GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover — ‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

I like your thinking but our corrupt media have a stupid electorate in the palms of their hands. Everything bad will be blamed on trump and republicans and the morons will buy it.
Allow me to clarify…
the morons I refer to are democrats.
Everything will be blamed on trump and the republicans and the democrat morons will buy it.
The media tells us that Joey Xi Bai Dung got more individual votes than Obama... It's hilarious that the Quisling Fifth Columnist Media would attempt to impose this lying piece of propaganda in print and on the air and expect logical and sane Americans to believe this.
We do know that the easily led ideological Progressives really do believe that Bai Dung honestly received 84 million legal votes.
Those of us who are logical and sane believe it. The rest of you have problems.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.”
I’m not sure Jeff realizes this but Afghanistan is not in our country.
Time for Doc to read the 25th amendment….

Just for you.... I'll give you the simplified answer for your 8th grade intelligence.... Since Nancy Pelosi and some Progressives have brought it up previously in the wrongful case of Donald J Trump.
It surely pertains to our 46th fraudulently elected president that has proven to be non compos mentis.
  • The 25th Amendment formally outlines the transition of power if the president is unable or unfit to serve.
  • Section IV also allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to remove the president from office.
  • Americans have been particularly interested in the amendment since President Donald Trump took office.
Just for you.... I'll give you the simplified answer for your 8th grade intelligence.... Since Nancy Pelosi and some Progressives have brought it up previously in the wrongful case of Donald J Trump.
It surely pertains to our 46th fraudulently elected president that has proven to be non compos mentis.
  • The 25th Amendment formally outlines the transition of power if the president is unable or unfit to serve.
  • Section IV also allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to remove the president from office.
  • Americans have been particularly interested in the amendment since President Donald Trump took office.
Alright big brain. Tell me what role Congress has here given that removal of the president requires a majority of the cabinet first.


GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover

‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

15 Aug 2021 ~~ By Trent Baker
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.” He called it a “tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration.”

Joey Xi supposedly got better numbers than Obama. Yet he couldn't draw a crowd larger than 30 while campaigning.
Obama told us after his election that "Elections have consequences". Rigged Elections have bigger consequences as we have seen for the last 7 months and 16 days.
Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for a phone call, but Biden's deliberately destructive and anti American, constitutionally illegal, foreign and domestic policies are just fine.
He has seriously screwed up the nation in less than 8 months (and Pelosi celebrates his Afghanistan debacle).
This is little more than Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat CPUSA scorched earth strategy. Realizing they are on their way out they have opted to incite a race war, erased our border, reduced the nation's economy to ashes, and diminished our military might to that of the Grenada.
Congressman Drew is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. But OTOH the option of a President Harris and Speaker of the House Pelosi as VP is more frightening.
On Monday with the Quisling Media will begin it's disinformation, cover up, lies and blaming Trump, while the PMS/DSA Democrats will cheer for Joey Xi and his cabal.

You had no issue with it when Trump was going to do the same thing. The same thing would have happened.
Electing democrats or republicans is a mistake. Neither party represents anything I believe in. Our numbers are growing. It should alarm both inept parties.

GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover

‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

15 Aug 2021 ~~ By Trent Baker
Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country.” He called it a “tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration.”

Joey Xi supposedly got better numbers than Obama. Yet he couldn't draw a crowd larger than 30 while campaigning.
Obama told us after his election that "Elections have consequences". Rigged Elections have bigger consequences as we have seen for the last 7 months and 16 days.
Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for a phone call, but Biden's deliberately destructive and anti American, constitutionally illegal, foreign and domestic policies are just fine.
He has seriously screwed up the nation in less than 8 months (and Pelosi celebrates his Afghanistan debacle).
This is little more than Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat CPUSA scorched earth strategy. Realizing they are on their way out they have opted to incite a race war, erased our border, reduced the nation's economy to ashes, and diminished our military might to that of the Grenada.
Congressman Drew is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. But OTOH the option of a President Harris and Speaker of the House Pelosi as VP is more frightening.
On Monday with the Quisling Media will begin it's disinformation, cover up, lies and blaming Trump, while the PMS/DSA Democrats will cheer for Joey Xi and his cabal.
Bush went there for what again?
Biden is doing exactly that right now.
MSM will propagate and democrat morons will parrot.
I don't blame Trump for making the deal to leave, but it never came with a plan. Trump knew we had no business there, but signed a deal without knowing how we would withdraw. Biden was merely acknowledging the deal Trump made. And by the way, Biden wanted out years ago. I fail to see what all the complaining is about? Other than going after Bin Laden, why are we there? Can you answer that? And another thing, if we stayed another twenty years, you don't think the Taliban would be right back doing the same thing?
Penelope, who in the fuck is O'Brien and what is the significance of that idiotic cut and paste you moron? Follow up, why do you have Vespian the "666" of Revelation as your avatar? Are you Jewish or a New Testament End Timer?
If you don't know, then what are you bellyaching about? O'brien was Trump's National Security Advisor. Get out of your fucking close dumb ass.
Biden did the right thing. He's going nowhere.

Have you now changed your mind now that eleven Marines and one Navy Corpsman are now dead along with dozens of civilians?
Have you now changed your mind now that eleven Marines and one Navy Corpsman are now dead along with dozens of civilians?
Absolutely not! War is war. It's less than the 2000 plus we lost in a war with no mission. Go Biden. Keep the evacuations coming. There were more evacuated than expected already.

Are you folks brain dead about withdrawing from there? Why are we there? You can't answer. Why should we stay? There is no reason. Afghanistan and nation building cost us over 2000 lives. And it's none of our business.

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