Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

This is a red herring designed to distract from the real issue- Obama's failed economic policies.

I have no compassion for people that do not have ID. I don't know anyone that doesn't have ID. I doubt anyone here knows anyone that doesn't either.....non-issue.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?

I am sure the ACLU has statistics out the gazoo which verify that, de facto, requiring ID prior to voting impacts negatively on far more Demorcratic voters than Republican voters.

Are you admitting that democrats can't win without voter fraud? If the felon and dead voters were republican would it make a difference?
The only reason somebody would object to Voter ID laws is because they want to cheat. And I'll tell you why....

Because there's no way to participate meaningfully in the economy without identification. What that means is that if we had bunches of people, denied meaningful participation in the economy based on race or poverty, there would be HUGE protests going on over THAT issue. But we don't see politicians beating their chests and community organizers marching in the streets over the denial of IDs to the poor and to minorities. And we don't see it... because it's NOT happening.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?

I am sure the ACLU has statistics out the gazoo which verify that, de facto, requiring ID prior to voting impacts negatively on far more Demorcratic voters than Republican voters.
Probably because they're more likely to cheat.
Why do dems look down upon their own constituency? Constantly exploiting and smearing them as if they're small children who can't do anything.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

But of course the election isn't today. Therefore residents have 3.5 months to get an ID. Something most Americans posses from the age of 15 or 16

There are different documents to prove a person's ID. Get on an problem, no complaints. Buying a house, no problem, no complaints. Driving, no problem, no complaints. Getting food problem, no complaints. Getting Welfare problem, no complaints.
Getting to be able to vote...OMG! FOUL!!! You can't do that! Suppression of votes!!! Republicans are evil!!!! Conservatives Hate America!!!!

Just more election year BS. Very transparent.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

But of course the election isn't today. Therefore residents have 3.5 months to get an ID. Something most Americans posses from the age of 15 or 16

There are different documents to prove a person's ID. Get on an problem, no complaints. Buying a house, no problem, no complaints. Driving, no problem, no complaints. Getting food problem, no compaints. Getting Welfare problem, no complaints.
Getting to be able to vote...OMG! FOUL!!! You can't do that! Suppression of votes!!! Republicans are evil!!!! Conservatives Hate America!!!!

Just more election year BS. Very transparent.

Opening a bank accout. Getting a library card. Opening a utility. Hey try to get cable TV without ID!

This is transparent fake outrage.
The dirty little secret is that Pa. doesn't require a drivers license to vote. That's the liberal L.A. Times spin on the issue. Anybody including the 93 year old that the L.A. Times mysteriously interviewed from the other side of the Country can produce a valid photo I.D. other than a drivers license. As a matter of fact the 93 year old probably has two or three I.D.'s that she needs for everything from cashing a check to entering a federal building. If she doesn't have a photo I.D. you can bet your ass that there are a dozen agencies that will get her a photo I.D. Here's how voter fraud typically works: the crooks will tell the 93 year old woman that they will cast a vote for her and all they have to do is state her name at the polling place and go on to another polling place and vote under another name. It becomes difficult when an I.D. has to be produced at each place. Another way is to register the occupants of a cemetery and state their name at the polling place. It becomes more difficult when the photo I.D. shows them in a casket. Another way is to register the homeless and the mentally infirm and vote in their place. I notice that the lefties have quit playing the race card on this issue. Maybe they have become aware how insulting it is to portray Black people as being incapable of obtaining a photo I.D.
Here is some info not from the LATimes or any other newspaper:

ID Needed for Voting
All voters are required to show a photo ID before voting. All photo IDs must contain an expiration date that is current, unless noted otherwise. Acceptable IDs include:

Pennsylvania driver's license or non-driver's license photo ID (IDs are valid for voting purposes 12 months past expiration date
Valid U.S. passport
U.S. military ID - active duty and retired military (a military or veteran's ID must designate an expiration date or designate that the expiration date is indefinate). Military dependents' ID must contain an expiration date
Employee photo ID issued by Federal, PA, County or Municipal government
Photo ID cards from an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning
Photo ID cards issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences or personal care homes
If you do not have one of these IDs, you may be entitled to get one free of charge at a PennDOT Driver License Center. To find the Driver License Center nearest you, and learn what identification and residency documentation you will need to get a photo ID visit PennDOT's Voter ID website or call the Department of State's Voter ID Hotline at 1-877-xxx-xxxx. Search by State: Pennsylvania
Here is some info not from the LATimes or any other newspaper:

ID Needed for Voting
All voters are required to show a photo ID before voting. All photo IDs must contain an expiration date that is current, unless noted otherwise. Acceptable IDs include:

Pennsylvania driver's license or non-driver's license photo ID (IDs are valid for voting purposes 12 months past expiration date
Valid U.S. passport
U.S. military ID - active duty and retired military (a military or veteran's ID must designate an expiration date or designate that the expiration date is indefinate). Military dependents' ID must contain an expiration date
Employee photo ID issued by Federal, PA, County or Municipal government
Photo ID cards from an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning
Photo ID cards issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences or personal care homes
If you do not have one of these IDs, you may be entitled to get one free of charge at a PennDOT Driver License Center. To find the Driver License Center nearest you, and learn what identification and residency documentation you will need to get a photo ID visit PennDOT's Voter ID website or call the Department of State's Voter ID Hotline at 1-877-xxx-xxxx. Search by State: Pennsylvania

I mentioned earlier that, unlike the OP stated, a PA drivers license was not the ONLY id acceptable. I heard crickets from the left.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?

I am sure the ACLU has statistics out the gazoo which verify that, de facto, requiring ID prior to voting impacts negatively on far more Demorcratic voters than Republican voters.

So you then confirm that what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid.
Why do dems look down upon their own constituency? Constantly exploiting and smearing them as if they're small children who can't do anything.

Because the Democrats since their founding have been a party of racists. That hasn't changed just because they've managed to trick minorities into voting for them.

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