Voter fraud by thenumbers.

You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama
You Qult45 losers need to realize you lost.

Is that what Hitler told the French and British? You were telling us that 2 days after the election before any evidence had been released nor any court cases even heard.

Yet, now, 6 months later, you call it settled science and point to the court cases! You know, the ones that were all dismissed without being heard.

Yet not one of you can explain one of the countless irregularities!

Joe Biden will NEVER be accepted as legit POTUS. Joe is POTDP, not the POTUS.

Go swear your allegiance to his foul, warped leadership.
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!
The election was fair and you are the asshole here.
The election was a swindle.
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
BREAKING NEWS: In a shocking turn of events we have posted what the people in charge of the elections have found after doing a thorough investigation into how the people in charge of the elections have done in fighting voter fraud. In their deep investigation they have found they did nothing wrong and everyone should just shut up. As stated by the lead election official “it kinda depends on who won really, Russia is always a concern when we lose but when we win you know, not so much.”

One thing we can absolutely count on is a self examination by our government officials. There really should be no question when they have checked themselves out so thoroughly.
Is that what Hitler told the French and British?

I don't know, Sir Lies-a-lot, did he?

You were telling us that 2 days after the election before any evidence had been released nor any court cases even heard

'I' did no such thing, Sir Lies-a-lot.

Yet not one of you can explain one of the countless irregularities!

Even if there were irregularities (big if), explaining things to the unwashed seems an exercise in futility. Now, if you didn't understand that, here's another clue: you're too dumb to comprehend things, thus, I never bother.

Joe Biden will NEVER be accepted as legit POTUS. Joe is POTDP, not the POTUS

Dude. I don't care.
" Power don't come from a badge or a gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big, and gettin' the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got 'em by the balls. "

-- "Sin City"
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!

Look, you have been told numerous times. Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He knew it. I knew it. Damn near anyone with any sense, and political intelligence, knew it. I mean pull you head out of your ass and realize, not everyone is has smitten with the most ignorant incompetent president in the history of the United States as you. The sad reality is that those that continue to support the stupid fat shit only expose their real ignorance. He was, and is, a con man. He plays the confidence game, and to be brutally honest, it ain't really that good at it. He is so narcistic that it is actually a mental problem. I mean the image I have of Trump is answering the door at his college dorm, to find his father, who smacks him to the ground immediately. I mean that is sad, and I feel for the poor fool. But that is no excuse for his behavior, now or during his presidency. He is so insecure, so mentally damaged, that he has no problem driving an entire nation, the greatest nation on earth, in the ground just to feed his own ego. Thank God we have kicked him to the curb. Cleanse yourself, and cleanse the Republican party of his warped ass, or watch the entire party impale itself on the scrapheap of history. And the sad part, he don't give a shit if that happens. He has got to be the most self-absorbed SOB that has ever walked the face of the earth. And that is just it, leadership ain't about serving yourself, which is all Trump ever does. Leadership is about serving the people you lead.
80 million people voted for the brain dead biden ? You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama , who was so clean and talked so well for a black man ? Lol... funny stuff. Liar.
Obama would have done much better if people had had Trump to vote against.
You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama
Yes, the population grew over 12 years, and the voter participation rate broke records.
Must be all those illegal aliens the democrats keep shoveling in! Imagine that: record numbers voting in a year when people can barely get out to buy food. And all to vote down:
  • Good jobs
  • High employment
  • Low taxes
  • Low crime
  • World Peace
  • Fair trade.

Good thing we got rid of that terrible guy and got Joe back in, so now we can sleep well with high unemployment, no end in sight, high taxes, rising food and gas costs, crime out the roof, war breaking out all over, 30 trillion in debt, and everything back to where Barry and Joe left it in: the mess they've spent 49 years telling you needs fixed.

You are absolutely delusional. Let's examine your list,

Good jobs--First, Trump created less jobs than Obama. Second, most of those jobs were low wage service jobs. Bartenders, servers, custodians, delivery drivers. He added few high paying jobs, few union jobs, and few manufacturing jobs. What he do is manage to decrease the job participation rate at a level not seen since the 1960's, His job participation rate was lower than at any point during the Obama presidency and you righties raised hell about that rate when Obama was president. Basically, Trump made more people quit work than he actually put to work. Big surprise.

High employment--like I said, the unemployment rate, at it's best under Trump, was more a reflection of people giving up looking for jobs than people actually getting a job. And then his total bumbling of the Covid pandemic resulted in unemployment numbers we have not seen since the Great Depression. He was an idiot. Worst president in more than a hundred years, if not ever.

Low taxes--this one is the one that really cracks me up. He cut taxes, mostly to rich people and corporations. But for the poor and middle class, he screwed them hard core. Those tariffs, they are a de-facto tax increase, and the poor and middle class paid more in increased costs for everything from refrigerators to cars, that it more than offset any taxcut they may have got. Trump is a conman, nothing more. And you are too stupid to realize that.

Low crime--this one puzzles me. How is it that you can speak of low crime on one hand and then lament about the left and all their riots, looting, and property destruction. Are those not crimes? Murder rates are up in my neck of the woods, way up. And that is consistent across the country. More murders under Trump. Hell, Trump even campaigned on the increase in crime rates in cities, UNDER HIS ADMINISTRATION. The only decline in crime rates was a result of the Covid pandemic and Trumps incompetence. And those were mostly property crimes.

World Peace--Bullshit. I am quite sure you have not spent two minutes looking at international news Violence is up around the world, especially sectarian violence. Trump pretty mush pissed away America's position as a leader on human rights. His nativist tendencies, his call for "America first", did nothing but embolden sectarian violence around the world. Trump is a piece of shit, and he disgraced America. He turned America's position as a leader in the world community to one of becoming the laughing stock of most of the world. History will judge his idiot ass harshly. They will judge your stupid ass even more harshly.

Fair trade--this one really gets me. The Republican party has always stood for free trade. I mean we have known for almost two thousand years that trade is a means of expanding our own frontier curve. Of course, you don't even know what the frontier curve is. But here is the thing, if we can get something from another nation cheaper than we can produce it here it is stupid to punish them for providing it cheaper and protecting the inefficient producers here. What it really amounts to is picking winners and losers. Trump's trade tariffs creating winners, like steel producers, and losers, like agriculture. Normally, Republicans are opposed to the government picking winners and losers. A clear example of the Republican party refusing to stand for anything, other than maintaining power. And that makes you nothing more than a useful idiot for their cause. Wake the fawk up and realize you have been played.
You had hundreds of thousands of votes counted in key states with zero signatures or signature verifications

The election was rigged
T won Georgia , Pennsylvania, Arizona etc
simple solution , take that nonsense, do 5 minutes of real research on it and you will find out how brick headed brain dead it is, The comedy in all of this is that your God and leader scum bag is the one who tried to cheat. In fact looking at the numbers Russia Got the pig elected in the first place.
Here's the premise: A candidate (aka the stuttering fuck) who failed twice previously in a run for POTUS, for reasons like lying, racism, sexual assault and plagiarism, all of sudden became the most popular human being to ever inhabit this planet in his 3rd run.

Yeah.... sounds legit.

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