Vote-a-rama: common-sense amendments that Democrats shot down


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Hold States Accountable for Nursing Home Deaths

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) offered an amendment that would have held states accountable for nursing home deaths. His amendment comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) administration was caught altering the number of nursing home deaths that took place under his watch.

"What my amendment does is it says, 'You can't lie about the numbers.' Bottom line, it simply says it's very important for us to have accurate information about the deaths in nursing homes," Scott said from the Senate floor. "The more accurate the information, the more likely we are to have the best response."

Can't embarrass Cuomo more than he already is, right? But you can bet your ass that if it was a GOP gov, it would be a different story, no?

Override President Biden's Decision to Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline

Montana Sen. Jon Tester (D) offered an amendment that would have allowed the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward without the presidential permit.

"When I disagree with my party, I tell them the truth, and the truth is that the jobs and tax revenue Keystone will create would provide a critical boost to the folks that live and work in rural Montana," Tester said in a statement. "This amendment would reverse President Biden's decision and take the decision-making on the pipeline away from the folks who canceled it. I'll continue working with Republicans, Democrats, and all interested stakeholders to move this project forward."

Never shoulda cancelled it in the 1st place.

School Funding Based on In-person Learning

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered an amendment that would require schools to operate in-person in order to receive stimulus funding. Schools that reopen five days a week would receive 100 percent of the available funding. Those that are hybrid, where they complete half of the school week online and the other half in-person, would receive 50 percent of the available funding. Schools that are completely online would receive 25 percent of the available funding.

Why the fuck should we send tax-dollars to schools that are not open?

Prevent Prisoners from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) offered an amendment that would have prevented "any individual who is incarcerated in a federal or state prison" from receiving a stimulus check. In the CARES Act, prisoners received $1,200 COVID relief checks.

“Prisoners do not pay taxes. Taxpayers pay for their every need. Inmates cannot stimulate the economy. But, under this bill they receive stimulus checks. This is a perfect example of nontargeted, inappropriate, and total waste of spending. It’s ridiculous that this is in the bill," Cassidy said in a statement.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to these prisoners? WTF?

Prevent Illegal Aliens from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) introduced an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving the next round of stimulus checks. Of course, Democrats voted against the amendment.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to non-citizens? WTF?

Provide Emergency Assistance to Private Schools

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) offered an amendment that would have allowed private schools to receive reimbursement for COVID-related expenses, like disinfectant supplies, educational technology, personal protective equipment, and leased space that allowed for social distancing.

“The December COVID relief package supported public, private, and parochial schools,” Cassidy said in a statement. “Republicans and Democrats gave flexibility so as many schools as possible could use the funding and cover COVID-related expenses. Why can’t we do that now?”

Good question. Answer: the teacher unions have the democrats by the balls.

Scholarships for School Reopenings

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered an amendment that would have been required to reopen in order to receive emergency COVID funding. Those that were unable to reopen would qualify for scholarships up to $10,000 per student in order to reopen.

"Millions of children are not learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, science, art, music, and the damage will stay with them forever. They're falling months behind, up to a year behind," Cruz said. "This needs to end now. We need to open the schools now."

The Texas senator slammed the Democrats' $1.9 trillion pork-filled COVID relief bill dubbed that's dubbed as a "stimulus."

"They're shoveling billions and billions of dollars for the schools and not requiring that they open up, allowing the schools to stay shut," he explained.

Unfucking believable.

Provide Targeted State and Local Relief

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) proposed an amendment that would ensure state and local assistance goes to those areas that are in desperate need. Under his amendment, states would have had to apply for the money through the Treasury Department. Their funding would not be allowed to exceed their revenue losses and would have to be applied to real COVID costs and unexpected Medicaid costs.

Makes perfect sense to me. But not to the Dems, oh no. We gotta give as much money as possible to the state and cities that fucked up.

Trump never wasted money like this. And more to follow, I have no doubt.
Are they really common sense?

