Volt sales tripple in 2012

Considering that only 23K of Chevy Volts were reported as sold last year (and many of those are actually sitting in Dealer Inventory), the government and GE have together bought an extraordinary ratio of Volts.

That's the point, you Dim Bulb.
Hah hah you have managed to dredge up links showing:

1) In September of 2012 the government said it was planning on buying 1,500 Chevy Volts. It didn't say how many, if any, had been bought in 2012. So you attributing that as part of some ratio of the 23k sold in 2012 is purely speculative.

2) General Electric planned on buying 12k thru 2015. Again, we don't know if they did, or how many of that came in 2012. Even more important is you were attempting to back up a claim about how many the government bought (with snide search engine comment) when GE obviously is not the government and we have no idea how many they bought in 2012.

So bottom line you have absolutely nothing but hot air, misdirection, and speculation.

How about you answer this: how many of the 23k Volts sold in 2012 were bought by the government? That is where you jumped into the conversation waving your hands around, but you haven't managed to provide one single fact about sales to the government in 2012.
Think that if it gives you comfort, you silly kniggit.

The fact is the Volt is an Epic Failure, and the government and its corporate cronies are artificially propping up sales.
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Think that if it give you comfort, you silly kniggit.

The fact is the Volt is an Epic Failure, and the government and its corporate cronies are artificially propping up sales.

They did the same thing when the government bailed out Chrysler a few decades ago. Remember the K Car? The government bought a ton of them
Think that if it gives you comfort, you silly kniggit.

The fact is the Volt is an Epic Failure, and the government and its corporate cronies are artificially propping up sales.
I ask again: how many Volts did the government buy in 2012?

You haven't a clue do you? Talking about ratios but you are leaning on absolutely zero facts on the subject on which you seem to play expert at. It has nothing to do with giving me comfort, that is more desperate misdirection on your part as I've made no statement to whether the Volt is a good car or come out on either side politically on Volt/GM, but I can easily sniff out a bullshitter when I hear when and you smell.

So again Mr. Expert, since you have spoken with such authority on the government playing a big role in the Volt sales by buying the cars I ask: how many Chevy Volts did the government buy in 2012?

Note I am not asking your opinion on whether they bought a lot, I'm asking for the facts on 2012 that you are basing your keen wisdom on.
Considering the $7,500 government rebate for each Volt purchased , the government "bought" approximately 20% right off the bat, bub.
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Considering the $7,500 government rebate for Volt purchased , the government "bought" approximately 20% right off the bat, bub.
Okay that is hilarious.

You went from posting links showing speculative unit sales numbers to using rebate percentages. In other words you are conceding having been talking completely out of your ass when making claims about ratio of the 23k cars sold being from government purchase, and when called to back up your bullshit you are suddenly flailing around with rebates on private purchases actually representing government purchases. Do you have a real job, and if so do they let you do things like this without getting fired?

That is embarrassing man. Better luck next time, maybe you can try knowing what your talking about instead of playing expert and hoping nobody calls you on it.
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I know that's what CNN SAYS. That doesn't mean it's true. It just means that CNN said it was true.
So it is OBVIOUS that CNN was lying.

And csmonitor is lying too: Chevy Volt sales triple in year of paradoxes for electric cars - CSMonitor.com

"GM sold a record 23,461 Chevy Volts in 2012, triple the amount it did last year in the electric car's shaky debut. But the impressive figure is still well below GM's 2012 target of 35,000 to 40,000 – itself a reduction of the 60,000 GM CEO Dan Akerson initially projected."

Motortrend is also lying: GM 2012 Sales: Chevrolet Silverado, Volt End Strong - GM Sells One Million 30-MPG Cars - WOT on Motor Trend

"The Chevrolet Volt, too, saw sales leap 206 percent from just 7671 units in its difficult first year on the market to a respectable 23,461 cars in 2012"

Wired jumped ahead and lie back in June when they projected 20k Chevrolet Volt Outselling Corvette in 2012 | Autopia | Wired.com

"if Volt sales continue as expected, Chevrolet expects around 20,000 Volts sold by the end of this year."

