Voter Fraud: The Left's Tool For Social Justice


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
We always knew Democrats didn't really believe in Democracy. When it advances their agenda, they're for it. When it doesn't, they use other anti-democratic means.

This story does a good job of explaining their sleazy mentality:

Articles: Voter Fraud: The Left's Tool For Social Justice

Why did Democrats applaud the loathsome community organizer Melowese Richardson, a freshly released, unrepentant voter fraud felon, at a recent "voting rights" rally in Ohio?

Because, like Richardson, they believe they are entitled to vote more than once against a system they see as unjust. Some serial voters do what they do in order to exact revenge against a society they feel did them or their ancestors wrong. Richardson is far from alone. Double-voting is distressingly common.

Many leftists have contempt for the electoral process because they don’t believe in the electoral system as it is constituted in capitalist America. To them, elections are already a fraud – an instrument of the rich, or as Saul Alinsky prefers to call them, the Haves. If the electoral system doesn’t serve “the people,” but is only an instrument of the Haves, then election fraud is justified as the path to a future that will serve the Have-Nots, as David Horowitz has explained.

This belief helps Democrats and the rest of the left rationalize their habitual efforts to suppress and cancel out lawfully cast votes. It helps to explain the strenuous efforts of leftists like former Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill.), now federal prisoner number 32451-016, to assure the public that voter registration fraud is no big deal and that fraudulent registrations almost never turn into fraudulent votes.

This is why liberal fascists inside and outside government routinely excuse electoral fraud – in all its manifestations – arguing in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary that such fraud is merely a Republican invention created to keep minorities and the poor down.​
Fraud is the only way any leftists have gained power.

Do you think anyone would have supported the Bolsheviks, Nazis or any other commie regime that has killed millions of people?

The foundation of liberalism is fraud, and the structure is composed of idiots who want to believe in lies so desperately they're wiling to kill people before they'll consider another point of view.

We're dealing with some truly sick people here.

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