Hold States Accountable for Nursing Home Deaths

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) offered an amendment that would have held states accountable for nursing home deaths. His amendment comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) administration was caught altering the number of nursing home deaths that took place under his watch.

"What my amendment does is it says, 'You can't lie about the numbers.' Bottom line, it simply says it's very important for us to have accurate information about the deaths in nursing homes," Scott said from the Senate floor. "The more accurate the information, the more likely we are to have the best response."

Can't embarrass Cuomo more than he already is, right? But you can bet your ass that if it was a GOP gov, it would be a different story, no?

If it were a GOP governor...well, in a Trump administration, nothing would happen. And that does not exonerate Cuomo. Lying about numbers (and I don't buy his excuse) is unacceptable. But why do you need an amendment criminalizing a one-time act? That's political posturing imo. What's more important - making nursing homes more accountable and safer for it's residents, who are too often without a voice? Or, punishing a politician for lying about the true numbers of deaths? The latter will be taken care of (if he can't be pressured to step down) at the polls I suspect. The former is not addressed at all is it?

Here's what the Republicans have done about nursing homes in the last 4 years - deregulated.


The problem of nursing home safety, accountability and lack of proper infection control goes far beyond one governor and one state. What you need is real nursing home oversight and regulation.

Override President Biden's Decision to Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline

Montana Sen. Jon Tester (D) offered an amendment that would have allowed the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward without the presidential permit.

"When I disagree with my party, I tell them the truth, and the truth is that the jobs and tax revenue Keystone will create would provide a critical boost to the folks that live and work in rural Montana," Tester said in a statement. "This amendment would reverse President Biden's decision and take the decision-making on the pipeline away from the folks who canceled it. I'll continue working with Republicans, Democrats, and all interested stakeholders to move this project forward."

Never shoulda cancelled it in the 1st place.

Why? There are good valid arguments on both sides.

How did the permit for it get passed in the first place?

School Funding Based on In-person Learning

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered an amendment that would require schools to operate in-person in order to receive stimulus funding. Schools that reopen five days a week would receive 100 percent of the available funding. Those that are hybrid, where they complete half of the school week online and the other half in-person, would receive 50 percent of the available funding. Schools that are completely online would receive 25 percent of the available funding.

Why the fuck should we send tax-dollars to schools that are not open?

Because this is a temporary emergency situation. We are spending tax dollars on all sorts of things based on this temporary emergency. Defunding would only further destroy our public school system (which, I think, is something Republicans have been trying to do for years).

Common sense amendments might...
Consider teachers and school staff, regardless of age, "essential workers" and prioritize them for vaccines.
Incentivize open schools rather than punish those trying to maintain safe standards for teachers, staff and students.
Focus on funding for additional education through a summer semester.

That's off the top of my head though, because I'm not positive what exactly the federal side can do on issues that are primarily regional.

Prevent Prisoners from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) offered an amendment that would have prevented "any individual who is incarcerated in a federal or state prison" from receiving a stimulus check. In the CARES Act, prisoners received $1,200 COVID relief checks.

“Prisoners do not pay taxes. Taxpayers pay for their every need. Inmates cannot stimulate the economy. But, under this bill they receive stimulus checks. This is a perfect example of nontargeted, inappropriate, and total waste of spending. It’s ridiculous that this is in the bill," Cassidy said in a statement.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to these prisoners? WTF?

That's a good point - maybe their checks can be turned towards restorative justice instead of to them personally.

Prevent Illegal Aliens from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) introduced an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving the next round of stimulus checks. Of course, Democrats voted against the amendment.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to non-citizens? WTF?

Because they contribute to our economy and in many cases pay taxes. I don't have a problem with this.

Provide Emergency Assistance to Private Schools

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) offered an amendment that would have allowed private schools to receive reimbursement for COVID-related expenses, like disinfectant supplies, educational technology, personal protective equipment, and leased space that allowed for social distancing.

“The December COVID relief package supported public, private, and parochial schools,” Cassidy said in a statement. “Republicans and Democrats gave flexibility so as many schools as possible could use the funding and cover COVID-related expenses. Why can’t we do that now?”

