Virginia Tech & Liberal Censorship. What's happened to Virginia over the years?

Those who suppress free speech in a public square, whether by left or right, do not serve America well.
Ernie -

I just don't see that funding is an obligation or a right.

I do agree that free speech should be encouraged, but my first look at this project it sounded racist to me, and it's also a university's obligation to be a little conservative in how radical or provocative funded events are. And I'd say the same if it was pro-ISIS or similar.

And comparing this event to the First Lady speaking.....?!

Well, that's just silly, dude. We both know you wouldn't say that if there was a Republican First Lady involved.
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Heres a simple rule: If republicans dont like something that actually happened - its liberal

If Republicans like something that HASNT or WONT happen - Its Republican

If a Republican LIKED something that was implemented, they will no longer like it and - its liberal (i.e. GWB, Patriot Act, ACA, domestic spying etc)
Ernie -

I just don't see that funding is an obligation or a right.

I do agree that free speech should be encouraged, but my first look at this project it sounded racist to me, and it's also a university's obligation to be a little conservative in how radical or provocative funded events are. And I'd say the same if it was pro-ISIS or similar.

And comparing this event to the First Lady speaking.....?!

Well, that's just silly, dude. We both know you wouldn't say that if there was a Republican First Lady involved.
I damned well would if a Liberal group had been defunded after having someone like Sandra Fluke speak.
There would, and should be exceptions made for anyone on either side that espouses violence to promote their adgenda, but free speech is free speech, no matter who is speaking

Yes I'll compare it to the first lady. How much did it cost to bring in Bay Buchannan compared to michelle obama? Mrs obama's agenda is worth all that more? It's more acceptable to you is more like it.
Ernie S -

So it is your position that the First Lady of the United States is no more interesting, relevant or appropriate a speaker at a college than Sandra Fluke?

For gods sake, man - grow up.
The principle is not Who, the principle is Free Speech, and that protects groups that want to bring in Michelle Obama, Sandra Fluke, Phyllis Schafly, or Sarah Palin.

Ernie S. is 100% correct .

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