Vote Buying

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I was reading in another thread and all of sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. Vote buying is supposed to be illegal. And yet both parties, mostly democrats though, have used vote buying on a regular basis. Biden is forgiving student loans against a Supreme Court decision, reparations to blacks are talked about a lot and, on the right, they often talk about tax cuts. These are all forms of vote buying. Why aren't they illegal? If you're buying votes, you're buying votes.
I was reading in another thread and all of sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. Vote buying is supposed to be illegal. And yet both parties, mostly democrats though, have used vote buying on a regular basis. Biden is forgiving student loans against a Supreme Court decision, reparations to blacks are talked about a lot and, on the right, they often talk about tax cuts. These are all forms of vote buying. Why aren't they illegal? If you're buying votes, you're buying votes.
Tax cuts? that is just good policy!
I was reading in another thread and all of sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. Vote buying is supposed to be illegal. And yet both parties, mostly democrats though, have used vote buying on a regular basis. Biden is forgiving student loans against a Supreme Court decision, reparations to blacks are talked about a lot and, on the right, they often talk about tax cuts. These are all forms of vote buying. Why aren't they illegal? If you're buying votes, you're buying votes.

It's like a employer seeing some ghetto trash come in for a job and the employer says "I found someone who has more experience". The reality is "I don't hire nword hood rats". But as long as you don't say it you won't get in trouble.

Same thing with Biden and his student loans. As long as he doesn't say he is buying votes then no one can say anything. We all know what he is doing, but we can't prove it's what he is doing.
Simply not true no matter how many times you post it
The supreme court ruled that Biden did not have the authority to cancel student loan debt, only Congress has that authority. Hell, even Nancy Pelosi said that. But, since the SC ruling, Biden has done it several times.

Nope. It's not most of those people were going to vote for Trump. And you believe Trump voters would switch because of that?

Pay attention to your own words and thoughts.
LOL. So, you're saying that when presidents or parties purposely try doing something that costs money in order to get people to vote for them, it's not vote buying?
Don't feed this troll.
I won't.

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