Good question. Answer: the teacher unions have the democrats by the balls.

Why should taxpayers subsidize private schools while you are busy defunding the public education system?

Scholarships for School Reopenings

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered an amendment that would have been required to reopen in order to receive emergency COVID funding. Those that were unable to reopen would qualify for scholarships up to $10,000 per student in order to reopen.

"Millions of children are not learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, science, art, music, and the damage will stay with them forever. They're falling months behind, up to a year behind," Cruz said. "This needs to end now. We need to open the schools now."

The Texas senator slammed the Democrats' $1.9 trillion pork-filled COVID relief bill dubbed that's dubbed as a "stimulus."

"They're shoveling billions and billions of dollars for the schools and not requiring that they open up, allowing the schools to stay shut," he explained.

Unfucking believable.

Let's be fair...the schools aren't exactly closed. And they've had to expend enormous resources to convert to online learning during the epidemic. They've been working. It's not ideal. Everyone agrees on that. You can't force people to work in a dangerous environment. Or can you? What's the right balance here? At this point more and more schools ARE reopening, as more and more people are vaccinated. I do like the idea of "scholarships" though.

Provide Targeted State and Local Relief

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) proposed an amendment that would ensure state and local assistance goes to those areas that are in desperate need. Under his amendment, states would have had to apply for the money through the Treasury

Department. Their funding would not be allowed to exceed their revenue losses and would have to be applied to real COVID costs and unexpected Medicaid costs.

Makes perfect sense to me. But not to the Dems, oh no. We gotta give as much money as possible to the state and cities that fucked up.

Trump never wasted money like this. And more to follow, I have no doubt.

Why do you say these cities etc "fucked up"? How micromanaged should this be? Frankly, it's like giving block grants. Let the jurisdictions determine how best it should be spent. The problems caused by covid in the past year are many ranging from huge revenue declines, huge expenses related to covid sanitation, job loss and unemployment, broken and overrun medical systems. Let them sort it out. The federal government is not best at this imo.
Nonsense votes meant to delay the Covid bill

Which passed with Zero Republicans voting for it
Okay, let's go through it, starting with the nursing home accountability amendment. You know what happens when there's no accountability? It happens again and again. Should nursing home accountability be a state issue? Yeah, I think so - I'm a big believer in federalism, the states need to be more in charge of the functions that the federal gov't is usurping. But what if the state doesn't do it? We've made a big deal about discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, etc. Maybe there needs to be some emphasis on age.

Cancelling the pipeline. I thought the pipeline was the safest way to get Canadian oil to our refineries without trucking or shipping it.

Funding schools that are not open. Yes, of course it's a temporary situation. This isn't defunding anybody, it's about sending more money to the schools that are open and need the money to provide a safe environment.

"Defunding would only further destroy our public school system (which, I think, is something Republicans have been trying to do for years)." BULLSHIT.

Giving checks to illegals. Maybe you don't have a problem with that, but I do.

Money to private schools. Why the hell not? They teach our kids, right? Aren't we going to provide much needed assistance to small businesses? I see no reason not to help protect kids in ANY school, makes sense to me.

"You can't force people to work in a dangerous environment." Except it ain't that dangerous. The risk to the kids is almost non-existent. So give the teachers the vaccine and get their asses back to work. No workey, no money.

Targeted state and local relief. I see no reason we shouldn't make sure the relief money goes where it is needed most.
Hold States Accountable for Nursing Home Deaths

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) offered an amendment that would have held states accountable for nursing home deaths. His amendment comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) administration was caught altering the number of nursing home deaths that took place under his watch.

"What my amendment does is it says, 'You can't lie about the numbers.' Bottom line, it simply says it's very important for us to have accurate information about the deaths in nursing homes," Scott said from the Senate floor. "The more accurate the information, the more likely we are to have the best response."

Can't embarrass Cuomo more than he already is, right? But you can bet your ass that if it was a GOP gov, it would be a different story, no?

