Vivek goes after Ronna and the RNC and the media in an epic debate opening

Damn. I didn't watch the debate, because it was the same stale old hate bullshit.

Is he seriously the only one with a spine calling out the bullshit?
Yes of all the republican candidates on stage , Ramaswamy is standing up for the American people the most. He is the only one criticizing the funding of Ukraine and calling out the GOP losses going back to 2018.
Yes of all the republican candidates on stage , Ramaswamy is standing up for the American people the most. He is the only one criticizing the funding of Ukraine and calling out the GOP losses going back to 2018.
He's also the only one who said on record that China needs to be held accountable for the Wuhan "leak". If someone else did, I missed it.

Yes, Dr. Maddow is very smart. Plus, she currently has a new book on the NYT best seller list.

Rachel Maddow’s Prequel Tops New York Times Bestsellers List​

rachel maddow book prequel NYT best seller list

Rachel Maddow Tops NYT Bestsellers List With 'Prequel'

Update from Paul Sperry

OK Ronna. Fix it. Make sure that abortion is not a national issue. Make the RNC platform position that it is a state issue and the RNC is against any federal policy on abortion. That was the ostensible position once RvW was overturned. Remember? It's a state thing. Then Miss Graham went on a federal abortion ban thing and it became the singular issue that can defeat Republicans.

The RNC under the current leadership will continue to feed the Dems with issues that can beat us.
Vivek Ramaswamy has been by far the best performer on the debate stage and hopefully he is sincere in the beliefs he professes. He really has added to what would have otherwise been a fairly lackluster debate series.

And that line he said about Nikki Haley being "Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels" had me laughing out loud. That should appeal to those who view and criticize her as the typical globalist type of politician.

Lots of mic drop moments for Vivek.

Note: I have not endorsed anybody thus far.
OK Ronna. Fix it. Make sure that abortion is not a national issue. Make the RNC platform position that it is a state issue and the RNC is against any federal policy on abortion. That was the ostensible position once RvW was overturned. Remember? It's a state thing. Then Miss Graham went on a federal abortion ban thing and it became the singular issue that can defeat Republicans.

The RNC under the current leadership will continue to feed the Dems with issues that can beat us.
Overturning Roe was never about it being a ‘state thing’ – a Federal abortion ban was always the GOP’s goal since 1973.
I do find it odd that DiSantis, who has always catered to the far right extremists would honor someone who is Trans for any reason. Normally, he's barely one step from calling for it to be made legal to burn gays and Transexuals at the stake. Something tells me he didn't research this person or her business and didn't know she was Trans.
Overturning Roe was never about it being a ‘state thing’ – a Federal abortion ban was always the GOP’s goal since 1973.
Of course it's a state thing. That's exactly as it should be. Your point about wanting a federal abortion ban is all jive, meant to give Democrats one imaginary thing to run on. Democrats will believe anything. MAGA

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