitying "Oh, we're so oppressed!" threads.
How the hell is speaking out in support of existing immigration law racist? The group is openly Conservative and invited a well known Conservative speaker to its event.
That is no more "racist" than a Liberal group inviting Sandra Fluke to their campus to talk about free rubbers.

The fact is that Liberals don't want to discuss real immigration reform, namely tossing out the people who have entered this country illegally. They have the latino vote now and see amnesty as a way to herd more people onto the plantation.

"Vote for us! We'll give you free shit" has been the hush hush campaign slogan of the Democrat Party since LBJ.

You really should print out tee-shirts.

AND.... Why do you care? You live in a country that's 99.5% white. You have zero reference or standing to discuss US politics, much less dictate to us what immigration policy should be.

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