Wacky David Duke after Trump tweets videos of Muslims attacking people:"That's why we love him!"

"With Trump, we get an honest man who does not bow down to the political order, he does not care about hurting peoples feelings. With Trump, we have a President who does not fear what his critics will say, he says what his supporters are already thinking. Cherish that." - Wacky David Duke
"With Trump, we get an honest man who does not bow down to the political order, he does not care about hurting peoples feelings. With Trump, we have a President who does not fear what his critics will say, he says what his supporters are already thinking. Cherish that." - Wacky David Duke

Its not just kkk human garbage who say he's "honest". They watch his 5.5 lies every day and then say he's honest.

I long for the days when we had Conservatives in this country. There may still be a few out there but most are now RWNJ fundie racist slime.

And they welcome and "cherish" this open attack on the US.
"With Trump, we get an honest man who does not bow down to the political order, he does not care about hurting peoples feelings. With Trump, we have a President who does not fear what his critics will say, he says what his supporters are already thinking. Cherish that." - Wacky David Duke

There is a certain amount of Truth to what Duke is saying here, and that puts Duke halfway to broken clock accuracy, but I digress.

We now live in a nation where judges can overtly ignore the clearly written laws and issue contrary ruling made up out of thin air, where the majority race, whites, are legally discriminated against (OK, chime in the libtards going 'oh, poor white guy' any minute), where the Federal government issued regs threatening schools if they did not allow men into girls restrooms if they merely said they thought they were girls, where the government debt was doubled in less than 8 years, where the Feds cannot get their shit together to pass simple laws that would secure our health care system, or simply passing a fucking budget.

Our educated elites all got the last POTUS election totally wrong and now they are in a slow burning coup trying to unseat a duly Constitutionally elected President.

The insanity has gone to such an extreme with the media that no one I know has any confidence that if the Washington Post puts out a story it is 100% objectively true, not any more.

We are led by the biggest bunch of incompetents, failures, crooks, liars and scalawags that this nation has ever seen before.

It could very well be that the only reason the Norks have not threatened to nuke DC is that they dont want to DO US ANY FAVORS.

I say Duke is right about this one.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot David Duke is not wacky. He's very articulate and has political influence.
David Duke is an American citizen. He is entitled to like whoever he wants and he can vote too.

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