Voting For A Lawless President...Twice??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A real legal expert, John Yoo, weighs in on one more aspect of the lack of understanding of our bumptious 'constitutional law professor cum community organizer....

1. " What Hobby Lobby Shows about Obama’s Fundamental Abuse of Executive Power

a. ... corporations are persons because Congress said so in the Dictionary Act;

b. Hobby Lobby’s right to religious freedom is violated, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, because the contraceptives requirement for mandatory insurance supplied by employers contravenes the owner’s sincere beliefs;

c. the government did not explore any less burdensome alternatives to the mandate.

2. ...more important, this case shows the extreme ideological ends pursued by the Obama administration through its legal powers, ....the president pursued extreme arguments in court to advance an ideological was to sweep religious minorities into Obamacare;...

3. ...the policy preference of Democrats was broadly at work.

4. order to push its ideology to extremes, the administration had to pursue even the small number of religious-oriented small businesses to force them into the contraceptives mandate.

5. ...that is Obama’s fundamental abuse of presidential power. He is not broadly interpreting his powers to respond to emergencies or national-security challenges. He is relying on extreme interpretations of his powers to play small-ball politics and win for ideological supporters.

It is not only a misuse of power, but it damages the institution of the presidency for times when it will really matter."
What Hobby Lobby Shows about Obama's Fundamental Abuse of Executive Power | National Review Online

While the polls show that more and more former Obama supporters are wising up.....13 shut-outs in the Supreme Court aren't enough for the truly brain-dead.
"The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed President Obama over John McCain in 2008 (but went with Romney in 2012) admitted Friday that they were wrong -- Obama is in fact worse than his predecessor, George W. Bush.

"[W]e were wrong," the editorial page notes,"We said things couldn't get much worse after the sub par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama's administration has us yearning for the good ol' days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq."

....this is what the "Billings Gazette" wrote about Obama in its 2008 presidential endorsement:
At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens. After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.

[Almost sounds like an SNL parody...]

Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now "because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. ... He has both style and substance."

In their reversal today, the Billings Gazette editorial board does not stop with Iraq. The laundry list of their disappointments is wide and deep: Obama's un-American surveillance state, the Bowe Bergdahl swap, the mishandling of the VA, the "boondoggle" of ObamaCare, and the administration's many sins against the media.

Without even getting to the economy, the editors sum it up with, "[T]aken in completely, these demonstrate a disturbing trend of incompetence and failure."
Newspaper Reversal: 'We Were Wrong' -- Obama Worse than Bush

Seems some are capable of learning...admitting their mistakes.

Not Obama.....nor his Janissarys.
I thought we decided, as did 44, to let bygones be bygones w/ 43 (Shrub)? 44 said, although I disagree w/ him, that we're not going to look backwards as in- prosecuting the former Admin for manufacturing a war-of-choice based on sexed-up/doctored intel, among other crimes.
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I thought we decided, as did 44, to let bygones be bygones w/ 43 (Shrub)? 44 said, although I disagree w/ him, that we're not going to look backwards as in- prosecuting the former Admin for manufacturing a war-of-choice based on sexed-up/doctored intel, among other crimes.

If you actually felt that you post was pertinent in any way, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

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