VP Biden, Sec of State Hillary and President Obama too


Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
What I just cannot fathom is the free pass
Biden, Hillary and Obama get for the Orange Revolution / putsch in Ukraine
and subsequent personal advantages such as Hunter Biden's job.

I just don't get it.
Does anyone?


Just Because I'm A Conspiracist
Doesn't Mean It Isn't.

No Canada-1.jpg
Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Sheer hypocrisy explains it.

You need look no further than the leftists on this board excusing the lawless behavior of the house impeachment while at the same time demanding the senate follow whatever mythical "rules" they might dream up.

The double standards are OVER!...the gloves have come off! Noses are about to be bloodied!
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What I just cannot fathom is the free pass
Biden, Hillary and Obama get for the Orange Revolution / putsch in Ukraine
and subsequent personal advantages such as Hunter Biden's job.

I just don't get it.
Does anyone?


Just Because I'm A Conspiracist
Doesn't Mean It Isn't.

View attachment 295601
Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.

Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.
Sheer hypocrisy explains it.

You need look no further than the leftists on this board excusing the lawless behavior of the house impeachment white at the same time demanding the senate follow whatever mythical "rules" they might dream up.

The double standards are OVER!...the gloves have come off! Noses are about to be bloodied!

Sheer hypocrisy- certainly on both sides.
In 1998, then-Rep. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was an impeachment manager against Bill Clinton, urging senators to remove the Democratic president from office. The South Carolina Republican adopted standards at the time that he seems eager to abandon now.

Over the weekend, arguably the most striking example to date emerged.

On Saturday, a clip of Graham during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton made the rounds on social media, showing the then-representative make an appeal to his colleagues not to rush through the process or make a judgment before it’s over.

“I have a duty far greater than just getting to the next election,” Graham said then. “Members of the Senate have said, ‘I understand everything there is about this case, and I won’t vote to impeach the president.’ Please allow the facts to do the talking…. Don’t decide the case before the case’s end.”

Of course, Graham is now the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, explicitly stating ahead of a Republican president’s impeachment trial, “I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here.”

itch McConnell
he told CNN's Larry King Live on January 28, 1999, as the Clinton trial played out in the Senate. The number included judges who were charged with impeachment.
"It's not unusual to have a witness in a trial. It's certainly not unusual to have witness in an impeachment trial," McConnell said at the time.
He added: "The House managers have only asked for three witnesses. I think that's pretty modest."

Speaking to Fox's Sean Hannity last week, McConnell explained why he opposes extending a trial by having witnesses even as he indicated no final decisions have been made and he would "take my cues" from Trump's lawyers on the issue.
"If you know you have the votes, you've listened to the arguments on both sides and believe the case is so slim, so weak that you have the votes to end it, that might be what the President's lawyers would prefer. And you can certainly make the case for making it shorter rather than longer since it's such a weak case," McConnell said.

Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.
Apology, I was looking for the clean debate area.
I be a "newbie".

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.

You didn't.
The small hairs on the back of my neck stood up
years ago when Hunter Biden got his Ukrainian employment
as Daddy was V.P. Obama President, Hillary the "pay to play"
Secretary of State.

What happened in Ukraine was a Democratically yet
pro Moscow government suffering a putsch and faster than fast
the West approved and recognizing the government by putsch.

In Kiev, prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya thought it was unconstitutional.

Kiev sent her to Crimea and the rest is history.

And Hunter Biden got a creamy job
Obama, Biden and Hillary (Sec of State) too
gets a free pass.

BTW where is the appropriate forum for this thread?
Educate me please

Moi :26:

Support the Dual Wall Solution!
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BTW where is the appropriate forum for this thread?
Educate me please

Moi :26:

Nuttin' wrong with wanting it to be a clean debate...but anything involving politicians wont be clean due to the leftists on this board...they simply wont allow it.

Orange man bad you know :)

They don't think any deeper than that.
Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.