CBS got in on it, preemptively lying at the start of October Chevy Volt sales race ahead of Nissan Leaf - CBS News

"But Chevrolet sold 2,851 Volts in September for 16,348 so far this year"

Thanks for uncovering CNN lying with your investigation, and for unraveling the massive conspiracy among all these different media sources to plant the seeds of this lie throughout the year. Nice work, I smell Pulitzer!!

Everyone lies except FOX

You're a sad sack of sophistry, bub. Are you related to TMN?

You're a sad sack of sophistry, bub. Are you related to TMN?

Okay, so now you've given up any pretense of backing your claims and appear to be just randomly throwing insults in frustration.

I'm sorry I busted you blowing hot air and looking foolish, no hard feelings.
SteadyMoron - how much does GM (and the U.S. government) lose on each Chevy Volt sale?
SteadyMoron - how much does GM (and the U.S. government) lose on each Chevy Volt sale?

I have no idea, and have made no claim to know.

You however have implied knowledge that a large ratio of the Volts sold in 2012 were because of purchases by the US government, a claim I find suspect. In fact you came in appearing to support a poster saying tens of thousands were purchased by them.

So for about the fourth time I ask you, how many Chevy Volts in 2012 were purchased b y the government? You know the ratio so surely you know the number right?
Chevy Volt sales triple - Jan. 3, 2013

It will be interesting to hear the RW Loons trash this...

Let this be a lesson about the way the left manipulates statistics and/or the ignorance of the typical leftie. The Volt is the poorest selling GM vehicle possibly in the history of G.M. They only sold 23,000 nation wide in 2012 but it was up from 7,000 in 2011 so ignorant brain washed lefties think it's a ....victory. How sad for them.
They only sold 23,000 nation wide in 2012 but it was up from 7,000 in 2011 so ignorant brain washed lefties think it's a ....victory. How sad for them.
Definitely, the sales of this car have been far below what GM hoped and anyone spinning 23k sales for a country like the US and a company with sales volumes like GM is engaging in serious wishful thinking.

Bottom line Volt was (is) too expensive for what it offers.
SteadyMoron - how much does GM (and the U.S. government) lose on each Chevy Volt sale?

I have no idea, and have made no claim to know.

You however have implied knowledge that a large ratio of the Volts sold in 2012 were because of purchases by the US government, a claim I find suspect. In fact you came in appearing to support a poster saying tens of thousands were purchased by them.

So for about the fourth time I ask you, how many Chevy Volts in 2012 were purchased b y the government? You know the ratio so surely you know the number right?

Steady Moron - I made no claims regarding regarding a specific amount of govenrment Volt purchases. My point, which has flown over your doubtlessly pointed head, is that Volt Sales Figures are most certainly inflated with government purchases.
just think how many of those overpriced tin cans they could "sell" with a 10000 tax credit. they cant give that piece of shit away.
Steady Moron - I made no claims regarding regarding a specific amount of govenrment Volt purchases. My point, which has flown over your doubtlessly pointed head, is that Volt Sales Figures are most certainly inflated with government purchases.
Fair enough then, I obviously misinterpreted when you said:

considering that only 23K of Chevy Volts were reported as sold last year the government and GE have together bought an extraordinary ratio of Volts

as meaning you meaning you at least had some idea as to how many that was, given the ratio was extraordinary. I probably wouldn't have used the term extraordinary ratio if I had no clue as to how many of those 23k were part of said ratio but to each their own.

We can certainly agree that according to your link in September 2012 the government was planning on purchasing 1,500 electric vehicles, some of which will be Volts. Somehow I doubt they bought them all in the ensuing three months of 2012 to seriously impact the sales numbers but who knows, apparently you are conceding you sure don't know.
And the announcement from GE was far earlier.

Whatever, bub. You're obviously a Big Government Apologist.

The Volt wouldn't even exist without the government bailout.
The government bought most of those Volts. GM bought an entire fleet of Volts.

So where is your link? Or is this statement a Rush/Willard type of statement where something is said and then you look for somehow, someway to justify what you said.

I think that is called a "Lie."
I am a careful label reader. If it even comes close to looking like it was made with union labor, I'll do my very best to get something not made with union labor or made outside of the country. Even if I have to pay more for it.


It's good to know that quality has nothing to do with your purchasing decisions.


You've just made some GM employees very happy.

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