Waffen-SS Soldiers Guarded the Nuremberg Trials

The Duke disagreed with my post 37 showing Ukrainian guards were at the extermination camps in Poland, it isn't up for debate it's an historical fact, a list of Trawniki men who served at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.
Mark Feldon never disappoints.
In this topic he worked very closely with Miles Mathis who showed beyond doubt that the trials were complete Fake .
Martin Bormann actually sat disguised in court when he was sentenced to death in absentia .

Quoting Miles on the Topic :-
There we saw the guards at Nuremberg were SS officers. That's right, the Nuremberg judges outlawed the SS, but at the same time hired them to guard their own arrested top officers. Thatmakes sense, right? Well, no. It makes no sense, and is just a sign of lazy scriptwriting and lazy eventcoordinators. The Waffen SS was already on set, so they figured why not use them? One guy in a uniform is as good as the next, right? Besides, they figure we Gentiles are dumb as dirt and won't spot any contradictions in the story. In this manufacturing of history, tidiness has never mattered and still doesn't. The story doesn't have to be airtight. It doesn't even have to be sea-worthy. A rough outline filled in with gibberish is good enough. History by the mentally impaired for the mentally impaired

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