Please show evidence that Trump "used his office for his own personal political gain" neither the Democrat leadership nor any of the so-called witnesses could produce any actual evidence of wrong doing all they brought forth was opinions of an actual transcript that DID NOT contain any such evidence. The Ukraine was not bribed and the new Ukraine President said he was not bribed. Not only that, the Ukraine actually GOT the aid that the Democrats say they didn't get. They could not even include any evidence in their articles of impeachment. Yet you, somehow know Trump is guilty. How so?
Please show evidence that Trump "used his office for his own personal political gain" neither the Democrat leadership nor any of the so-called witnesses could produce any actual evidence of wrong doing all they brought forth was opinions of an actual transcript that DID NOT contain any such evidence. The Ukraine was not bribed and the new Ukraine President said he was not bribed. Not only that, the Ukraine actually GOT the aid that the Democrats say they didn't get. They could not even include any evidence in their articles of impeachment. Yet you, somehow know Trump is guilty. How so?

Obama / Biden and Pay To Play Secretary of State Hillary
were certainly more criminal in behavior than anything Trump
is said to have threatened Ukraine.
The putsch and all that instant recognition of the overthrow of a
democratically elected government.

And They (Obama, Biden & Pay To Play Secretary of State Hillary)
No investigation.
Even Hunter Biden's Ukraine pay,
Hunter who bedded his dead brother's wife.

Sicker than sick
yet TRUE.
Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.

Please show evidence that Trump "used his office for his own personal political gain" neither the Democrat leadership nor any of the so-called witnesses could produce any actual evidence of wrong doing all they brought forth was opinions of an actual transcript that DID NOT contain any such evidence. The Ukraine was not bribed and the new Ukraine President said he was not bribed. Not only that, the Ukraine actually GOT the aid that the Democrats say they didn't get. They could not even include any evidence in their articles of impeachment. Yet you, somehow know Trump is guilty. How so?
CNN hasn't reported one stitch of this is why they don't know this..
Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.

Please show evidence that Trump "used his office for his own personal political gain" neither the Democrat leadership nor any of the so-called witnesses could produce any actual evidence of wrong doing all they brought forth was opinions of an actual transcript that DID NOT contain any such evidence. The Ukraine was not bribed and the new Ukraine President said he was not bribed. Not only that, the Ukraine actually GOT the aid that the Democrats say they didn't get. They could not even include any evidence in their articles of impeachment. Yet you, somehow know Trump is guilty. How so?

Please show evidence that Biden, Obama or Clinton used their offices for personal political gain. That is the accusation of the OP- and you have no problem with that accusation having absolutely no evidence to support it.

As far as your claim that there is no evidence regarding Trump's actions is purely you parroting Trump's propaganda machine. The evidence was presented at the Impeachment- you don't have to accept it, but it was there.

And as far as my somehow knowing that Trump is guilty- your Dear Leader - and the OP- has no problem pronouncing Biden guilty without any evidence at all.
Please show evidence that Trump "used his office for his own personal political gain" neither the Democrat leadership nor any of the so-called witnesses could produce any actual evidence of wrong doing all they brought forth was opinions of an actual transcript that DID NOT contain any such evidence. The Ukraine was not bribed and the new Ukraine President said he was not bribed. Not only that, the Ukraine actually GOT the aid that the Democrats say they didn't get. They could not even include any evidence in their articles of impeachment. Yet you, somehow know Trump is guilty. How so?

Obama / Biden and Pay To Play Secretary of State Hillary
were certainly more criminal in behavior than anything Trump
is said to have threatened Ukraine.
The putsch and all that instant recognition of the overthrow of a
democratically elected government.

And They (Obama, Biden & Pay To Play Secretary of State Hillary)
No investigation.
Even Hunter Biden's Ukraine pay,
Hunter who bedded his dead brother's wife.

Sicker than sick
yet TRUE.

Just pointing out that there is no evidence to support anything you post other than the fact that Hunter is as much of horn dog as Donald Trump.

You have no problem with your Dear Leader bonking a porn star while his wife was pregnant- but you throw stones at Hunter Biden's sex life?