Override President Biden's Decision to Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline

Montana Sen. Jon Tester (D) offered an amendment that would have allowed the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward without the presidential permit.

"When I disagree with my party, I tell them the truth, and the truth is that the jobs and tax revenue Keystone will create would provide a critical boost to the folks that live and work in rural Montana," Tester said in a statement. "This amendment would reverse President Biden's decision and take the decision-making on the pipeline away from the folks who canceled it. I'll continue working with Republicans, Democrats, and all interested stakeholders to move this project forward."

Never shoulda cancelled it in the 1st place.

School Funding Based on In-person Learning

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered an amendment that would require schools to operate in-person in order to receive stimulus funding. Schools that reopen five days a week would receive 100 percent of the available funding. Those that are hybrid, where they complete half of the school week online and the other half in-person, would receive 50 percent of the available funding. Schools that are completely online would receive 25 percent of the available funding.

Why the fuck should we send tax-dollars to schools that are not open?

Prevent Prisoners from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) offered an amendment that would have prevented "any individual who is incarcerated in a federal or state prison" from receiving a stimulus check. In the CARES Act, prisoners received $1,200 COVID relief checks.

“Prisoners do not pay taxes. Taxpayers pay for their every need. Inmates cannot stimulate the economy. But, under this bill they receive stimulus checks. This is a perfect example of nontargeted, inappropriate, and total waste of spending. It’s ridiculous that this is in the bill," Cassidy said in a statement.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to these prisoners? WTF?

Prevent Illegal Aliens from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) introduced an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving the next round of stimulus checks. Of course, Democrats voted against the amendment.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to non-citizens? WTF?

Provide Emergency Assistance to Private Schools

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) offered an amendment that would have allowed private schools to receive reimbursement for COVID-related expenses, like disinfectant supplies, educational technology, personal protective equipment, and leased space that allowed for social distancing.

“The December COVID relief package supported public, private, and parochial schools,” Cassidy said in a statement. “Republicans and Democrats gave flexibility so as many schools as possible could use the funding and cover COVID-related expenses. Why can’t we do that now?”

Good question. Answer: the teacher unions have the democrats by the balls.

Scholarships for School Reopenings

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered an amendment that would have been required to reopen in order to receive emergency COVID funding. Those that were unable to reopen would qualify for scholarships up to $10,000 per student in order to reopen.

"Millions of children are not learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, science, art, music, and the damage will stay with them forever. They're falling months behind, up to a year behind," Cruz said. "This needs to end now. We need to open the schools now."

The Texas senator slammed the Democrats' $1.9 trillion pork-filled COVID relief bill dubbed that's dubbed as a "stimulus."

"They're shoveling billions and billions of dollars for the schools and not requiring that they open up, allowing the schools to stay shut," he explained.

Unfucking believable.

Provide Targeted State and Local Relief

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) proposed an amendment that would ensure state and local assistance goes to those areas that are in desperate need. Under his amendment, states would have had to apply for the money through the Treasury Department. Their funding would not be allowed to exceed their revenue losses and would have to be applied to real COVID costs and unexpected Medicaid costs.

Makes perfect sense to me. But not to the Dems, oh no. We gotta give as much money as possible to the state and cities that fucked up.

Trump never wasted money like this. And more to follow, I have no doubt.
Complain about parts of bill that you complain aren't relevant
Then complain because irrelevant amendments aren't passed
You people are both predictable and totally fucked up.
The Democrats have a sweet scam going. Creating all the unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts necessary to win an election worked out great in 2020. It allowed them to defeat that meanie Trump. They ain't gonna give up that gravy train.
Hold States Accountable for Nursing Home Deaths

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) offered an amendment that would have held states accountable for nursing home deaths. His amendment comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) administration was caught altering the number of nursing home deaths that took place under his watch.

"What my amendment does is it says, 'You can't lie about the numbers.' Bottom line, it simply says it's very important for us to have accurate information about the deaths in nursing homes," Scott said from the Senate floor. "The more accurate the information, the more likely we are to have the best response."

