Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll

Now 51% favor the wall.

border wall.jpg

CBS Poll: 51% of Americans Believe a Border Wall is a Good Idea
A poll released Sunday by CBS News shows a majority of Americans support a wall being built on the border with Mexico and for migrant families who illegally entered the U.S. to be deported or detained.

The CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker Poll conducted by YouGov June 21-22 during the midst of the controversy over migrant families and unaccompanied children flooding the southern border shows a shift toward President Trump’s views since a March CBS poll by SSRS showed 60 percent opposed a wall.

Now 51 percent support a wall being built but they are split on whether it can be completed. 32 percent say the wall is a good idea and can probably be completed while another 19 percent say the wall is a good idea that should be tried even if it can’t be completed.

As for migrant families who enter the U.S. illegally, 48 percent believe they should be returned to their countries as a unit. 11 percent think the parents should be arrested and their children detained with them. 4 percent said the parents should be arrested and their children kept in a separate facility. A total of 63 percent either want the migrant families deported or detained.

Only 21 percent think the family should be released into the U.S. with a promise to appear for a hearing at a later date.
POLL STUNNER: Majority With Trump: Want Wall Built, Migrant Families Deported or Detained

You Liberals are making us your enemy with your harassment bullshit. You Liberals backing Schumer's "Resistance" bullshit is also going to cost you the election. The people want solutions, not resistance.
Was the poll question "do you like"?

Links are available in the article for you to get your own answer.

I wanted the poster's own
No, you want to troll spin and flame. It's all you libwits do here. I think Trump should immediately begin stopping them at the border and sending them back. No court nothing, just send them back. They are unwanted invaders and need to be stopped. To HELL with all of them!
Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


I saw a lot of losers here in kc sunday protesting this.LOL
The left thinks they speak for the country when in essence, they are laughed at

Second thread on this.

And I thought polls were all wrong?

Except of course when they agree with you. Then they are right as rain.
Considering half the country have been conditioned to vote for global socialist agendas and dislike him and America, this is astonishing outcome.

Maybe Americans are starting to understand what ails their nation. Bad trade deal and abusers, including "allies", unfettered immigration and global organizations that operate to harm America and strip her of her sovereignty, among many issues.
Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


And nothing has happened that might change peoples minds since Jan 31st! :206::206::206::206::206:


I love when you rubes get punked by old news from some far right propaganda site!
Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


The Left has already dug it grave, and they know it, that is why they are pulling the illegal immigration routine, trying to salvage whatever they can. They know once more comes out on the collusion/delusion, and the ……… the very least, unethical behavior of their heroes, most independents won't vote for them, and every Republican in the country will go to the polls to vote against them. What you are actually seeing......although the Leftist clowns on here are to incompetent to figure it out, is a Hail Mary pass from their own end zone, with a quarterback who can't chunk the ball more than 5 yards down field!

Everyone knows that--------->when you have no argument, when everything you try is proved PHONY BALONEY, resort to violence; and that is EXACTLY what the Left is trying to do. REMEMBER...……..they aren't threatening us for anything we did to them, they are threatening us, for what supposedly is happening to illegal aliens, which has also been proven false, so now they are more shrill with the violence.

It is amazing when you watch...……..if you watch, the Left is far more transparent today then they ever were under Obysmal…..but then again, that is because with the reins of power, they could cover everything up, and now they can't! Not only that, everything they DID cover up, is now coming to light.

Is it any wonder they are in a panic, (and some Repubs helped them do it too) and resorting to calling for violence!
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 31, 2018

quotes a poll from january

thinks it means something


It speaks to voters agreement on Trumps policy on immigration. You know, the 4 pillars he laid out.

Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


I saw a lot of losers here in kc sunday protesting this.LOL

Yeah, the commies are trying to rally their base, a lot of them will change their tune when they're alone in the voting booth.

Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


And nothing has happened that might change peoples minds since Jan 31st! :206::206::206::206::206:

View attachment 201106

I love when you rubes get punked by old news from some far right propaganda site!

On the 4 pillars policies, not really. BTW the post on 51% wanting the wall is a current one.

Well here ya go, voters like Trumps proposals on immigration.

Congress may not be big on President Trump’s four-point immigration plan but those who watched his State of the Union address liked it, according to a CBS News poll.

A striking 72 percent of respondents said they favored the proposals the president laid out on immigration, compared to just 28 percent who didn’t like them.

How about them apples, the regressives seem to be on the losing side of this one.

Voters approve of Trump immigration plan: CBS poll


The Left has already dug it grave, and they know it, that is why they are pulling the illegal immigration routine, trying to salvage whatever they can. They know once more comes out on the collusion/delusion, and the ……… the very least, unethical behavior of their heroes, most independents won't vote for them, and every Republican in the country will go to the polls to vote against them. What you are actually seeing......although the Leftist clowns on here are to incompetent to figure it out, is a Hail Mary pass from their own end zone, with a quarterback who can't chunk the ball more than 5 yards down field!

Everyone knows that--------->when you have no argument, when everything you try is proved PHONY BALONEY, resort to violence; and that is EXACTLY what the Left is trying to do. REMEMBER...……..they aren't threatening us for anything we did to them, they are threatening us, for what supposedly is happening to illegal aliens, which has also been proven false, so now they are more shrill with the violence.

It is amazing when you watch...……..if you watch, the Left is far more transparent today then they ever were under Obysmal…..but then again, that is because with the reins of power, they could cover everything up, and now they can't! Not only that, everything they DID cover up, is now coming to light.

Is it any wonder they are in a panic, (and some Repubs helped them do it too) and resorting to calling for violence!

Yeah, I saw Waters call them "OUR" children, they're aren't our children. They are children of criminals.


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