Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans

So you’re ok with a 50-year-old marrying a 15-year-old because it’s “none of our business”. Where is the line with you?

Are you ok with a 50-year-old marrying a 10-year-old if she’s a “willing participant”?
if the government made it legal would you be OK with it??
There’s not much else to discuss with you.

You think 15-year-olds are adults and you think it should be legally allowed for 50-year-olds to marry 15-year-olds.

Got it.
show me where I said 15 yr olds are adults??

you want to control womens bodies and dont care about a 50 yr old shacking up with a 15 yr old if the government says its OK,,

its prolly best for you to end the conversation because you seem to be a control freak,,
Hypocrite lefties get all outraged about parents permitting willing 16 and 17 year olds to obtain a marriage license but on the other hand it's OK for drag queens to groom youngsters into a homosexual lifestyle.
Hypocrite lefties get all outraged about parents permitting willing 16 and 17 year olds to obtain a marriage license but on the other hand it's OK for drag queens to groom youngsters into a homosexual lifestyle.
they want to control what women do with their bodies,,
I think they went the wrong way. Parental consent should be required up to age 21. But for 16's and 17's leave it as is.
Here you go.
oh I get it,,

you dont know about science and a dictionary,,

its a scientific fact a girl becomes a women between 15-17

and adult is a legal term,,,

also by definition a child is the son or daughter of any age,,

so why is it you want to control a womens body??
and why is it ok with you if a 50 yr old marries a 15 yr old if the government says its OK??
You think 15-year-olds are women, not children, and you think it should be legally allowed for 50-year-olds to marry 15-year-olds.

Got it.
you have it backwards,,

science says a girl becomes a women between 15-17 not me,,

and by definition my 35 yr old son is my child,,

I know its hard for you people but words have meanings and science determines when a women becomes a women not you or me,,

so why do you want to control a womens body and dont care about old perverts if the government says its OK??
Uh huh. You're arguing that 15-year-olds are women, not children, and you think it should be legally allowed for 50-year-olds to marry 15-year-olds.

Got it.
science says its between 15-17 not me,,

I dont need the government to deal with old perverts,,

and you seem to obey the government, so if the government says its ok is that good with you??
it seems so since you worship government,,
I can only assume since youre refusing to answer the question and trying to put it on me you dont want to admit if the government says its OK that its OK with you,,
So you haven't dealt with any old perverts yourself.

You consider 15-year-olds women, not children, and you don't want the government to bust old perverts who marry 15-year-olds. Got it.
Hmmm....this seems a no-brainer, protecting youth from both adult predators and the consequences of poor decisions resulting in getting married too young, often leaving the state holding the bag regarding finances and minor children. Yet, some of the Republicans in Missouri oppose it?
Their logic seems flawed. They trot out some successful early marriages, a minority---and ignore the negative consequences--the majority.

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Missouri Republican state representative Dean Van Schoiak (Image: Facebook / Dean VanSchoiak)

A bipartisan bill that would outlaw all child marriages in Missouri has run into resistance from Republicans in the Missouri House that could prevent it from becoming law. The legislation, filed by Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder, a Scott City Republican, and Sen. Lauren Arthur, a Kansas City Democrat, would prohibit anyone under 18 from obtaining a marriage license. Current law allows 16 and 17-year-olds to get married with parental consent. The GOP-controlled state Senate approved the bill on a nearly unanimous vote of 31 to 1 last month. But the legislation has since stalled in a House committee with just more than a week left in this year’s legislative session which ends on May 17.

Supporters of the bill say the opposition illustrates some lawmakers’ extreme and archaic views on marriage. Missouri previously had one of the nation’s most lenient laws surrounding child marriage and the state’s current law has been criticized as a loophole that leaves thousands of teenagers open to abuse and exploitation. “Any explanation used to justify opposition is nothing more than, you know, an excuse to protect predators,” Arthur said in an interview. The committee’s chair, Rep. Jim Murphy, a St. Louis-area Republican, said in an interview that there aren’t enough votes within the committee to get it to the House floor. Seven of the 14 committee members oppose the legislation and disagree with raising the state’s marriage age, he said. “It’s on the…going 16 to 18,” Murphy, who supports the bill, said of the opposition. “There’s just enough members in that committee that don’t think that’s a good idea.”

One of those lawmakers is Rep. Dean Van Schoiack, a Savannah Republican and vice chair of the committee. Van Schoiack said in an interview that he knows people who got married as minors, including a woman at roughly age 17. The couple, he said, is “still madly in love with each other.” “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?”

Rehder, who is running for lieutenant governor, pushed back in an interview. “The government does tell people when they can get married because we do have an age limit right now,” she said. “The fact that he feels that it’s okay for a parent to make a decision for a child, that is a lifetime decision, is offensive.” The legislation is personal for Rehder, who was married at age 15 to her 21-year-old boyfriend in 1984. A year earlier, her sister, at age 16, married her 39-year-old drug dealer, she has said. “As a child that did get married,” she said, “I would say I have a lot more insight to this issue than what he does.”

And yet in the same state, 16 and 17 year are “too young” to make their own decisions about having an abortion or getting birth control without their parents’s consent.

What fools these Republicans be!!!!

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