VP Harris Asks NASA to Track Trees By Race

Who said everything is race for the Left?
Trees and racism, cuz science!

Well my Black Walnut tree and I have had a lot of racial tension lately. The Black tree keeps hurling insults at my White Ash too
Harris has a 28% approval rating. For a VP in an administration's first year, this is an unprecedented low.
Buttigieg calling roads racist.
Granholm laughing and calling it hilarious at trying to get gas prices under control by boosting production.
The President farting long,and loud at the climate conference.

This is like watching a 4 ring circus and every ring is filled with clowns. How low can this administration's approval go? Who knows? They haven't hit rock bottom yet.
Harris has a 28% approval rating. For a VP in an administration's first year, this is an unprecedented low.
Buttigieg calling roads racist.
Granholm laughing and calling it hilarious at trying to get gas prices under control by boosting production.
The President farting long,and loud at the climate conference.

This is like watching a 4 ring circus and every ring is filled with clowns. How low can this administration's approval go? Who knows? They haven't hit rock bottom yet.
LOL.That was before telling all he wants to shut a pipeline down in Winter with skyrocketing energy costs

He'll be at 28 by T-Day and his whore will be at 18

Without the dumb ass fukterds at this place, he'd be lower
LOL.That was before telling all he wants to shut a pipeline down in Winter with skyrocketing energy costs

He'll be at 28 by T-Day and his whore will be at 18

Without the dumb ass fukterds at this place, he'd be lower
remember who is telling us what the ratings are; the lying media.


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