Can't embarrass Cuomo more than he already is, right? But you can bet your ass that if it was a GOP gov, it would be a different story, no?

Override President Biden's Decision to Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline

Montana Sen. Jon Tester (D) offered an amendment that would have allowed the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward without the presidential permit.

"When I disagree with my party, I tell them the truth, and the truth is that the jobs and tax revenue Keystone will create would provide a critical boost to the folks that live and work in rural Montana," Tester said in a statement. "This amendment would reverse President Biden's decision and take the decision-making on the pipeline away from the folks who canceled it. I'll continue working with Republicans, Democrats, and all interested stakeholders to move this project forward."

Never shoulda cancelled it in the 1st place.

School Funding Based on In-person Learning

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered an amendment that would require schools to operate in-person in order to receive stimulus funding. Schools that reopen five days a week would receive 100 percent of the available funding. Those that are hybrid, where they complete half of the school week online and the other half in-person, would receive 50 percent of the available funding. Schools that are completely online would receive 25 percent of the available funding.

Why the fuck should we send tax-dollars to schools that are not open?

Prevent Prisoners from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) offered an amendment that would have prevented "any individual who is incarcerated in a federal or state prison" from receiving a stimulus check. In the CARES Act, prisoners received $1,200 COVID relief checks.

“Prisoners do not pay taxes. Taxpayers pay for their every need. Inmates cannot stimulate the economy. But, under this bill they receive stimulus checks. This is a perfect example of nontargeted, inappropriate, and total waste of spending. It’s ridiculous that this is in the bill," Cassidy said in a statement.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to these prisoners? WTF?

Prevent Illegal Aliens from Receiving Stimulus Checks

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) introduced an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving the next round of stimulus checks. Of course, Democrats voted against the amendment.

Why the fuck should we be sending tax-dollars to non-citizens? WTF?

Provide Emergency Assistance to Private Schools

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) offered an amendment that would have allowed private schools to receive reimbursement for COVID-related expenses, like disinfectant supplies, educational technology, personal protective equipment, and leased space that allowed for social distancing.

“The December COVID relief package supported public, private, and parochial schools,” Cassidy said in a statement. “Republicans and Democrats gave flexibility so as many schools as possible could use the funding and cover COVID-related expenses. Why can’t we do that now?”

Good question. Answer: the teacher unions have the democrats by the balls.

Scholarships for School Reopenings

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered an amendment that would have been required to reopen in order to receive emergency COVID funding. Those that were unable to reopen would qualify for scholarships up to $10,000 per student in order to reopen.

"Millions of children are not learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, science, art, music, and the damage will stay with them forever. They're falling months behind, up to a year behind," Cruz said. "This needs to end now. We need to open the schools now."

The Texas senator slammed the Democrats' $1.9 trillion pork-filled COVID relief bill dubbed that's dubbed as a "stimulus."

"They're shoveling billions and billions of dollars for the schools and not requiring that they open up, allowing the schools to stay shut," he explained.

Unfucking believable.

Provide Targeted State and Local Relief

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) proposed an amendment that would ensure state and local assistance goes to those areas that are in desperate need. Under his amendment, states would have had to apply for the money through the Treasury Department. Their funding would not be allowed to exceed their revenue losses and would have to be applied to real COVID costs and unexpected Medicaid costs.

Makes perfect sense to me. But not to the Dems, oh no. We gotta give as much money as possible to the state and cities that fucked up.

Trump never wasted money like this. And more to follow, I have no doubt.

Some of these amendments are completely unreolated to the coronavirus relief bill. The Keystone pipeline fits that.description.

Also worth noting is that Republicans have been fudging the numbers. How many posts have been mafe on this board alone that there have not been over 400,000 deaths from the coronavirus.

The bill will provide money to re-open schools. Given the fact that Republicans are unalterably opposed to the coronavirus bill so their attempts to amend it fall flat. Maybe if they had been willing to compromise they might have gotten something. Republicans have no credibility.

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