Not really a CDZ thread but sure I will jump in.
Apology, I was looking for the clean debate area.
I be a "newbie".

Donald Trump used his office for his own personal political gain in a secret attempt to try to pressure the government of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into his political rival, by refusing to release funds or a coveted White House meeting until the Ukraine did so.

President Obama, as part of official U.S. policy, openly pressured Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who wasn't doing anything to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. This policy was supported both by GOP Senators, and also the EU and the IMF, along with the Ukrainian people, and was done for the benefit of the United States.

In Trump's case it was a secret effort for his own political and personal gain.
In Obama's case it was an open part of official U.S. policy with the broad support of Senators, Europeans and Ukrainians.

Glad I could help you out with this.

You didn't.
The small hairs on the back of my neck stood up
years ago when Hunter Biden got his Ukrainian employment
as Daddy was V.P. Obama President, Hillary the "pay to play"
Secretary of State.

What happened in Ukraine was a Democratically yet
pro Moscow government suffering a putsch and faster than fast
the West approved and recognizing the government by putsch.

In Kiev, prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya thought it was unconstitutional.
View attachment 295621

Kiev sent her to Crimea and the rest is history.

And Hunter Biden got a creamy job
Obama, Biden and Hillary (Sec of State) too
gets a free pass.

BTW where is the appropriate forum for this thread?
Educate me please

Moi :26:

View attachment 295622
Support the Dual Wall Solution!
Apparently the monitors agree with you that this should be in the CDZ- fine with me.

Hunter Biden got a creamy job- Donald Trump Jr. got a dreamy job. Both did so because of their names. There is no evidence that either broke any laws.

If you have any evidence that Obama, Biden or Clinton broke the law- present it. if you have any evidence to support your claim that they were behind the 'putsch' as you call it- provide it.
Just pointing out that there is no evidence to support anything you post other than the fact that Hunter is as much of horn dog as Donald Trump.

You have no problem with your Dear Leader bonking a porn star while his wife was pregnant- but you throw stones at Hunter Biden's sex life?

Where is the inquiry? They got a "free pass".
Hunter; probably part of the deal to support the putsch in Kiev.
The inquiry of Sec. of State Hillary Pay To Play use of her office?
No inquiry.
Not even any "investigative journalism".
Please don't pander there is not enough to launch investigations.

Moi :26:
Just because I'm a conspiracist
doesn't mean it isn't

Just pointing out that there is no evidence to support anything you post other than the fact that Hunter is as much of horn dog as Donald Trump.

You have no problem with your Dear Leader bonking a porn star while his wife was pregnant- but you throw stones at Hunter Biden's sex life?

Where is the inquiry? They got a "free pass".
Hunter; probably part of the deal to support the putsch in Kiev.
The inquiry of Sec. of State Hillary Pay To Play use of her office?
No inquiry.
Not even any "investigative journalism".
Please don't pander there is not enough to launch investigations.

Moi :26:
Just because I'm a conspiracist
doesn't mean it isn't

Inquiry into what?

Your fantasies?

Here is the thing- if there is any real evidence to support your allegations- share it.
And if there is any real evidence- substantive evidence- then share it with the FBI and I will applaud an investigation.

But so far you just seem to be spinning Russian propaganda.
Inquiry into what?

Your fantasies?

Here is the thing- if there is any real evidence to support your allegations- share it.
And if there is any real evidence- substantive evidence- then share it with the FBI and I will applaud an investigation.

But so far you just seem to be spinning Russian propaganda.

Burisma money laundering.

"Back in February 2016, the government agency in charge of investigating money-laundering in the Baltic country of Latvia flagged some "suspicious" payments from the notoriously corrupt gas company Burisma Holdings to Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden. Latvia asked for Ukraine's help in investigating the payments. "

That is what Hunter was going to be investigated about by Shokin but then...."son of a bitch".......

Latvia Flagged Burisma Payments to Hunter Biden in 2016, Suspecting Money Laundering
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