Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

why would they make a law to stop a non exsistant crime in which said law would then create a worse problem than what they designed the law to "fix"?

How does is create a worse problem? Voters, assuming they are indeed citizens, have 3.5 months to obtain proper state issued identification if they don't currently have it.

Guess it's too much to ask to some people to actually do something for themselves though.

why tell you again.

why give you the studies

why ?

you just march in locked step and put your fucking blinders on and pretend the facts cant permeate your braincase.

be a traitor if you must to protrect your failed assed party.

YOU and your cohorts will NOT get off scott freewith this shit anymore.

Governor Rick won
You are the one who says it's Republicans who are trying to steal the elections, despite evidence that a lot of states have passed this by both parties in the state legislature and court evidence that voter registration fraud has occurred.

Actually, it's the L.A. Times and the ACLU and lots of others who are saying it, not me. I don't judge - I just report. ;)

Nonetheless, it does seem fairly obvious what is going on here with regard to the Pennsylvania legislature.
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George should just shrink away from his fail now...

Just say the water was cold...

Your insulting and demeaning personal reference is duly noted, sir. I will have you know that any perceived inadequacy or lack of manliness on/in the Costanza physique was caused ENTIRELY by the aformentioned shower condition and nothing else. As I sit here this morning, I can assure you, sir, that NO inadequcy exists . . . . NONE!

(WHAP! WHAP!!! . . . . damn bee . . . . WHAP!!)
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Quote deleted at request of initial poster

OK, so it's the lady reporter from the LA times who said it. My Bad
If the people of the state of Pennsylvania don't like who they voted into their state legislature, they can vote them out and change the voter ID law.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

No ID = No Vote.

It's that simple
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?
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Dems can't win without massive voter fraud. In PA alone 10% of the vote are Dem frauds without ID
Nothing to see here, move along.

Unless somebody quoted me.

In which case - never piss off a Finnlander.
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I wonder what the true percent of black support of racist scumbag Democrats would be without voter fraud...60%? 50%?
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?

I am sure the ACLU has statistics out the gazoo which verify that, de facto, requiring ID prior to voting impacts negatively on far more Demorcratic voters than Republican voters.

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