Voting makes you gay

I know a guy who when he went to vote....

The government took his guns

Yeah. He had showed them his voter ID before he knew what was going on.

You can't trust the government

When you sign in to vote, they go to your house and take all your guns. Happens all the time

You won't catch me voting. Neither should any other other gun owner
'Values Voters' Laugh as Glenn Beck Talks About Gays in Nazi Camps

[ame=]'Values Voters' Laugh as Glenn Beck Talks About Gays in Nazi Camps - YouTube[/ame]

While I am aware of no scientific evidence that voting makes you gay........Do you really want to take the chance?

I wouldn't think they'd want to take the chance, but they probably figure since it's a 'choice' ........


Do you really want to use a voting booth after some gay guy has been in there?


which is why i vote by telling who has been in that nasty booth....

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