Visions of Famous People now in Hell

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this series I am posting videos of people who have had visions of famous people now in hell. It was perhaps a month ago - maybe less I was listening to an old camp meeting video made many years ago. A famous evangelist was speaking about a man he had known - a man who was living wrong - living in sin with women and would not come out of that sin - this famous evangelist pleaded with him - you must come back to the LORD - the man said he could not help himself - he was not returning to the LORD - the man was in some sort of accident - perhaps it was a car accident - I cannot recall - he died. His mother contacted this famous evangelist and said I have been having dreams of my son in hell. I see his face, I see him in hell. The evangelist said in his sermon to the people that he realized that the woman was truly having visions of her son in hell - he knew this was real.

Since then over the years I have heard the testimony of John Bunyan who saw the famous atheist Hobbs who was the author of Leviathan - in hell. I have read the testimony of some young people who while in prayer and intercession saw Hitler in hell. I have read the testimony years ago of another christian who had a vision of John Lennon in hell. These are some more videos of testimonies of believers who have had visions and see famous people in hell.

We must realize time is running out. We must realize there is a heaven and a hell and Jesus does not want any of us going to hell. We must come to the Lord and live holy lives so that we do not find ourselves in hell. Someone once said, Hell is truth seen too late.

Well it is not too late for me! It is not too late for you! We are all here tonight! We are alive! So let us seek the LORD with all of our Hearts while He can be found! Let us Live for Jesus and put away the sinning and the compromising with worldly things. Let us commit ourselves to holy lives! We must do this! I pray all of you will watch these videos and realize the hour is late and we must live holy unto the LORD. Without holiness no one will see the LORD.

The first video is about Whitney Houston. I have listened to it and it bears witness with my spirit. The Spirit of the LORD strived with her for a very long time but she would not come back. She would not. Do not let this be you! Do not let this be you! If you are backslidden, return to the LORD right now. If you have never given your life to Jesus do so tonight. Now is the time of salvation. Right now! If you are not going to come to the LORD please do not prevent others from coming. Do not prevent others from believing in the message of the Cross. It will be worse for you when the judgment comes. Your punishment will be worse for having prevented others from coming to Jesus. Do not do it!
[ame=]Linda's vision of Whitney Houston and her own parents in hell! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]michael Jackson john lennon selena in Hell (English) - YouTube[/ame]
Too much of an obsession with anything leads to delusions.
I like ya, Jerms, but sometimes you're a little too "out there".
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Hell is truth seen too late, Mr. H. We have the opportunity to be saved from it. I've taken that opportunity offered me and am living for Christ. I want all others to have that opportunity too. That is the purpose of this thread. Listen to the testimonies on the videos. How can you dismiss something you have not even given opportunity to listen to? That is like condemning all the evidence in a trial before hearing one word of it. Watch the videos so that you can make an informed decision about your eternal life.

[ame=]Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in HELL!! (english translation) - YouTube[/ame]
So..because someone has a dream/vision, then it must be true, eh? What if those having these visions/dreams are demons and want to stir the pot?
Such judgement. Oy.

.....not to mention stupid.

If scripture is true and Jeremiah was a believer and if she was so concerned about other people going to hell I suspect she wouldn't be relentlessly trying to get them to worship a first century Jewish man as if he was a god as if she was going to escape the condemnation of hell for setting aside the commands of God and misleading others to do the same ...unless , of course, it is a deliberate demonstration of pure evil..
Watch the video, Moonglow. Gracie, why would born again Christians who are having are serious about staying out of sin make up stories about having been given these visions by the LORD? If you saw the video about Whitney Houston you will note the beginning of video gives scripture reference to confirm that the LORD does do this - he does give visions - he does give dreams - that is how the LORD does things to warn tell his servants to warn others that hell is real! To keep us from going there!
Watch the video, Hobelim. This isn't about me. This is about videos people have made warning of what the LORD has shown them. Please watch the video and save your comments until after you have viewed at least one of them! Thank you!
Pitchforks for rent, $20 each, one poke, per rental, please. See the church treasurer after service. Line forms on the right. No shoving. Proceeds go to Hospitality Lady for coffee and doughnuts.
In this testimony the man speaking will goes into details about celebrities who were using occcult powers, seeking help from wizards, and ended up dying and going to hell - it goes into more celebrities including sports celebrities who sought occult methods to gain their fame, etc. This confirms the testimony of the Ex-satanist who spoke of the rituals and methods he used while he was serving Lucifer. Watch this:

[ame=]More Celebrities Spotted In Hell - YouTube[/ame]
In this testimony the man speaking will goes into details about celebrities who were using occcult powers, seeking help from wizards, and ended up dying and going to hell - it goes into more celebrities including sports celebrities who sought occult methods to gain their fame, also Politicians he mentions too, so this is a vast assortment of celebrities mentioned in this video. This confirms the testimony of the Ex-satanist who spoke of the rituals and occult methods he used while he was serving Lucifer. Watch this:

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There are some more videos of visions of people who were in the Mafia and are in hell today - I have not listened yet to see if they were "famous Mafia" or not well known Mafia but what does in matter?

Famous or not - any person in hell is a horrific thing people! I decided to use this video of a ex - mafia - now christian who saw hell and for all I know he could be famous by now because it looks like his testimony is getting around now. Hell is real. Ignore the hecklers - that has always been the devils last resort in trying to keep people from heeding the warnings of the realities of hell. Listen to the videos for yourself and make your own decision. Because you are worth it! Your eternal soul is worth and God wants you to know He loves you and does not want you going there!

[ame=]Satanist to Christian Visit Hell Heaven Ex Mafia Boss ?????????Teddy Hung English Subtitle ??? - YouTube[/ame]
This man survived and is alive to tell his story. Like the ex - Mafia boss video before this one - he is a survivor who has lived to tell his story and what he saw. Please listen to his testimony and consider that most people do not get the opportunity this man got. I have a question for you who are reading. If you died tonight would you be ready to meet Jesus and be received into heaven or would you be going to hell? It is the most important matter of your life and I urge you to settle it with Jesus Christ tonight. Those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!
Read Romans 10: 8,9 , repent of your sins and call upon the name of the LORD to save you. God loves you and promises whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Whosoever means whosoever. You may say, yes, but you don't know what I have done. I have done something too terrible to be forgiven of. That is not true. God will forgive you of anything. Listen to this mans testimony! Listen to the ex - Mafia boss's testimony! God will forgive you of anything! ANYTHING! Come to Jesus! Do not allow the devil take you to hell! Come to Jesus tonight!

[ame=]The Most Incredible Christian Testimony of Heaven and Hell - Young Moon Park - YouTube[/ame]
'...people who've had visions..." Not people who've claimed to have visions? ...Oh I see, it spoke to your spirit and thus its credibility firmly established.

(gestures) This is your brain. This is your brain on religion. Any questions?

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